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Jupiter. Jupiter. CodePupil - Learn to code thru fun visual exercises & games. Information and ideas exam prep. Telekinesis. Science & Technology. Default. Massage Therapy for Depression. Massage is a style of therapy involving the manipulation of layers of muscle and tissue to enhance function, and promote relaxation. Massage therapy has been used in China for more than 3,000 years. Chinese practitioners believe massage can help ease feelings of alienation because touch releases hormones inside us that bind us to another human being. Thus, massage therapy can address both physical aches and pains and help to calm the mind and improve mood. How Massage Therapy Works Massage means rubbing and stretching muscle. This relieves tension in muscles, increases blood flow, and promotes relaxation. Although it is rarely a cure, massage therapy can help manage the physical symptoms associated with a variety of ailments.

There are numerous styles of massage. Swedish massage. Pros of Massage Therapy When done correctly, a massage usually provides immediate gratification. Cons of Massage Therapy Massage therapy is not effective as a long-term or sole treatment for depression. Dr. Aromatherapy & Essential Oils for Depression. Aromatherapy is the use of organic compounds called essential oils to improve a person’s mood, mental state, or health. The oils are extracted from various plant parts, such as roots, seeds, leaves, and blossoms, and can be blended together.

Treatment involves diffusing oil into the air, dissolving it in a bath, or applying it during a massage, among other techniques. How Aromatherapy Works Researchers aren’t sure how aromatherapy works, but most believe that chemicals in essential oils trigger smell receptors in the nose that are connected to areas of the brain related to mood. For people with depression, certain oils are believed to bring about a sense of calm or to elevate mood. Methods of aromatherapy include: Diffusion. The following essential oils are sometimes used to help ease the effects of depression: jasminesandalwoodylang-ylangclary sagebasilbergamotrosegeraniumnerolipetitgrain Pros of Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is an easy way to help beat stress with calming and relaxing scents. PSI. Depression. Meditation and enlightenment. Autogenic Training. Depression.