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Cognitive Dissonance

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Why happiness is easy to venerate, hard to generate. In 1972, the teenage king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, declared that “gross national happiness is more important than gross domestic product”.

Why happiness is easy to venerate, hard to generate

The sound bite has been echoed approvingly down the years, although the king may just have been making excuses. Bhutanese GDP per person was then the grinding poverty of about a dollar a day. Researchers debunk myth of 'right-brained' and 'left-brained' personality traits. Chances are, you've heard the label of being a "right-brained" or "left-brained" thinker.

Researchers debunk myth of 'right-brained' and 'left-brained' personality traits

Logical, detail-oriented and analytical? That's left-brained behavior. Creative, thoughtful and subjective? Your brain's right side functions stronger -- or so long-held assumptions suggest. But newly released research findings from University of Utah neuroscientists assert that there is no evidence within brain imaging that indicates some people are right-brained or left-brained. Short GNH Index edited. Gross National Happiness. "What is Gross National Happiness", an info-graphical video.

Gross National Happiness

Slogan about Gross National Happiness in Thimphu's School of Traditional Arts. Gross National Happiness (abbreviated: GNH), or sometimes called Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH), is a philosophy that guides the government of Bhutan. Gross National Happiness of Bhutan and its False Promises - GSDM. By Dr.

Gross National Happiness of Bhutan and its False Promises - GSDM

David L. Luechauer. Gross national happiness bhutan long report. Virtuous circle and vicious circle. Complex chain of events that reinforces itself through a feedback loop The terms virtuous circle and vicious circle, also known respectively as virtuous cycle and vicious cycle, refer to complex chains of events that reinforce themselves through a feedback loop.[1] A virtuous circle has favorable results, while a vicious circle has detrimental results.

Virtuous circle and vicious circle

Both circles are complex chains of events with no tendency toward equilibrium (social, economic, ecological, etc.) —at least in the short run. Procrastinate Much? Manage Your Emotions, Not Your Time. In the early 1980s, Douglas Adams was struggling to make progress on the fourth installment in his beloved series, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

Procrastinate Much? Manage Your Emotions, Not Your Time.

The great sci-fi humorist had learned from writing the previous books that good ideas usually came to him in the bath, so he would spend his mornings soaking in the tub until he had a eureka moment. Then he would get out to start writing, only to forget the idea while getting dressed, which meant he had no choice but to head right back to the tub. After many months of failing to make progress, Mr. Adams scheduled a solo writing retreat for several weeks at a country manor. Unfortunately, he ended up befriending the hosts, and he spent most of the trip drinking wine. The war against the Postal Service: Postal services should be expanded for the public good, not diminished by special interests. What this report finds: The United States Postal Service is a beloved American institution that provides an essential public service to communities and good middle class jobs for workers.

The war against the Postal Service: Postal services should be expanded for the public good, not diminished by special interests

It is a model of efficiency and responsive to changing customer needs. But the conflicting demands made upon it by Congress and regulators put it in a precarious financial position even before the pandemic. Anti-government ideologues and special interests have long sought to privatize, shrink, or hobble the Postal Service. The Trump administration revived these efforts, spurred by the president’s opposition to mail voting and his animus toward Amazon, a major customer. Manufactured Postal Crisis. Postal voting. Voting, election, ballot papers, distributed to electors or returned by post, mail No postal voting system in place Postal voting available only for some/all citizens abroad.

Postal voting

IPS Price of Privatization. Reviewery. Division of Perceptual Studies. In Remembrance 81 The Gentle American Doctor – Majd Muakkasah, Abu-Izzeddin 83 Professor Ian Stevenson and Some Personal Reminiscences – Mary Rose Barrington 85 Ian Stevenson: A Recollection and Tribute – Stephen E.

Division of Perceptual Studies

Braude 87 Ian Stevenson and His Impact on Foreign Shores – Bernard Carr. 165-Half-Closed-Minds-Article-Text-630-1-10-20100527. Cognitive Architecture. Resolution. Information Overload.