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L'Elysée veut solder « l'affaire Afer » - ASSURANCE EPARGNE JUSTICE POLICE ABEILLE VIE. PASS-GRL - La Garantie des Risques Locatifs. CERTIcréance l'e-garantie des impayés par Groupama Assurance-Crédit. Altenor consulting - cartes et services financiers. Comparateur assurance - Comparez votre assurance auto. L'assurance bascule peu à peu vers Internet sur Journal du Net. Efma. We have been working hard to transform the journal into something much more modern and magazine-like, increasing its frequency to six issues a year, creating more interesting and digestible articles, and including more imagery and social media content.

At the same time we’ve done our best to maintain the best bits of the original format such as the high level thought leadership and the interesting cover story articles. It includes: