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Louis Naugès: Format de documents : Ça suffit ! Assez joué ! Guéguerre des formats !

Louis Naugès: Format de documents : Ça suffit ! Assez joué !

Un peu de bon sens, S.V.P. ! Il est temps que les responsables informatiques tapent sur la table et fassent comprendre à nos amis de Microsoft que 2008, ce n’est plus 1995, quand les formats d’Office imposaient leur Chappe de plomb sur les solutions bureautiques. Guéguerre des formats ? Pourquoi les DRM vont disparaitre : quand microsoft puni ses cli. Customers who have purchased music from Microsoft's now-defunct MSN Music store are now facing a decision they never anticipated making: commit to which computers (and OS) they want to authorize forever, or give up access to the music they paid for.

Pourquoi les DRM vont disparaitre : quand microsoft puni ses cli

Why? Because Microsoft has decided that it's done supporting the service and will be turning off the MSN Music license servers by the end of this summer. MSN Entertainment and Video Services general manager Rob Bennett sent out an e-mail this afternoon to customers, advising them to make any and all authorizations or deauthorizations before August 31. "As of August 31, 2008, we will no longer be able to support the retrieval of license keys for the songs you purchased from MSN Music or the authorization of additional computers," reads the e-mail seen by Ars. Microsoft Research DRM talk.