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Richard Meddings On U.S. Regulators: 'You F*cking Americans. Who Are You To Tell Us, The Rest Of The World That We're Not Going To Deal With Iranians?' By Carrick Mollenkamp NEW YORK, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Standard Chartered Plc's Group Finance Director Richard Meddings was the executive who allegedly cursed U.S. regulators in a conversation cited by a New York watchdog pursuing a money laundering case against the British bank, a source familiar with the situation said.

Richard Meddings On U.S. Regulators: 'You F*cking Americans. Who Are You To Tell Us, The Rest Of The World That We're Not Going To Deal With Iranians?'

The New York State Department of Financial Services has threatened to strip Standard Chartered of its state banking licence, dubbing it a "rogue institution" that hid $250 billion of illegal transactions tied to Iran. The Daily Show: Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, Freedom Fighters for Information. Jon Stewart Goes After Hypocrite Judith Miller for Carping About National Security Leaks. Collapsing U.S. credibility. Two Op-Eds in The New York Times this morning both warn of the precipitous decline of American credibility on matters of human rights and peace ushered in by the Obama presidency.

Collapsing U.S. credibility

Taken together, they explain much of why I’ve been writing what I’ve been writing over the last three years. » It’s Official: Presidency Now a Dictatorship Alex Jones. Kurt Nimmo June 15, 2012 Obama’s latest outrageous violation of the laws of the United States demonstrate that the nation has arrived at its destination: a dictatorship lorded over by an imperial ruler.

» It’s Official: Presidency Now a Dictatorship Alex Jones

On Friday, Obama instructed the government to ignore an influx of illegal aliens streaming over the border. The move was implemented to sway Latino voters into the Obama camp in preparation for the upcoming election against fellow establishment candidate Mitt Romney. Clinton misfires on Russian helicopters to Syria charge. Why Is it Only an "Atrocity" When Other Countries Do It? June 4, 2012 | Like this article?

Why Is it Only an "Atrocity" When Other Countries Do It?

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. In his penetrating study “Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-Opted Human Rights,” international affairs scholar James Peck observes, “In the history of human rights, the worst atrocities are always committed by somebody else, never us” – whoever “us” is. Almost any moment in history yields innumerable illustrations. Good Leak, Bad Leak - By Uri Friedman. There's something troubling about the recent leaks to the New York Times about President Barack Obama's involvement in authorizing the targeted killings of suspected terrorists and launching cyberattacks against an Iranian nuclear enrichment facility: they're coming from the same administration that has prosecuted more government officials under the Espionage Act of 1917 for sharing classified information with the media than all previous administrations combined.

Good Leak, Bad Leak - By Uri Friedman

(As Director of National Intelligence James Clapper wrote in a 2010 memo, "People in the intelligence business should be like my grandchildren -- seen but not heard. ") Just this week, an American general who suggested that U.S. and South Korean Special Forces were parachuting into North Korea to conduct espionage was replaced in what the military insisted, amid murmurs of disbelief, was a routine personnel change. Prosecution? Tough Guy Leaking: Iran edition. The primary fear-mongering agenda item for the National Security and Surveillance State industry is now cyberwarfare.

Tough Guy Leaking: Iran edition

The Washington cadre of former military officials who seek to personally profit by exploiting national security issues — represented by Adm. Michael McConnell and Gen. Michael Hayden — has been running around for several years shrilly warning that cyberwarfare is the greatest threat posed by Terrorists and other of America’s enemies (and, just coincidentally, they also argue that it’s urgent that the U.S. Government purchase wildly expensive cyber-security technology from their private-sector clients as well as seize greater control over the Internet to protect against the threat).

But — as is usually true when it comes to Washington warnings about the evils of Others — this is pure projection. Meeting with Mr. Rather than just “preserve” them, he has rapidly accelerated both. Nothing’s too highly classified to stop it serving Obama 2012. Outraged Over Atrocities (Unless They’re Ours) In the war fever being ramped up against Syria, there is broad public indignation over the massacre of more than 100 civilians in the town of Houla last weekend.

Outraged Over Atrocities (Unless They’re Ours)

Would that the U.S. diplomatic corps and the commercial press were equally outraged over our own military’s atrocities. While details of the Syrian massacre are unclear and still subject to dispute, Canada, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Australia, Germany, Spain and the United States have expelled Syrian diplomats in protest. Kofi Annan Meets With Bashar al-Assad. In his remarks, , the envoy for the United Nations and the Arab League, was dismissive of the Syrian government refrain that outsiders were responsible for the bloodshed.

Kofi Annan Meets With Bashar al-Assad

After meeting with Mr. Assad on Tuesday, he called on the Syrian president to take “bold steps” to end the fighting and salvage a peace plan that has been increasingly criticized for failing to end the violence. “The Syrian people do not want their future to be one of bloodshed and division,” Mr. Annan said after two days in Damascus.