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電視遙控器 - 阿尼. 今年年初看到有人用 Kinect 寫電視遙控器,看人家用手勢控制電視一副超好玩的樣子,讓我自己也想來寫寫看。

電視遙控器 - 阿尼

我想它的原理應該是 Kinect 連到電腦,靠電腦讀手勢外加送指令給電視。 於是我打算分兩部份來寫,由於自己手上沒有 Kinect 這東西,得跟別人借才行。 所以先來處理送指令給電視的部份。 回到家看一下電視背板:哦哦,有 COM Port 可以用耶。 有 COM Port 就方便了,照上次的寫法來送指令應該就行了。 接上 USB轉COM Port 之後可以在裝置管理員看到它,等一下就是要對這個 COM8 進行存取。 Dependency Injection 筆記 (1) 我打算將我閱讀 Dependency Injection in .NET 的筆記整理一些出來,這是第一篇。

Dependency Injection 筆記 (1)

其實,剛開始作筆記的時候,比較像在翻譯。 後來陸續加油添醋、畫蛇添足,以及一些刪減取捨,就很難稱得上是翻譯了。 故曰「筆記」。 首先要談的是:何謂相依性注入(dependency injection),為什麼要了解它? 它對寫程式有什麼幫助? 聲明:筆記內容可能會持續修訂更新,請勿以複製全文的方式轉載。 定義 相依性注入(dependency injection)是一組軟體設計原則與模式,能夠協助我們撰寫寬鬆耦合的程式碼。 方便起見,往後碰到這個名詞時,皆使用英文縮寫:DI。 註:右圖的出處在這裡。 維護是王. Fluent Configuration API 入門範例. Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3 (C#) Note: An updated version of this tutorial is available here that uses ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2013.

Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3 (C#)

It's more secure, much simpler to follow and demonstrates more features. This tutorial will teach you the basics of building an ASP.NET MVC Web application using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Service Pack 1, which is a free version of Microsoft Visual Studio. Before you start, make sure you've installed the prerequisites listed below. You can install all of them by clicking the following link: Web Platform Installer. Alternatively, you can individually install the prerequisites using the following links: If you're using Visual Studio 2010 instead of Visual Web Developer 2010, install the prerequisites by clicking the following link: Visual Studio 2010 prerequisites. A Visual Web Developer project with C# source code is available to accompany this topic. What You'll Build Skills You'll Learn Here's what you'll learn: Create Your Website Today. 批次取得資料庫中全部的 Stored Procedure、View、Function - IT狂想曲~

Lessons on development of 64-bit C/C++ applications. The course is devoted to creation of 64-bit applications in C/C++ language and is intended for the Windows developers who use Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 environment.

Lessons on development of 64-bit C/C++ applications

Developers working with other 64-bit operating systems will learn much interesting as well. The course will consider all the steps of creating a new safe 64-bit application or migrating the existing 32-bit code to a 64-bit system. The course is composed of 28 lessons devoted to introduction to 64-bit systems, issues of building 64-bit applications, methods of searching errors specific to 64-bit code and code optimization. Such questions are also considered as estimate of the cost of moving to 64-bit systems and rationality of this move. Lesson 01. By the moment of writing the course, there are two most popular 64-bit architectures of microprocessors: IA64 and Intel 64. HTML5/CSS3 graphic enhancement: buttons, inputs. Download Download The solution described in this article serves both practical and didactic purposes.

HTML5/CSS3 graphic enhancement: buttons, inputs

This popular Electrical Engineering Calculator VOLTA demonstrates HTML5/CSS3 styling technique, which does not require any graphic files like .jpg or .png, etc. All aesthetic enhancements, like: rounded corners color gradients (in particular, color-stop property) borders shadows are achieved exclusively via CSS3 styling, resulting in very small digital footprint and fast web page load. Online Demo Fully-functional Demo is available online at: Engineering Calculator VOLTA-2011. 廢柴上的風霜菇: 開啟AHCI,我的SSD更加殘暴兇猛了(帝國士兵:我等不及捅爆烏佛瑞克那小子.... 昨天看到AHCI(Advanced Host Controller Interface)這個關鍵字,於是我興沖沖的在BIOS上找到這個選項,預設是IDE,後來手動改成AHCI,在改之前先去微軟的網站打個修正檔做安心。

廢柴上的風霜菇: 開啟AHCI,我的SSD更加殘暴兇猛了(帝國士兵:我等不及捅爆烏佛瑞克那小子....

※Here we go! (筆頭! 筆頭! 筆頭! Chapter 11 - Improving Remoting Performance. Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability J.D.

Chapter 11 - Improving Remoting Performance

Meier, Srinath Vasireddy, Ashish Babbar, and Alex Mackman Microsoft Corporation May 2004 Related Links Home Page for Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability Chapter 5, Improving Managed Code Performance Checklist: Remoting Performance Send feedback to patterns & practices Library Summary: This chapter presents concrete recommendations for when to use remoting and when not to use it, together with appropriate alternatives. Contents ObjectivesOverviewHow to Use This ChapterArchitecturePrescriptive Guidance for Choosing Web Services, Enterprise Services, and .NET RemotingPerformance and Scalability IssuesDesign ConsiderationsImplementation ConsiderationsActivationLifetime ConsiderationsHostsChannelsFormattersMarshalByRef vs.

Objectives. Iptables 指南 1.1.19. 译者sllscn是中国Linux公社里的“Linux 新鲜社员”,一个Linux爱好者,在实际工作中使用iptables构造防火墙时,发现有关iptables的中文资 料太少,故而不得已参考英文版的材料。

Iptables 指南 1.1.19

为了今后参考的方便,也为了广大使用者,不怕自己的英文水平 太差,翻着字典翻译了本文。 翻译只为了能看懂,达不到“好看”,勿怪! 第一章序言部分除了第三小节介绍的术语要看看,其他都没什么。 第二章对想要亲自编 译iptables的兄弟们是有些帮助的。 第三、第四两章可以使我们理解、掌握iptables工作方式和流程。 因为术语的缘故,目录部分有一些未翻译,但正文的内容都翻译了。 x10 2.3.3 root+Recovery完全教學 - Android 進階技術討論