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Location-formats - Microformats. This is a list of previous efforts at location / geographic ("Geo") data formats and protocols, as background research for developing location microformats.

location-formats - Microformats

Continuation of work from location-examples, and following onto location-brainstorming. Authors Tantek Çelik Bud Gibson Ryan King Eron Wright ... Geotagging Web Pages and RSS Feeds. My previous article discussed how geolocation by IP address enables applications and Web sites to determine users' locations automatically in order to provide specific location-based services to users and members of an on-line community.

Geotagging Web Pages and RSS Feeds

In this article, we present various methods by which Web sites can provide their geographic locations to static pages and syndicated feeds, in the form of meta information or geotags. Put another way, geolocation by IP address is the technique a Web site uses to determine where users are located; geotagging is the technique users employ to find out where a Web site is located. Geotags typically locate the Web site's principle location on the Earth. This information can include latitude and longitude information for exact locations or simply city, region and country information for general locations. GeoURL (2.0)