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Reality Stole My Unicorn Teardrops. The Best of Tumblr Blog - Epic Facts. The Indispensible Medium. Oh-So Cute! Little things. The googly gooeys. Read more wikipedia. Tumblr's Funniest Posts! Duex A La Mode. Serene Beauty. (Source: , via altitud-e) This was posted 1 year ago.

Serene Beauty

It has 539,688 notes. . bambi-flora: (Source: dietcokeandasmoke) This was posted 1 year ago. HECK YEAH CONFESSIONS. Luxuryavenue. HECK YEAH ADVICE. Anonymous asked: this is going to sound so dumb... but i really hate my forhead. like... i think it’s so big and high. and it’s people who point it out and it made me insecure as fuck. i really hate it i just think it’s so ugly.


HOW can i overcome this insecurity? :( Big foreheads are beautiful! Psycho-fun facts. Kiss my Class.