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Font. Less. Positionning. Demo: Adaptive Design With Media Queries. Fusce ut sem est. In eu sagittis felis. In gravida arcu ut neque ornare vitae rutrum turpis vehicula. Nunc ultrices sem mollis metus rutrum non malesuada metus fermentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque interdum rutrum quam, a pharetra est pulvinar ac. Vestibulum congue nisl magna. Vimeo Video YouTube. Very Simple CSS-only Proportional Resizing of Elements | Well Caffeinated. A while ago I posted about Proportional Resizing of Web Page Elements Using Only CSS. At the time, it seemed like the only solution… but fortunately a slightly counter intuitive CSS standard provides a much better way to get this same effect. Credit goes to Nathan D. Ryan for his solution on Stackoverflow. The concept is nicely discussed in Matt Snider’s Blog Post Doing a little research, I was reminded that when you use percents to apply the margin of an element, the browsers determine the actual size of the margin by multiply the percent against the width of the parent node (this is true for margin-top, -right, -bottom, and -left).

This could come in handy for a few things. For example, if I have a container with a child element like so: I can use the following css to give the child element an aspect ratio of 4:3 But, of course, if we put any content inside the child it will change the height and throw off our aspect ratio. And css And that’s it! Here’s the full jsFiddle: Html - Vertically align an image inside a div with responsive height. CSS3 Media Queries Test on your browser. A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel. Page last changed today Yesterday John Gruber wrote about the upped pixel density in the upcoming iPhone (960x640 instead of 480x320), and why Apple did this. He also wondered what the consequences for web developers would be.

Now I happen to be deeply engaged in cross-browser research of widths and heights on mobile phones, and can state with reasonable certainty that in 99% of the cases these changes will not impact web developers at all. The remaining 1% could be much more tricky, but I expect Apple to cater to this problem by inserting an intermediate layer of pixels. (Later John pointed out that such a layer already exists on Android.) One caveat before we start: because they’re unimportant to web developers I have mostly ignored the formal screen sizes, and I’m not really into disucssing the ins and outs of displays, pixel densities, and other complicated concepts. I do know what web developers are interested in, however. It’s easiest to explain when we consider zooming. Stay tuned.

Image resizement Don’t use IDs in CSS selectors? ❧ (@boblet) Recently I came across the post by Matt Wilcox called CSS Lint is harmful, ranting about the useful free tool CSS Lint. The “Don’t use IDs in selectors” suggestion seems to have offended Matt the most, but I was surprised that many commenters also mentioned this as being a reason to avoid CSS Lint.

This surprised me because smart people have been saying prefer classes to IDs for a while now. The article was light on reasons why this suggestion might be bad, but it boils down to: Performance — IDs are “the fastest way a browser can select a given element”If they’re already in the markup it’s best to use them for CSSI’ve been using IDs like forever… waddya mean I shouldn’t use them!? Performance # It’s a common belief that ID selectors are the fastest, but this comes with a big caveat: IDs are fastest CSS selector only if they’re the key selector. #home a {…} We’d generally read this selector as find the element with id="home", then apply these styles to every a it contains. Conclusion # CSS2 - The display declaration. Page last changed today The display property lets you define how a certain HTML element should be displayed. display: block display: block means that the element is displayed as a block, as paragraphs and headers have always been.

A block has some whitespace above and below it and tolerates no HTML elements next to it, except when ordered otherwise (by adding a float declaration to another element, for instance). Live example: display: inline display: inline means that the element is displayed inline, inside the current block on the same line. Display: block display: inline display: none display: none means that the element is not displayed at all (so you won't see it in the example either). display: none display: inline-block An inline block is placed inline (ie. on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block. display: block Let's add some content to see how the block behaves. display: inline-block; width: 10emLet's add some content to see how the block behaves. display: list-item.

Le positionnement inline-block. Les manipulations que demande le positionnement flottant se révèlent parfois un peu délicates sur des sites complexes. Dès qu'il y a un peu plus qu'un simple menu à mettre en page, on risque d'avoir à recourir à des clear: both; qui complexifient rapidement le code de la page. Si le positionnement flottant reste, de loin, le mode de positionnement le plus utilisé sur le Web à l'heure actuelle, d'autres techniques existent et bien peu de webmasters le savent. L'une d'elles, étonnamment puissante, est passée sous le nez des concepteurs de sites web alors qu'elle existe depuis CSS 2.1, c'est-à-dire depuis plus de dix ans ! Elle consiste à transformer vos éléments en inline-block avec la propriété display. Quelques petits rappels sur les éléments de type inline-block : Ils se positionnent les uns à côté des autres (exactement ce qu'on veut pour placer notre menu et le corps de notre page !).

On peut leur donner des dimensions précises (là encore, exactement ce qu'on veut !). 1nav 4 width: 150px; How to deal with :hover on touch screen devices. Are you planning a web project? Not sure what mobile strategy is right for you? Read our short educational article that can help you make the right choice. This article is a small case study about dealing with hover effects on touch screens. As you know, :hover behavior doesn’t exist on touch screen devices. While coding we ran into double tap behavior twice: with pure CSS main menu drop-downs, and with portfolio sorting filter drop-downs (see Filter 1 and Filter 2 on this page).

Problem was eliminated completely on all devices with screen width less or equal to 768 px. But what about touch screen devices with larger resolutions, like tablets? First of all, you need to decide what variant of layout you will want for those devices. To recap: at resolutions larger than 768px both main menu and portfolio filters on my site have drop-downs which are displayed on :hover. With filter drop-downs this sticky behavior was especially annoying.

I’ve put together a starter template. iOS has a :hover problem. Posted at July 5, 2012 01:33 pm by Nicholas C. Zakas Tags: CSS, Hover, iOS, Mobile Recently, I got my first iPad. I’ve had an iPhone since last year, and had gotten used to viewing the mobile specific view of most websites. When I got the iPad, it was my first time experiencing desktop webpages using a touch interface. Generally, the transition was easy. :hover exists everywhere One of the things we’ve been told and I’ve repeated over and over again is that touch devices have no concept of hover. Naturally, with a touch device, there really isn’t a lingering pointer. So it goes without saying that most developers expect touch devices to simply ignore CSS rules containing :hover. This is where the people at Apple might have been a bit too smart. No double taps When I started experiencing the double tap behavior, I was noticing what appeared to be a hover state being shown after the first.

My first step was to create a simple example to see if I could reproduce it. Double tap! If (! Conclusion. TO READ! CSS Reference » Learn CSS3 | Cheat Sheet | CSS Tutorial | Selectors | Properties. CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8. Advertisement One of the most bizarre statistical facts in relation to browser use has to be the virtual widespread numbers that currently exist in the use of Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8. As of this writing, Internet Explorer holds about a 65% market share combined across all their currently used browsers. In the web development community, this number is much lower, showing about a 40% share. The interesting part of those statistics is that the numbers across IE6, IE7, and IE8 are very close, preventing a single Microsoft browser from dominating browser stats — contrary to what has been the trend in the past.

Due to these unfortunate statistics, it is imperative that developers do thorough testing in all currently-used Internet Explorer browsers when working on websites for clients, and on personal projects that target a broader audience. This article does not discuss: Any item that is not supported by any of the three browser versionsProprietary or vendor-specific CSS Example Bugs.

The Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding. Advertisement It is arguable that there is no goal in web design more satisfying than getting a beautiful and intuitive design to look exactly the same in every currently-used browser. Unfortunately, that goal is generally agreed to be almost impossible to attain. Some have even gone on record as stating that perfect, cross-browser compatibility is not necessary. While I agree that creating a consistent experience for every user in every browser (putting aside mobile platforms for the moment) is never going to happen for every project, I believe a near-exact cross-browser experience is attainable in many cases. As developers, our goal should not just be to get it working in every browser; our goal should be to get it working in every browser with a minimal amount of code, allowing future website maintenance to run smoothly. Understand the CSS Box Model The CSS box model is responsible for calculating: The CSS box model has the following basic rules: Understand Floating and Clearing Conclusion.

Do websites need to look exactly the same in every browser? Pure CSS Tabs with Fade Animation Demo 1.