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Pollution de l'air: la France plutôt épargnée grâce au nucléaire. Par deedoff dans Divers le 29 Novembre 2011 à 17:32 Connaissez-vous Belchatów ? La fierté de cette ville de Pologne, à 160 kilomètres de Varsovie, ce sont ses équipes de football et de volley. Mais la commune abrite aussi une énorme centrale électrique qui brûle du lignite, ce « mauvais charbon » très courant à l'Est. C'est la plus grande centrale thermique d'Europe et l'usine la plus polluante de tout le continent, tous secteurs confondus, selon un rapport publié hier par l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement. Afin de la rendre plus propre, Alstom doit moderniser certaines installations et Bruxelles subventionne sur place un projet de capture et de stockage du carbone.

Des usines de ce type, l'Union européenne en compte des dizaines. Les centrales nucléaires suisses à l'épreuve du "stress tests" > Nucléaire - Japan - New Limits on Reactors. Nucléaire : c'est reparti pour 20 ans - Climat. Les investissements de près de 50 milliards d'euros prévus pour le nucléaire paraissent exorbitants.

Nucléaire : c'est reparti pour 20 ans - Climat

Le sont-ils vraiment quand il s'agit en fait de prolonger de 20 ans l'énorme outil de production d'électricité qu'est le parc français ? Trois questions à Francis Sorin, porte-parole de la Société française de l'énergie nucéaire (SFEN) Comment analysez vous le rapport que vient de présenter M. Claude Lacoste, le président de l'ASN ? Il y a deux enseignements fondamentaux dans le rapport publié cette semaine par l'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire. - D'abord, il ne préconise aucune fermeture de centrale, car il juge que la sûreté de notre secteur nucléaire en France est satisfaisante. - Ensuite, les investissements demandés par l'ASN, s'ajoutant à d'autres déjà prévus, vont permettre de prolonger de 20 ans le grand outil électrogène qui assure 75% de la production électrique française.

Précisons les choses. Le parc actuel de centrales est presque amorti. On est dans le contexte de Fuskushima. Seismic Expert Explains Work in U.S. Nuclear Industry, Lessons From Japan. Duke Energy's Seismic Qualification Expert John Richards John Richards has worked for Duke Energy (formerly Duke Power) since receiving his master’s in civil engineering from Virginia Tech in 1982.

Seismic Expert Explains Work in U.S. Nuclear Industry, Lessons From Japan

The majority of his 29 years in the nuclear energy industry have been dedicated to the seismic qualification field. Seismic qualification verifies that the equipment vital to safely shutting down a nuclear energy facility can safely operate during and/or after an earthquake. All U.S. nuclear energy facilities have specific seismic protection standards based on the historical earthquake activity in that area, plus an additional margin of safety. Q: What are your primary responsibilities at Duke Energy? 2011: The Year in Review. Abandon du nucléaire en Allemagne : déjà 20000 postes supprimés. Angela Merkel, pour pouvoir se faire réélire dans un pays à forte imprégnation écologique, a finalement décidé de poursuivre sur la voie de l'abandon du nucléaire tracée par ses prédécesseurs sociaux-démocrates, alors que l'on aurait pu penser, sur la base du début de sa législature, qu'elle allait au contraire le relancer.

Abandon du nucléaire en Allemagne : déjà 20000 postes supprimés

Entre temps, bien sur, il y a eu la catastrophe de Fukushima au Japon qui a conforté les états d'esprit dans leur conviction antinucléaire. Ainsi donc, avant la fin de l'année 2011, les Sept centrales nucléaires les plus anciennes du pays seront définitivement fermées.Une telle décision pourtant ne manquera pas d'avoir des effets sur les sociétés exploitantes de ces centrales, sur leurs sous-traitants et sur les industries connexes de leur exploitation. C'est ainsi que parmi les énergéticiens allemands, deux exploitants des centrales promises à la fermeture ont annoncé des plans de restructuration sévères. #Nuclear #Nucleaire news. La sortie du nucléaire en Allemagne connaît des ratés. Appel à l'électricité autrichienne, industriels se plaignant de coupures de courant, éoliennes au chômage technique...

L'abandon du nucléaire et le passage aux énergies vertes en Allemagne ne vont pas sans heurts. En dépit d'un hiver clément, la première économie européenne, qui a décidé en mars d'arrêter immédiatement ses 8 plus vieux réacteurs nucléaires et de condamner les 9 autres d'ici la fin 2022, a eu besoin début décembre de solliciter en urgence des centrales autrichiennes à gaz et à fioul.

Signs a $500-Million Integrated Fuel Supply Contract with Xcel Energy. January 04, 2012 AREVA has signed a unique integrated fuel and related services contract with Xcel Energy* in the United States to supply the Monticello nuclear power plant located in the state of Minnesota.

Signs a $500-Million Integrated Fuel Supply Contract with Xcel Energy

The approximately $500-million contract covers uranium, conversion, enrichment, fuel design and fabrication, and related engineering services. It is the first of a kind awarded by a nuclear utility to a fuel supplier in the country in several decades. Under the agreement, AREVA will provide six fuel reloads which correponds to a decade of fuel supply, with deliveries beginning in 2015. UPDATE 3-French nuclear plants told to prepare for disasters. Les centrales nucléaires belges, toujours bonnes à l'emploi. Les centrales nucléaires belges sont capables de résister à des évènements extrêmes, comme des tremblements de terre ou encore des inondations. Comme indique la RTBF sur foi du rapport final, déposé le 31 décembre dernier, par l'Agence Fédérale de Contrôle Nucléaire sur les "stress tests" lancés suite à la catastrophe de Fukushima, certaines d'entre elles devront cependant être améliorées sur divers points afin d'éviter les mauvaises surprises.

Nucléaire/ASN: Fillon s'engage. Will the N-power industry regain public trust? - Forbes India News. India is experiencing, for the first time, what many other countries have experienced for years - a demonstration of how easy it is for anti-nuclear activists to rouse public opinion to fever pitch by playing on the mysteries of the atom and the nature of radiation.

Will the N-power industry regain public trust? - Forbes India News

Nothing has actually occurred in India to justify such public concern. But Fukushima has created just enough confusion for agitators to persuade people in at least this one locality (Kudankulam) that nuclear power poses a unique and enormous threat to their health and environment. Bourse en ligne : Information boursiere, Economie, Finance, Bourse de paris - Cerclefinance. La vague verte. Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant now more stable. Iwaki, Japan -- Fukushima was just emerging from the snows of winter when the disaster hit - a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, the strongest in Japan's recorded history, followed by a tsunami. The wall of water destroyed much of the northeastern coast on March 11. In the northeast region of Fukushima, a different disaster was brewing: Three reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant were melting down, irreparably damaged by the super tremor. Barnett Shale: Committee's report slams response to Japan's nuclear disaster at Fukushima power plant.

IAEA Chief Predicts Number of Nuclear Power Stations will triple by 2030. TOKYO –The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano delivered a speech December 19 in Tokyo and presented a forecast that the number of nuclear power plants would increase by 90 to 350 units in the world between now and 2030.

IAEA Chief Predicts Number of Nuclear Power Stations will triple by 2030

The figure was estimated by IAEA following the accident at the Fukushima I nuclear power station operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. Amano said, “While the rate of increase will be smaller than that prior to the accident, we still expect a substantial increase.” Amano pointed out, “Except a fraction of European nations, many countries are still keen to use nuclear power while strengthening its safety.” He reiterated his view by saying, “The perception currently dominant in the world is that nuclear power continues to be a necessity” from the perspective of mitigating global warming and ensuring energy security. Source: The Denki Shimbun Related articles. Smoking gun – German president of Environmental Protection Agency touts natural gas instead of nuclear. An article in The Guardian titled UK’s faith in nuclear power threatens renewables, says German energy expert is full of evidence of the alliance between natural gas salesmen and the advocates of unreliable sources of energy like wind and solar in an effort to discourage the use of nuclear energy for economic, market-based reasons.

Smoking gun – German president of Environmental Protection Agency touts natural gas instead of nuclear

Jochen Flasbarth, identified as “climate advisor to the German government and Federal Environment Agency president” made the following statement: We are not missionaries, and every country will have to find its own way in energy policy, but it is obvious that nuclear plants are too inflexible and cannot sufficiently respond to variations in wind or solar generation, only gas [power stations] do. (Emphasis added.) The notion that power plants relying on uranium fission cannot respond to load changes is absurd. Here is another piece of evidence for my assertion that Flasbarth is, in effect, a natural gas salesman. Mes quatre questions en réponse à Eric Besson. Les récentes attaques du ministre Besson sur ma supposée incompétence en matière de nucléaire relèvent du domaine du dérisoire. Cependant, une telle charge donne un aperçu de la difficulté à obtenir un débat public raisonnable sur la sortie du nucléaire.

La pédagogie de la réforme étant métier de Sisyphe, qu’il me soit ici permis, au risque de me répéter, de répondre aux fausses assertions des partisans du statu quo atomique. Fessenheim nuclear closure would hurt French power supply: minister. London (Platts)--22Nov2011/537 am EST/1037 GMT.

Fessenheim nuclear closure would hurt French power supply: minister

German minister wants new fossil-fuel plants at old nuclear reactor sites - Coal. London (Platts)--17Nov2011/746 am EST/1246 GMT Germany's minister for the economy, Philipp Roesler, said he envisages new fossil-fuel power plants at the sites of decommissioned old nuclear power facilities, as the country needs to fill the gap left following its decision to phase out nuclear power generation by 2022.

German minister wants new fossil-fuel plants at old nuclear reactor sites - Coal

"All the necessary grid connections are already there," Roesler, who is also vice-chancellor, said Wednesday during a visit to the European Energy Exchange in Leipzig. The market will decide whether the new plants should be coal and gas-fired plants, he added, according to a report by state broadcaster ARD. Article continues below... TEPCO’s Investigation on the Yunotake Fault. Objective We have confirmed that some normal earthquake fault has emerged along the Yunotake Fault by the earthquake (M7.0) which occurred on April 11th on Hama-dori in Fukushima Prefecture, which we did not think need to be considered as active faults in terms of the aseismic design.

TEPCO’s Investigation on the Yunotake Fault

Based on this, in order to check whether there have been activities of Yunotake Fault after the Late Pleistocene (after approximately 120,000 ~ 130,000 years ago), we have been Conducting boring and trench investigations around the fault Status of investigation (quick report) Nuclear a pawn in Belgian politics. In pursuit of a functioning government Belgium has reversed a 2009 agreement and proposed a crippling tax on nuclear power, leading utilities to threaten court action. Energy Policy: Facts Must Prevail Over Dogma. By Luc Oursel, Chairman of AREVA’s Executive Board Luc Oursel, Chairman of AREVA’s Executive Board Energy policy is a subject that we cannot afford to discuss based on short-term considerations or emotional speculation.

Rocard : "Vouloir attenter au nucléaire est une folie" E.ON to Sue German Government on Nuclear Exit. Warsaw Business Journal - Online Portal - The True Cost of Coal. September 30th, 2011 | 2:06 pm The True Cost of Coal The American Economic Review just published an economic study, titled “Environmental Accounting for Pollution in the United States Economy,” which seeks to quantify the true total cost of various U.S. energy sources.

The authors track the major air pollutants from various U.S. sources, and estimate the actual cost for each to American society. A key finding is their statement that “solid waste combustion, sewage treatment, stone quarrying, marinas, and oil and coal-fired power plants have air pollution damages larger than their value …” Boost Safety at Nuclear Plant, Build Tsunami Wall. The Quest — By Daniel Yergin — Book Review. Civil disorder and nuclear power. Nuclear fission, like any other energy source, carries benefits and risks. In discussion on future deployment of different sustainable energy sources, the commentary in this blog has placed a lot of emphasis on the rational weighting of factors such as: (i) lives lost per unit of energy delivered; (ii) costs expended and opportunity losses; (iii) reliability and stability for electricity provision, including essential services; (iv) risks of catastrophic failure of technologies (e.g., hydro dam burst, nuclear meltdown, fossil fuel explosions, super-volcano wipeout of solar capacity, etc.), (v) ability of different technologies to effectively mitigate anthropogenic global warming and close down fossil-fuel power stations [perhaps the most important single factor]; (vi) security of fissile material; (vii) …and so on.

However, there is one topic, related to the above, that has never been broached here. I was reminded of this recently by Geoff Russell: Like this: Like Loading... Iberdrola, GDF to pursue UK nuclear venture. Nuclear pull-out to cost Germany 250 billion euros: study. Germany's decision to switch from nuclear to renewable sources of energy will require investment of 250 billion euros ($340 billion) over the next decade, a new study found Monday. According to the study by the state-owned investment bank KfW, the planned realignment of Germany's power supply from nuclear to renewables will require "additional investment needs of around 250 billion euros by 2020. " KfW describes itself as one of the leading sources of finance in the energy sector, estimating that it financed 80 percent of new wind turbines installed in Germany last year, plus 40 percent of solar panels.

The bank also financed the insulation of buildings. Nucléaire: Paris plaide pour une généralisation des tests mondiaux. Nucléaire: Paris plaide pour une généralisation des tests mondiaux VIENNE - La France a plaidé lundi pour la généralisation d'ici mi-2012 de tests de résistance nucléaires à tous les réacteurs du monde et la publication des résultats sous la supervision de l'Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique (AIEA). Spain nuclear plants all pass stress tests -CSN. Greenwashing after the Phase-Out: German 'Energy Revolution' Depends on Nuclear Imports - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International. Finland's Nuclear Waste Solution. World's Youngest Uranium Mine Click on image to see illustration. Finland might seem like an odd place to find cutting-edge nuclear waste technology. Nuclear power still gaining public support.

China's Upcoming Nuclear Power Boom. Radiation Fears Strike Again: The culprit? Bad Math. German regulator says nuclear reserve capacity not needed. Fillon Says France Wants Nuclear Crisis Management Center. Eric Besson constate en Suède un consensus sur la place du nucléaire. Germany Crafts Its Nuclear Power Exit Strategy. Latest News. Ipsos-global-advisor-nuclear-power-june-2011. How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power. South Korea's Bid to Build Nuclear Plant in Turkey Resurrected. How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power. First phase of Jaitapur nuclear project may be delayed by 1 year. How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power.

RWE Hit by German Nuclear Fallout. Hardtalk - Lord Hutton: Fukushima 'changed the game' for nuclear. China's 14th Nuclear Power Reactor Enters Commercial Operations. TEPCO to begin building cover over Fukushima reactor Wed. Environmentalists file multiple challenges to US NRC reactor licensing.

New nuclear safety agency must be independent, have real ability to manage crises. Japan to use extra 230,000 b/d oil for power in 2011: IEA. Ling Ao Unit 4 nuclear power plant enters commercial operation. Energy Products & Services, Oil, Coal Insight, Natural Gas Shipping, Electric Power Methodology Analysis, Metals, Petrochemical, Reference - Platts Video. China's Nuclear Power Plans Unfazed by Fukushima Disaster. Dayawan Becomes China's Largest Nuclear Power Base. Greens must not prioritise renewables over climate change. EDF Energy Restarts UK Torness 1 Nuclear Reactor. Hutton fears nuclear industry has lost confidence of the public - Home News, UK.