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Thumb War - Design Iteration Combat Simulation. THUMB WAR : Design Iteration Combat Simulation by Paul Richards Updated 07/04/09 Ten-hut, fellow concept grunts! The following text is a condensed adaptation of some recent workshops I've spoken at on the theory/practice of thumbnailing, and is not a verbatim transcript. Oorah! If you've ever been in the military, you know advertisements only show half the picture. It's the glamorous half, the one depicting acts of extreme heroism, glossing over much of the arduous and mundane aspects of military life. We are given a similarly rose colored view of the entertainment industry : that it is a sort of dream fulfillment merry-go-round with our interests at the fulcrum. In the military, you serve your country.

War is hell, and so, in its own way, is design. In a perfect world, there would be no war. But this isn't a perfect world. Our abilities give us some control over the outcome, but like generals in their tents on the mountain, the client is calling the shots. Internal External. Ryohei Hase's tutorial1 by ~Ryohei-Hase on deviantART. The Daily Click - Articles. ...So Let Me Show You How Contrary to what many people may think, animation's not too tough to do well. It takes time, admittedly, but the results are well worth it. There's nothing like animation for pulling the player into your world.

For my article, you will need: - Graphics Gale (Free Animation App) - Possibly a decent graphics editor like Paint Shop Pro The spaces between sections are NOT images that have failed to load, they're just big gaps to space the sections out. Basic Skills - Frame rate Different kinds of animation require different frame rates. 1. One way to think of it is this: In slow animations (breathing, walking, etc), the thing you're trying to show is the process, i.e. how he is walking or breathing. In faster animations (punches, kicks, etc), the thing you're trying to show is the result, i.e. you with your fist extended, and the bad guy flying into the distance. Low-frame animations have the advantage of speed and power. Basic Skills - KEYING AND TWEENING 1. A. 1. 1. Pixel Joint Forum: Noobtorials.

Hello starting pixel artists and people who help them, I am collecting and creating noobtorials, to make it easier to explain things to the newbies, witch are free to use, very simple, no extra information. If you have ever made such a thing people can use for free, please post them here, and I will add them in the first post! If you ever need to explain something that cannot be done with words only, take a look here, and if there is no noobtorial that can help you, create one and add it! Noobtorial = Copymeright @ Jalonso <<<jal edit: It wasn't me that came up with that, it was........??? On my personal list: Anti AlliasDitheringIsometric projectionClean linesShadingPalettesColor ramps ...Suggestions are welcome, but your own noobtorials even more! Another small tutorial to create a tiny pixel car. LineArt Ground paintRemoving black outlines First highlight colorsFilling wheels and window Using gray for shadows and glass Highlight color Even more highlight. [TUT] How To Make Pixel Grass.

Pen Drawing: An Illustrated Treatise : Maginnis, Charles, 1867-1955. Walka z walorem - tutorial 2D. Na wstępie chciałbym zaznaczyć, że nie posiadam żadnego wykształcenia plastycznego wiec nie biorę odpowiedzialności za to co tutaj napiszę. Wszystkie poglądy są moje i tylko moje... i nie, nie trzeba się z nimi zgadzać. Do większości z tych teorii doszedłem sam po wielu, wielu, wielu godzinach zastanawiania się "co jest nie tak z moim obrazkiem". Jest spora szansa że większości z nich uczą na pierwszej godzinie podstaw rysunku w świetlicy osiedlowej - niestety nie miałem przyjemności trafić na te zajęcia.

Podobnie ma się sprawa z nazewnictwem. Nie wiem jak niektóre rzeczy się fachowo nazywają i nadałem im jakieś swoje nazwy, by ułatwić wyjaśnianie poszczególnych zagadnień. Część I Zaczynajmy zatem! Teraz zerknijmy na małe studium martwej natury które przygotowałem ja. Walor bazowy To jest krok pierwszy w niemal każdym obrazku jaki robię - ustalenie waloru bazowego poszczególnych elementów (no dobra, zaczynam zazwyczaj od prostego szkicu ale nie wnikajmy). Wszystko jest gradientem Część II.