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Top Five Raspberry Pi Projects for College Students | Knowledge Miner. Posted By admin On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 09:10 PM. Under Computer Today, after about one year of its launch, the Raspberry Pi is considered to be a hit choice for DIY (Do It Yourself) electronic projects. It was created with the aim of helping students develop simple and cost-effective projects on which they were reluctant to work due to the use of high-priced devices. This system-on-a-chip (SoC) uses 32 bit 700 MHz ARM CPU with a GPU, 256MB of RAM and an SD card as a hard drive. The device comes with two USB ports, Ethernet, and audio, as well as HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) at 1080p.

With such special characteristics, price, and size, the Raspberry Pi has received the lion’s share of attention. A variety of projects has been built using this credit card sized $35 platform. Home automation system The Raspberry Pi can be used for home automation by integrating it with mobile technology to offer an easy, cheap, customizable, and reliable solution. Wearable computer. Rapidminer on Raspberry Pi | Neural Market Trends. Resources | the spread. Data Science 101 | Learning To Be A Data Scientist. Data Science Central. AnalyticBridge - Data Intelligence, Business Analytics.

Predictive analytics. We attended the recent Glimpse Conference 2013, where members of New York's tech scene came together at Bloomberg headquarters to talk about social discovery, predictive analytics, and customer engagement. Our key takeaway from the event: small, real-time data coming from very personal apps like email, calendar, social, and other online services will fuel next-level predictive apps and services. Specifically: • Better insight doesn’t require more data; it needs the right data. Amassing large databases of customer profiles, purchase history, and web browser activity only goes so far, and is costing companies millions, if not billions of dollars every year.

Mikael Berner from EasilyDo sees a new opportunity in better utilizing data scattered across personal email indices, calendars, social networks, and file and content repositories that directly indicate customers’ plans, interests, and motivations. • Email, calendar, and location data is a goldmine for predictive analytics. DECISION STATS « Better Decisions === Faster Stats.