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Facebook/ios-snapshot-test-case. Path/FastImageCache. Resources for Mac and iOS Developers… | Dave Mark's Blog. I was working on an article for Jim Dalrymple (@jdalrymple) and Loop Magazine ( The topic? Getting started with Mac and iOS development. I went looking for a reasonably recently updated list of dev resources to link to from the article. Couldn’t find one I was happy with, then remembered that we included a pretty solid list at the end of the book Beginning iOS 6 Development. Since that list needed to be updated for the iOS 7 rev of the book, I thought, why not pop the list into a blog post. And here we are. At its core, programming is about problem solving and figuring things out. I also posted a separate list of dev tools right here and a another post listing training resources right here.

Of course, please do follow me on Twitter (@davemark). Become one with Xcode’s documentation browser, grasshopper. If you are just getting started with Mac or iOS development, here are a few places I would look through, some excellent foundational material. Debug: Resources for Mac and iOS Developers… | Dave Mark's Blog. Camera Programming Topics for iOS: Taking Pictures and Movies.


Makeappicon - Generate app icons of all sizes in a click! CocoaPods: The Objective-C Library Manager. Core Plot (iOS): Source/CPTBarPlot.m File Reference.