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QueryPath. QueryPath. QueryPath is a library for searching and manipulating HTML and XML documents. It's like jQuery for PHP. See for more information. Here's a screencast that shows what you can do with QueryPath and Drupal. This module provides three things: Basic QueryPath integration.A QueryPath database implementation that provides QueryPath with Drupal database functionsMany examples in the querypath_examples module. More information For an introduction, see Get to know the QueryPath PHP library at IBM's DeveloperWorks website.For a detailed look at the library, see the API documentation for QueryPath.The Drupal-specific database features are documented in the file.There are many examples at the official QueryPath wiki.The QueryPath Examples module (included with this module) provides examples of using QueryPath inside Drupal to handle database lookups, RSS parsing, and FAPI integration to query the MusicBrainz XML service.

Related QueryPath Modules Licenses. Rules Transformers. HOWTO #3: Importing nodes from XML. Feeds XSLT Pipeline Parser (7dev) Feeds XPath Parser (6,7) This project is in maintenance mode. No new features will be added. New installs should use Feeds extensible parsers instead. Feeds XPath Parser is a Feeds plugin for parsing XML and HTML documents. It enables site builders to leverage the power of Feeds to easily import data from complex, external data sources. Each element you wish to extract is setup using configurable mapping queries, saving time for developers who would otherwise have to code complex, specific-use modules. You may need this module if you would like to: Import XML or HTML documents into nodes, users, taxonomy terms, or regular database tablesScrape webpages like regular feed sources with scheduling, updating, and expiringExtract content from HTML documents to create a semantic data bank or mashup Features Notes If you’re not familiar with XPath, but know CSS or jQuery, you might be interested in Feeds QueryPath Parser which has the same features with a different query language.
