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What to Know about Snorkeling in Komodo National Park. 0Shares The Komodo National Park made it name to the world through the giant, merciless, carnivorous Komodo Dragons which happens to be the last remaining colony on earth.

What to Know about Snorkeling in Komodo National Park

However, the preservation attempts to protect these rare and prehistoric beasts also make significance to the underwater world. The seabed which has been so rich due to the meeting of two currents and its location on the world’s coral triangle are further preserve the pristine corals and the whole marine ecosystem. Today, the Komodo National Park has been renown as one of Indonesia’s finest diving and snorkeling destination.

Many divers and even light snorkelers left satisfied after marvelling around Komodo’s underwater splendour. As expected from part of Coral Triangle region, the Komodo National Park has so many snorkeling spots to choose. Warm Water Temperature. Perfect Surf Spots in Maldives for Beginners. Maldives is everything about leisure holiday.

Perfect Surf Spots in Maldives for Beginners

It has the tranquil, peaceful vibe of the tropic, the signature clear emerald water, stark white beaches, and some of the best waves on earth. Surfing is Maldives is far from difficult—but by no means any less interesting. Dangers in Diving Beginners Should Know - Newbalancestoreinc. Scuba diving is getting more popular as a recreational sport and as a result, more people are getting interested to learn it.

Dangers in Diving Beginners Should Know - Newbalancestoreinc

Dozens of dive enters and diving schools scattered on prominent diving destinations, like Bali, Philippines, and the Maldives. Courses and lessons on diving for beginners classes are also relatively easy to pass, too! It’s no wonder that more adventure seeker drawn to scuba diving schools—they are just so ready to discover a whole new world under the water! However, any scuba newbie child not ever forget that scuba diving is actually still an extreme sport with great risk on every dive.

A little mistake on diving could lead to injuries or potentially life threatening accidents. Diving Beginners Are at Risks of Barotrauma. What to Pack for A Family Surf Holidays - Shortsalesuperseries. 0Shares Will your surfing days stay the same now that you have settled with your lifetime partner and a couple of kids?

What to Pack for A Family Surf Holidays - Shortsalesuperseries

Of course—it could! With some little adjustment here and there, you can enjoy a fulfilling surf holiday with the family. We’re not gonna lie; it’s going to be a bit stressful. The surf trip won’t be as carefree as it was back in your bachelor days. Don’t worry. Gather All the Surfing Essentials for Family surf holidays Do you have a customised board you cannot surf without? Reef-friendly, heavy duty sunscreenWetsuit for every surfer in the familyRash guards every surfer in the familyLightweight and quick dry towelsBeach towelsSurf waxSurfboard repair kitsLeashes (and leashes for your kids, if they surf)Duct tape Packing with Surfboard On. What You Need to Know About Mentawai Surf Resorts. Scattered in the western outline of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, the Mentawai blooms as another hidden haven for surfers.

What You Need to Know About Mentawai Surf Resorts

The Mentawai is home to some of the best waves you can find in earth. Mentawai’s stunning beaches, ringed by lush palm trees, is constantly lapped by pumping swells from the Indian Ocean. The combination of pristine landscapes and perfect waves make Mentawai as one of the most worshipped surfer spot for worldwide surfers. What You Need to Know About Mentawai Surf Resorts. How to Keep Your Kids Fit On Surf Lessons. If you kiddos has showing interest on wave riding, it might the time to get them their kids surf lessons.

How to Keep Your Kids Fit On Surf Lessons

Here’s Why Surf Camp Spain Is Cool to Have This Summer. 0Shares There’s nothing like catching cool waves in a bright day at sunny country.

Here’s Why Surf Camp Spain Is Cool to Have This Summer

Across all Europe, Spain is one of the best country to enjoy a surfing holiday. Spain is blessed with beautiful sceneries, delicious delights, and long coastline boasting stunning beach breaks, shallow reefs, and long barrelling points. Surfing is a huge culture in Spain, where surf shops line up its popular beaches and surfing camps flourish along the coastline. If you are picturing some beach time and rolling waves to fill this summer, joining a surf camp in Spain could be a brilliant idea, and this is why.

Surf Camp in Spain Actually Get You Into Surfing How many times have you see yourself riding rolling waves? An Easy Mode of Surfing Holiday. Mistakes to Not Do on Komodo Liveaboard Sailing - Aingoshop. 0Shares Sailing with Komodo liveaboard embodies tropical vacation dream.

Mistakes to Not Do on Komodo Liveaboard Sailing - Aingoshop

On a wooden phinisi (Indonesian schooner), you are gong to sail across deep blue ocean, gradually graded to light turquoise around dozens of stunning islets. Line of soft sandy beaches encircle each undisturbed islands—some are starkly white, some are black, and few of them glisten in rare pink. Boat Charter Komodo: Re-defining "Hidden Paradise" - Offensefilms. 0Shares I honestly thought that “hidden paradise” was old and worn out marketing jargon to sugarcoat any holiday destination—islands, villas, resorts, you name it.

Boat Charter Komodo: Re-defining "Hidden Paradise" - Offensefilms

Until I come to Komodo National Park, one of the New 7 Wonder of Nature that has long been sitting on my wish list. A remote string of islets stretched on Flores Sea, deep on Indonesian’ frontier. It’s not easy to reach the Komodo. Three Unique Venue for Different Nightlife in Seminyak Bali. 0Shares Bali is no longer preserved as purely traditional, cultural travel destination and the islands has long adapted to the lifestyle of its Westerners expats.

Three Unique Venue for Different Nightlife in Seminyak Bali

Bali’s highest expat occupancy areas—and the most touristy—like Legian, Kuta, Seminyak, and Canggu are now busting with trendiest restaurants, local bars, and nightlife entertainments. While Legian is busy with urban clubs-lined streets and Canggu with its hippie-pop vibes, nightlife in Seminyak Bali is probably the most colourful, stylish, and opulent among its neighbouring area. With diverse variety of bars to explore, this beach town will change your perception; nightlife doesn’t always mean getting into parties until you get wasted.

It’s about enjoying the night with good drinks and good music, and you have plenty of options to explore. La Plancha Bali Sea Vu Play Grow Up Rooftop Bars. Foolproof, Anti-Scam Guide for Online Komodo Liveaboard Booking - Aingoshop. Foolproof, Anti-Scam Guide for Online Komodo Liveaboard Booking - Aingoshop. Experience Komodo’s Best-Kept Secret: The Luxury Liveaboard Komodo – Thesnapchattv. 0Shares Have you hear how it’s like to explore the breathtaking Komodo National Park inside a luxury liveaboard Komodo? With its crystal clear waters, pink beaches, pristine natures, and jagged islands scattered across the sea, Flores’ Komodo National Park is a sight of behold. Located in Flores, Eastern Nusa Tenggara, he Komodo National Park (which named after its ancient resident ‘Komodo dragons’) is an archipelago made up of over 80 islands.

Labuan Bajo Cruise: The Epitome of Remote Sailing Trip – Thesnapchattv. Komodo Trip to the Lost Civilisation of the World. So You Are Sailing with Komodo Boat and It Rains, Here’s What to Do - Lcxinyuan. 0Shares When you think about Komodo, the perfect imagery will include tranquil water, stark beaches, and savannah field shining with crips tall grasses. The day pass slowly as you chill on the deck of Komodo boat, bathing in the plentiful sunlight as the boat cross the peaceful Flores Sea.

That’s how the ideal trip would be. Alas, tropical countries are bound with rain. Though the majority of Komodo operators are closed in during the wet season, the rain could fall in the least expected time. Komodo Cruises Labuan Bajo for Comfortable Remote Holiday. When you are having a holiday to Labuan Bajo, it’s hardly about mere destination. It’s abouta sailing trip experience; a sense of travelling from one destination to another while living a leisure time in the middle of the sea all in one trip.

Rose from nowhere, Komodo quickly become the belle of travel destination. Clear turquoise water, jagged islands full of panoramic landscape, the rare giant ferocious dragon—the Komodo, and diving heaven underneath the waves are enough reason to make Labuan Bajo a dream destination. And the sailing trip is the cream of the cake that put everything into a sweet trip experience. Here comes the famous liveaboard trip. Venture off the Beaten Track Travelling in Komodo is essentially taking a trip off the beaten path.