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UU History Timeline

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Anglo & American Unitarian Universalist History. 1851-1927: Mary Augusta Safford * 1852: Western Unitarian Conference started 1852-1942: Elizabeth Eleanor Gordon * 1847-1927: Samuel McChord Crothers * 1860:Lydia A.M.

Anglo & American Unitarian Universalist History

Jenkins ordained to Universalist ministry (w) 1860-1935: Charlotte Perkins Gilman (w) 1860-1941: Frank Oliver Hall * 1862-1932: William Wallace Fenn * 1862-1950: Samuel Atkins Eliot * 1863-1929: Joseph Jordan Fletcher *(c) 1865: Olympia Brown ordained to Universalist ministry (w) 1865: National Conference of Unitarian Churches established 1866: "Battle of Syracuse" 1866-1956: Earle Morse Wilbur * 1867: Free Religious Association formed 1868: Phebe Ann Coffin Hanaford ordained to Universalist ministry (w) 1869-1951: John Murray Atwood * 1870-1950: Louis Craig Cornish * 1871: Celia Burleigh ordained to Unitarian ministry 1872: "the Bisbee Affair" 1872-1935: William Laurence Sullivan * 1873: James Freeman Clarke publishes "Ten Great Religions" 1873-1962: Charles Edwards Park * 1874: "Yearbook Controversy" 1875-1956: Egbert Ethelred Brown *(c)

UU Time Line. The following Chronology has been modified from A Chosen Faith by Buehrens and Church and Unitarian Universalism: A narrative history by Bumbaugh. 182-251 Origen of Alexandria proponent of universal salvation, i.e., universalism. 318 Arius taught that Jesus was not co-equal to God the Father, not quite human nor divine.

UU Time Line

Followers were known as Arians. 325 Nicene Creed which established the dogma of the Trinity was adopted by Council of Nicea under Constantine the first Christian Roman emperor. Unitarianism "the Arian heresy" was no longer allowed. 544 Universalism, the belief in universal salvation, was condemned as heresy by EmporerJustinian in his Declaration of Faith. 1531 Michael Servetus publishes On the Errors of the Trinity 1539 Katherine Vogel burned at the stake in Poland for denying the Trinity. 1553 Servetus burned at the stake in John Calvin's protestant Geneva for denying the Trinity. 1566 Francis David preaches against the doctrine of the Trinity in Transylvania. The Early Church 325: Nicene Creed, adopted at the Council of Nicea under the emperor Constantine, establishes the dogma of the Trinity and suppresses the lower Christology espoused by Arius and his followers. 544: Another church council condemns as heresy the belief in universal salvation, a teaching traced back to second-century theologian Origen of Alexandria.

Reformation 1531: Michael Servetus (1510-53) publishes On the Errors of the Trinity. 1539: Katherine Vogel of , burned at the stake for denying the Trinity. Birth of Faustus Socinus, leader of the Polish Unitarian (Socinian) movement (d. 1604). 1553: Servetus burned at the stake in Calvin's . 1566: Francis David preaches against the doctrine of the trinity in . 1568: King John Sigismund of , under the influence of David, coverts to Unitarianism and issues the earliest edict of religious toleration. 1569: King Sigismund publicly declares himself a Unitarian. 1571: Unitarianism is declared one of the four official received faiths of .