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Coke's Wild Assertion That Other Languages Exist Stirs Controversy. ATLANTA (The Borowitz Report)—The Coca-Cola Company ignited a firestorm of controversy on Sunday with a Super Bowl ad that appeared to make the inflammatory claim that other languages besides English exist. From coast to coast, viewers reacted with outrage and horror to what many were calling the most incendiary Super Bowl ad in history.

“I was enjoying the Super Bowl with my family, and suddenly, out of nowhere, comes this ad suggesting that there are other languages that aren’t English,” said Carol Foyler, a mother of three from Akron, Ohio. “I grabbed the remote and turned it off. My kids shouldn’t be exposed to garbage that’s just going to confuse them.” The Alliance for Responsible Advertising, a conservative watchdog group that monitors advertising it considers offensive and unfit for family viewing, issued a statement demanding that Coke apologize for the controversial ad and promise never to air it again.

Get the Borowitz Report delivered to your inbox. 10 Superb Psychological Advantages of Learning Another Language. Learning another language can promote brain growth, stave off dementia, boost memory, improve attention and more… “To have another language is to possess a second soul.” –Charlemagne People used to think that learning two languages created confusion in the mind. Far better, it was thought, to get one right than bother with two.

An even more extreme and absurd view was that learning two languages caused a kind of schizophrenia or dual personality. Some studies did seem to back up the idea that learning two languages could be problematic; early researchers noted that bilingual people tended to have smaller vocabularies and slower access to words. But these myths and minor disadvantages have now been overshadowed by a wave of new research showing the incredible psychological benefits of learning another language. 1.Brain growth Language centres in the brain actually grow as a result of successful language learning. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Exploring other cultures. 11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures. Language is, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating things about the human race.

Most languages can be translated into other languages and cultures, but in today’s infographic we find out that there are eleven words that do not have a direct English translation. Waldeinsamkeit is a German word that means the feeling of being alone in the woods. Waldeinsamkeit in English could mean scared, worried, or happy. Being in the woods alone can either be a blessing or a curse. For the Spanish word listed, sobremesa, directly translated as “about table” (possibly about the table) refers to the instance in which the party who has just eaten together converses with one another. The Russian word pochemuchka is also listed. Language is beautiful in every aspect. GLoCALL. VOXY :: Learn a language from life. Bericht.