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7 best practices for creating mockups. Photoshop has a large following of devoted users, thanks to its deep wealth of features, options, and user-created content.

7 best practices for creating mockups

This list of the 250 best Photoshop resources speaks volumes about the tool's popularity. And many pixel-perfect die-hards still feel more comfortable designing their mockups in Photoshop over its direct competitors and more specialized mockup tools. Win clients & work smarter with our FREE ebook: get it now! Mock-Ups. 42 best Illustrator tutorials. 8 top acrylic painting tips for artists. If you're working on your painting techniques and fancy trying your hand at acrylic painting, we've got everything you need here to get you started.

8 top acrylic painting tips for artists

Acrylics are fast drying paints that can be used straight from a tube, like oil paints, or can be thinned with water, like watercolour. They are extremely versatile and vibrant, offering the artist a wide range of textures, colours and consistencies. Affordable option Acrylics are also affordable, making them ideal for covering large areas with paint.

Because these paints are opaque and fast drying, they can be very forgiving, allowing you to cover up mistakes with more paint. 18 šeříková,120,STARDREAM,perleťová. Speciální grafické papíry - Tiskárna Printia. Tiskneme především na papíry speciální a grafické, přičemž je odebíráme od velkoobchodních dodavatelů.

Speciální grafické papíry - Tiskárna Printia

Svatební oznámení s fotografiemi se tisknou většinou na hladké bílé papíry vyšší gramáže (260 až 300 g/m2; Kancelářský papír má pro srovnání 80 g/m2). Papíry ražené jsou vhodnější pro oznámení s kresbami nebo jen s textem. Řadu papírů lze kombinovat a sice především papíry barevné metalické se světlými papíry. Chcete-li si vyrobit tiskoviny svépomocí na některý z níže uvedených papírů, lze papíry u nás objednat. Fotonávod: Jak se dělá sítotisk. Oblečení v obchodech je den ode dne stejnější, i když se výrobci snaží motivy obměňovat a nebojí se sáhnout po nezvyklých tématech.

Fotonávod: Jak se dělá sítotisk

Pokud se nám i přes jejich snahu motivy znelíbily, můžeme si vyrobit své vlastní a jedinečné. Jednoduchou cestou k nim je metoda sítotisku, kterou se návštěvníci infoshopu Pelech učili pětadvacátého dubna pod vedením zkušených tvůrců. Těm, kteří se nemohli zúčastnit, Stisk nyní nabízí podrobný fotonávod. Ti, kteří si chtějí vyrábět oblečení s vlastními motivy doma, bezesporu sáhnou po metodě sítotisku, která je ve své podstatě velmi jednoduchá. Pětadvacátéhého dubna se konal v infoshopu Pelech workshop zaměřený právě na tuto metodu. Vstup do světa logotvorby - Grafické tipy. Mám pro vás předčasný vánoční dárek.

Vstup do světa logotvorby - Grafické tipy

Sepsal jsem více jak 150stránkový úvod do světa logotvorby. Trvalo mi to něco málo přes 200 hodin. Knihu sdílím zdarma, jelikož chci, aby doputovala k co nejvíce čtenářům a snad se mi to někdy (v dobrém) vrátí. Zdarma on-line generátor čárových kódů - snadno a rychle. Fotor - Free Online Photo Editing & Creatives.

5 Starter Challenges. Download Free 8 Photorealistic Stationery PSD Mockups. Graficky_navod.pdf. Top 20 graphic designers to follow on Pinterest. There are many ways that designers can make the most of social networks, but one of the best places to find inspiration has to be Pinterest.

Top 20 graphic designers to follow on Pinterest

Having said that, with so many boards to wade through, it's also an easy place to lose hours of your life. So to help you find and pin the most interesting stuff, we’ve picked some of the best graphic designers to follow. Enjoy! 01. Daniel Nelson Swedish-based graphic designer and developer Daniel Nelson has amassed nearly 70,000 followers on his Pinterest account. 02. Ultimate Collection of Free Adobe InDesign Templates. When it comes to multi page layout, Adobe InDesign is the first choice of software for many professional designers.

Ultimate Collection of Free Adobe InDesign Templates

20+ Awesome Designer Resume Templates for Free Download. Amazingly Cool & Creative Resume Templates for Your Dream Job!

20+ Awesome Designer Resume Templates for Free Download

As the university year comes to an end and exams are looming, I am thinking ahead to my 3 month summer break and how best to make use of it. I would love to say I will be spending it sunning myself on a tropical beach but no, instead I am keen to make the most of this time and seek out an internship for the summer.

Knowing that I really need to stand out from the crowd in this increasingly tough job market, I knew my resume not only needed an update but an entire design makeover! 40 Free Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Website Templates. HTML5 has been around for a while now and we can see all developers have started to share free resources in HTML5, CSS3.

40 Free Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Website Templates

The templates we are introducing today are totally free with amazing features like flat design, responsive layout, jquery sliders etc. Designing Media Works. UX Courses from the Interaction Design Foundation. As a member, you can take as many courses as you want with no additional costs. This means you only have to pay our membership fee to take an unlimited number of courses.

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Professional Catalogue & Booklet Design Templates

These are print-ready template designs that you can buy and customize with your own images and text. They can be used for fashion, business, furniture stores, portfolios, travel magazines, product catalogs and more! Free Helvetica, Gotham, Futura and DIN Font Downloads Online. IdN™ Proshop® — IdN Extra 08: Typo/graphic Posters (20% OFF Special Release!) IdN Extra 08: Typo/graphic Posters Data Typography, Graphics, and its Application in Creative Poster Design Typo/graphic posters of type and posters Type design and typography is one of the key elements of a basic poster design.

On the one hand, headline type needs to be legible to communicate the message of the poster; but how do you balance it with the rest of the elements of a poster? Graphics, photos, information, illustrations... indeed, there is a lot to be considered in a poster than one might think. Specifications: ISBN: 978-988-15950-4-1 Size: 210mm(w) x 270mm(h) Pages: 142 pages Featuring:

35 Best Free Social Media Icons Set for 2014. Social media icons have now evolved to be the foremost important elements in a blog/website. A blogger cannot imagine expanding his viewership without having displayed social media icons on his blog. Art Vive. Best Free Social Media Icons Buttons. Social media icons play such a huge role in driving traffic to your blog or website. Over the past several months many other blogs have compiled their list of website, social media, Twitter and other icons, so in case you missed them here is the motherload collection! They have really become a “must have” feature. This large collection of recently released icon sets is supposed to help designers improve their designs on their web sites and in web applications. 40 Sets of Free Social Media Icons. This post was originally published a few years ago. Some of the icon sets showcased in the original post are no longer online, so we’ve updated the post by removing the dead links and outdated icon sets.

We’ve added many new icon sets as new social media sites are always popping up and many of the older sets didn’t include icons for sites like Pinterest that are now very popular. Design trends also change over time, and we’ve added links to a number of sets that use a trendy flat style of design. Designers love free icon sets.

Ceny za pronájem ateliéru. The 61 best iPhone apps for designers. Pin od pinnera Claire na nástěnce UX/UI Design. Creative-routines-edit3.png (3600×5400) Files/infographiclarge_v2.png. Vector Background - Free Vector backgrounds, Vector Backgrounds Download. 24 extraordinarily cool motion graphic designs. Motion graphics are flat out neat. They’re what dazzles our eyes at the beginning of movies and during commercials. They’re what takes stagnant illustrations and makes them great animations. Even little pieces of motion graphics are implemented in video productions as well.

There’s no other way to say it—motion graphics are cool. As connection speeds go up, and users crave more and more immersive experiences, we’ll see motion graphics play a larger and larger role in web design. So to fire up those creative juices, we’ve put together a collection of incredible motion graphics. TVC Documentary.