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Art Biz Blog. By Alyson Stanfield on March 26, 2015 I am not immune to unproductive days, and I’ve had more than my fair share of them recently. In order to get back on track, I’ve reminded myself of these principles to use throughout the day. They really work – when you do them. Start The Day With 3 Intentional Steps I swear by the importance of these first three steps. When I don’t do them, I am significantly more overwhelmed and stressed out. Continue Reading… by Alyson Stanfield on March 19, 2015 There’s an epidemic going around. Don’t panic. Your physical health isn’t in peril, but the health of your art business is at stake. The epidemic is SENS – Sloppy Email and Newsletter Syndrome. Symptom 1: Missing Name This is the most destructive of all the SENS symptoms. I’ve lost count of how many artist newsletters I receive without the artist’s full name in them.

But I shouldn’t have to search for your full name. Continue Reading… by Alyson Stanfield on March 12, 2015 What is working? Continue Reading… But … Connexion. 100 Rejection Letters - The Tiffany Han. *Please note: Registration at the Gold and Platinum Levels is now closed. Click here to get on the list to be the first to know when I re-open registration. (You don’t need another e-course. You just need to start.) You’ve got big plans for yourself, don’t you? You dream about your creative business taking off one of these days. You watch other people celebrate their successes, you see them sell out their courses and get the gigs and book the clients. You’re sick of spinning your wheels online, playing with Facebook and twitter, trying to stay busy and waiting (waiting!) You’ve taken all the e-courses!

You have the ideas. If left to your own devices, you will drag your feet forever. Newsflash, Gorgeous: You already have everything you need. Instead of focusing on what you don’t know, it’s time to focus on what you do know. When you stop spinning your wheels and start taking action, you will have a bigger audience, make more money and (finally!) And fear? The time to start is right now. Copie signée d'une Collection un livre de jour par lisacongdon. Amazon. Barney Davey Art Marketing Services - Scottsdale - Arts & Marketing. Artpromotivate. How Artists can Cope with Distractions at Home. Do you have things in your life which distract you from art making? I think we all do to some degree. But, when things start to interfere with our ability to create, it may be time to take a step back and access our situation. Are you spending too much time online? Are you bringing home baggage from your day job, making it difficult to focus on creating art?

Do you prefer to work in solitude, but have people distracting you often? Are things so hectic at home, that it takes a long time to complete pieces? For many artists, it may be impossible to completely remove distractions – especially if these distractions are the ones we love the most. Image by Learning Fundamentals Personally, I have many distractions. So, this is what this post is about – how to cope with distractions as an artist. Go somewhere where you will not be distracted. No matter what we do, we will always have distractions. What about you? Please post your responses below. Fine Art Tips. Three Tips for Getting Your Art Seen on Twitter :: Social Media Success for Artists. I love Twitter. It is one of my favorite social media sites – especially when I just want to take a quick break from what I’m working on and see what’s happening in the world outside my office.

And since I follow lots of artists on Twitter – it’s also a great way for me to get a quick bit of inspiration. To see wonderful art – all I need to do is take a quick look at my Twitter feed. I’ve noticed that some artists do an incredible job sharing their art with the world on Twitter – while others can make it a challenge for me to see their work. 1. Which of these two tweets of mine are more likely to catch your attention? 2. If your tweets aren’t protected (which I recommend), then anyone can see your tweets and retweet them to their followers which greatly increased the number of people who can see (and fall in love with) your art. 3. If you look at my Twitter feed – you’ll usually see a list of @ messages in the morning where I’m thanking people who shared my tweets the day before. Skinny Artist.

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield. Art Book Store - Books for Artists.

Shakti Gawain & Marc Allen

Inspiration for the creative spirit - Laura Hollick. Antonia Wibke Heidelman. Julia Cameron. Home. Healing Art ~ by Eva Annaluna. Michele Cassou Workshop. True You Creativity Studio :: Creativity Treasury. Everybody needs the opportunity to express their Creativity. There is a part in each of us that longs to create, to be seen and to be acknowledged for who we are. How do you access your Creativity so you can satisfy that part of you? Somehow it’s not as simple as the Nike slogan, "Just do it!” If we could "just do it”, we would! Have you noticed what happens when you’ve received an inspiration? Before you know it there is a tension, almost a magnetic field, between you and your project. Our judgments and our lack of accepting "what is” stop us. Innate Creativity flows when you can accept what is right now. Creating is a neutral act. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Painting From Within -Cheryl Opie - Melbourne Australia.

When I was young I was unlucky enough to win a colouring-in competition, my picture was perfect, not one bit of colour outside the lines. I really enjoyed drawing and painting but now I had to make all my pictures perfect! If I felt they were not perfect or I did not get recognised for my excellent work, I felt "not good enough" I am not alone with this experience, most people I know do not feel good enough. And so I ask you.......Do you remember when you could play and create for hours and you were totally with yourself and time meant n-o-t-h-i-n-g?

Do you remember when you were free and and you could paint and invent whatever you wanted to and.... outside the lines .. before you were taught "how to paint in proportion and correctly? " In the past I have taught children to paint for the sake of play and for the fun of inventing, which meant they never had to produce something for approval or acceptance. And these are the same principles, with no rules,that we use in the adult classes.

7 WEEK INTUITIVE CREATIVE ADVENTURE | Creative Transformation & Fulfillment. Are you missing the freedom to explore and express yourself creatively as you wish to feel more joy, wonder, passion, flow and drive in your life? Are you tired of rigid planning that leaves no space to explore on your own? Are you feeling an energy depletion, and a general lack of resources, money, love and/or excitement? Do you long to reconnect with your innate adventurous creativity to explore, experience and reconnect to yourself and others? Do you long to reactivate your playful free nature? Perhaps you looking for inspiration to create unique visuals for your personal brand and business marketing or a creative project? I invite you to come on a creative journey with me. In this 7 week adventure I’ll show you some fun creative play tools to boost your… CreativityVisibiltyIntuitionImaginationCreative marketing ideasSelfvalue Selflove Creative tribe connectionsEnergy SystemEssence expressionPleasureWonderSense of Fulfillment & FreedomJoy I’d love for you to experience that too. incl.

Creativity Web - Resources for Creativity and Innovation. The Painting Experience with Stewart Cubley. Jumpstart your Creativity in just 15 minutes a day. Finding inspiration everywhere Think of this book as a toolbox for inspiration. We developed it from our belief that we can find creativity and inspiration pretty much everywhere in our every day lives. 15 Minutes a day is what we ask you to spend letting your imagination speak to you through the exercises in this book. Pretty soon you will be finding all kinds of ideas and projects that you didn't know you had. No preconceptions, no agendas You will be asked not to think about anything other than the text and images in the book. The root of all discoveries We humans are hard wired to see patterns and form connections, which are the root of all the discoveries, stories, and advancements of civilization.

We need to be surprised This book is full of exercises to help you surprise yourself. Experiment and improvise Jumpstart Your Creativity in just 15 Minutes a day is designed to let the wild, creative self we are all born with have its day. Great on an iPad, computer or paper. Jamie Ridler Studios ~ Where Creativity Comes to Life. As We Are - Artists Who Have an Intellectual Disability - Perth, Western Australia. The Creative Journal -- Lucia Capacchione -- HealthWorld Online. Creativity | What is Creativity. Let’s start with the dictionary definition, however brief and limited, it covers the basics: Creativity: the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, or imagination.

To this definition let us add the following: Creativity: an act of transformation by which we turn one idea or thing into something else by way of intellectual, chemical or manual alchemy. And this: Creativity: life as a gigantic erector set. You can put anything together in new and original ways--the most immaterial with the most concrete, the most esoteric melded to the most down to earth. Albert Einstein referred to this thinking process as "combinatory play. " The Courage to Fail Over and Over Again Creativity is the experimental laboratory of civilization. “Fail, fail again, fail better.“ Samuel Becket The Sum of Creativity is Always Greater than its Parts Can you Teach Creativity?

"There is no cure for curiosity".