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Body acceptance

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Plus-sized model 'cried when asked to be cover model' SUGAR, DARLING? The artist turning women's stretch marks into art. Social media firms urged to tackle online body shaming. Internet companies should do more to tackle body shaming online, social media users have told an inquiry into how body image affects young people.

Social media firms urged to tackle online body shaming

One told Parliament's annual Youth Select Committee that "so many" young people were suffering from online abuse and feelings of inadequacy. There should also be greater diversity in the media, the committee heard. A Facebook and Instagram policy manager said the sites were committed to making sure users had positive experiences. The Youth Select Committee, which comprises 11 members aged 13 to 18, chose the topic of body image to consider after nearly one million people voted it as one of the top 10 issues in the UK Youth Parliament's "make your mark" ballot in 2016.

Danny Bowman, who once claimed to be the "world's first selfie addict", told the committee he saw "so many young people who are suffering online" from being bullied or body shamed. Where are the real role models? I haven’t grown to love my scars.

Where are the real role models?

In fact, I loved them from the very first day I had them. I wasn’t ashamed of them. Instead I knew that they had given me life. Building a nation where confidence rules. About-Face. GetRealToolkit. 'Embrace the squish' - one woman's journey from anorexia to body positivity - BBC Three. The lady with a beard: ‘If you’ve got it, rock it!’ Harnaam Kaur is in full flow when a young man passes our table.

The lady with a beard: ‘If you’ve got it, rock it!’

“He’s cute!” She grins, before her hand flies to her mouth. “Oh no, he heard me!” It’s a typically girlish reflex, made no less so by the soft, black hair her hand covers. Kaur has worn her beard, a symptom of her polycystic ovaries, since she was 16. After enduring years of bullying, Kaur has turned herself into a body confidence advocate, model and Instagram star, upending gender norms and beauty standards as she goes.

When we meet, I am slightly embarrassed by the jolt of surprise I feel when I notice how well her natural hair suits her, framing her face into a delicate heart shape. Kaur’s pride in her image is everywhere – from the tote bag she carries, printed with tiny images of her face, to a tattooed portrait of herself on her leg. After almost a decade of having a “lady beard”, as the 25-year-old calls it, Kaur can find people’s reactions amusing – she mimics the dropped jaws. Primark Displays Rib-Jutting Mannequins In Store - The Internet Fights Back. You’d be forgiven for assuming that after the bikini bridge and thigh gap backlash, retailers must have realised the general public do not find these images appealing or helpful.

Primark Displays Rib-Jutting Mannequins In Store - The Internet Fights Back

But, as it turns out, retailers are pretty dumb. When one Twitter user asked Primark “is it really necessary that these new mannequins have protruding ribs?” , the internet replied to her question with a big fat ‘no’. Mel Fraser tweeted this photo of a mannequin with a visible ribcage in a Glasgow branch of Primark - the image has been retweeted over 2.8 thousand times, and counting. Dear @Primark, is it really necessary that these new mannequins have protruding ribs?? The good news is thanks to the all-powerful folk of Twitter, Primark will be changing these mannequins, and pronto. Primark isn’t the first store to make such a questionable mannequin decision, which makes their poor judgement even more baffling to us.

Earlier this year, lingerie brand La Perla used mannequins with ribs showing in their stores. This girl can - This Girl Can. HAES – Health At Every Size – HAES – Health At Every Size. #Fatkini Instagram Pictures Sticks Two Fingers Up At Bikini Body Nonsense. Here at HuffPost UK Lifestyle we’re not fans of the phrase bikini body - it implies that all women have to conform to one body type in order to look hot in a two-piece.

#Fatkini Instagram Pictures Sticks Two Fingers Up At Bikini Body Nonsense

Thankfully a new hashtag is doing the rounds to show you don’t have to be super slim to look and feel confident on the beach. Pictures of women showing off their natural bodies in bikinis have been taking over Instagram and Twitter along with the hashtag #Fatkini. Plus size style blogger Gabi Gregg (GabiFresh) has been credited by many as starting the #fatkini movement - she posted her own #fatkini photos way back in 2012. 'Magic Mirror' Gives Women Body Confidence As Part Of The #imEnough Campaign. All too often women look in the mirror and think they’re not good enough - previous research from Dove has shown only 4% of women around the world would consider themselves to be “beautiful”.

'Magic Mirror' Gives Women Body Confidence As Part Of The #imEnough Campaign

But a new campaign is aiming to get more of us loving our reflection. Started by an all-female band from Texas called The Mrs, the #imEnough campaign uses a “magic mirror” to help women see just how fabulous they are, both inside and out. When the women in the above video look in the mirror, they’re asked to describe how they feel about themselves. Most respond with “okay” or “not so hot”. But, not content to accept these negative responses, the mirror transforms into a screen which displays heartfelt messages from the women’s friends and family about how fantastic they are. It turns out these women have been loving mothers, wives, grandmothers and friends who’ve made some seriously beautiful sacrifices to make others happy.