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Infographies. Médias sociaux > Twitter et les marques en France. Des débuts prometteurs pour les tweets sponsorisés. Le hashtag de Twitter devient un outil publicitaire | Tweetdunet. Twitter - 140 Second Tour - Promoted Tweets. Why We Follow Brands on Twitter. Twitter is becoming part of many businesses’ digital communication tool, typically the big brands. But why would anyone follow them, knowing that they have a common aim to make us spend. Perhaps, since spending is inevitable, as consumers, we want to understand what we’re buying and most importantly buying them at good prices. ExactTarget has recently released a report that explored this area and revealed that there are several more reasons why people follow brands on Twitter. The top reason with 38% of the respondents stating that they wanted to “stay informed about the activities of a company”. Investors seem likely to select this option. It does make sense.

Consumers say: In tweets we trust. Twictionary / FrontPage. Live: Twitter CEO Ev Williams’s Chirp Keynote. Twitter CEO Evan Williams has just taken the stage for his Chirp keynote. I’ll be liveblogging his talk below. Update: the full talk is now available and embedded below as well. Twiterrific helped the Twitter team realize what was possible from third parties, had people telling them that it made them like Twitter.Twitter gets 3 Billion requests a day through the APIAccording to comScore, that’s about the same traffic as Yahoo (though it’s not an apples-to-apples comparisonGrowth: 1,500% per year175 employeesAlmost a year ago to this day, Ashton Kutcher decided to race CNN to a million followers, then we get a call from Oprah’s people because Ashton was going to come on the show to talk about the race.

“We might want some help with the show, to make sure things are going right. Is Biz available? Have a new tool called ‘Murder’ Killer improvement in deployment. We have a new team that is about getting users from awareness to engagement. Depuis quand êtes-vous sur Twitter. Dimanche 26 avril. 14 façons différentes de visualiser les données de Twitter  L’article de David Reinhardt propose douze services permettant de visualiser ses données Twitter, selon différents angles. C’est là qu’on voit que Twitter, c’est un peu plus que des messages de 140 caractères. Merci Arnaud pour la trouvaille ! J’ai ajouté quelques outils à la fin de l’article. 1. Wordle Wordle (qu’on connait un peu plus que les autres services cités ci-dessous) vous propose de réaliser un nuage de tags de vos données à partir du flux RSS de votre flux Twitter.

Vous pouvez modifier les couleurs, la disposition du texte, la taille de la police de caractères… J’en ai parlé là. 2. Tweetpsych permet de dresser un profil psychologique d’un compte Twitter à partir de sa timeline et de le comparer à d’autres. 3. Vos followers paradent ! 4. TweepsKey est un autre outil de visualisation de vos followers. 5.

De quoi parle t-on et où ?. 6. The Health Tweeder est un équivalent de Trendsmap mais pour un domaine précis : la santé, les maladies. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Tori’s Eye.