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Top 40 Innovation Bloggers of 2017. By Innovation Excellence After a week of torrid voting and much passionate support, along with a lot of gut-wrenching consideration and jostling during the judging round, I am proud to announce your Top 40 Innovation Bloggers of 2017: Sarah Miller CaldicottA great grandniece of Thomas Edison and innovation process expert, Sarah Miller Caldicott was co-author of the first book ever written on Thomas Edison’s world-changing innovation practices, Innovate Like Edison: The Five-Step System For Breakthrough Business Success.

Her final book, Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison’s Lab, was released by Wiley. Sarah passed away this year unexpectedly and she will be missed greatly. Tom KouloupoulosTom Koulopoulos is the author of 10 books and founder of the Delphi Group, a 25-year-old Boston-based think tank and a past Inc. 500 company that focuses on innovation and the future of business. He tweets from @tkspeaks. Matthew E MayMatthew E. Yoram SolomonDr. Euromonitor International Blog. Negocios y Emprendimiento - Emprender, Crear empresa, Iniciar Negocio. Comunidad de formación y desarrollo profesional. Portada - Academia de Inversión - Aprende value investing desde cero. InBestia - Información financiera salvajemente libre. Comportamiento del consumidor. Explore.

Praxis Docente. Para un nuevo management: El liderazgo humano y la muerte de los jefes. Por Rafael Díaz. RafaDiaz. Desde que empecé a observar la red y los entornos de trabajo, tengo la sensación de que mucha gente confunde lo que es y cómo se consigue el liderazgo. No consiste en decir cosas que a los demás les puedan gustar, no se consigue por lo que dices, sino por lo que haces y sobretodo, por cómo lo haces. Gánate la influencia. Tengo bastante claro que la influencia no se consigue pidiendo, se consigue dando (dando recursos, esperanzas, motivaciones, oportunidades…en definitiva, “humanidad” a otras personas). No hay que pedir tanto, sino dar más. La generosidad, la empatía y la colaboración son rasgos humanos que harán posible que los negocios lleguen más lejos. Cuando das lo mejor de tí a otra persona, esa persona te dará lo mejor de ella. Olvídate de dar ordenes, obsesiónate por conseguir los objetivos conjuntos.

¿Has pensado cómo puedes ayudar a las personas que tienes en la mesa de al lado? Lo siento mucho, has dejado de ser el jefe. 12 noviembre, 2013 Rafa Licencia: The blog of the free, simple personal finance solution. Track all your spending automatically, find the best deals, save more money. And save the world. The appeal of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs, for short) is simple: They trade like stocks, but contain a basket of assets, much like a mutual fund.

This provides instant diversification, without the need to research every last stock or bond. For example, an S&P 500 ETF covers all (or most) of the stocks on the... Read more According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the average American spends over $1400 on buying clothes and related items per year and it’s been estimated that most people only wear 20% of the clothing they own. Want to look great, keep the closet clutter to the minimum, and stop wasting money on unworn items? The key is... Whether you’re religious or not, Easter can be an incredibly fun time of year — delicious candy, beautiful eggs, fluffy bunnies, and pastel everything.

Zillow real estate investment writer and long-term investor Leonard Baron, MBA, is answering questions from MintLife readers. Filling up your child’s Easter basket can be an expensive endeavor. Sales & Marketing Advice | Both Sides of The Table. I’m going to increase my writing about sales & marketing in the near future. I put a few posts up front that I have already covered in the Startup Series.

But I will soon begin a discussion about sales methodologies. Stay tuned. 10 Marketing Tips for Startups Some Other Thoughts on Sales & Marketing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sales Methodology (PUCCKA) Why a methodology in the first place? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. More Thoughts on Sales 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.