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TI LaunchPad

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德州仪器在线技术支持社区. SLLogicLogger - A simple logic analyser for TI Stellaris Launchpad - Utzig/lm4tools. Stellaris Teaching ROM - Educators - Wiki - Educators. Grace Quick Start Guide. MSP430 Teaching ROM - Educators - Wiki - Educators. Overview Written by: Authors Pedro Dinis Gaspar, Antonio Esprito Santo, Bruno Ribeiro and Humberto Santos University of Beira Interior, Electromechanical Engineering Department, Portugal, 2012 TI’s updated MSP430 Teaching ROM, provides the vital core materials to enable educators and academics to teach microcontrollers, using devices from TI’s MSP430 family.

MSP430 Teaching ROM - Educators - Wiki - Educators

The materials include slides, labs, tests, programs and application examples and is written in an academic style that is both interesting and technically detailed. In addition, the tutorials can be used as student guides to a series of modules and laboratory exercises. Each module is dedicated to a specific aspect of the device, including detailed descriptions of how to use a range of peripherals. Concepts covered: LaunchPad - Educators - Wiki - Educators. How-to: Launchpad programming with Linux. Webbotlib speech synthesizer on launchpad - Projects. Microcontroller Projects. 【新提醒】MSP430 Launchpad-【共享】MSP430 LaunchPad开发板技术资料汇总 - 电子工程师学习交流园地.

MSP430 Launchpad. MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad 是一款易于使用的闪存编程器和调试工具,它提供了在 MSP430 超值系列器件上进行开发所需的一切内容。 它提供了具有集成仿真功能的 14/20 引脚 DIP 插座目标板,可通过 Spy Bi-Wire(2 线 JTAG)协议对系统内置的 MSP430 超值系列器件进行快速编程和调试。 由于 MSP430 闪存的功耗极低,因此无需外部电源即可在数秒内擦除闪存并对其进行编程。 LaunchPad 将 MSP430 器件与 Code Composer Studio 版本 4 或 IAR 嵌入式工作平台等集成软件环境相连接。

MSP430 超值系列器件上的这些 IDE 是免费且非受限的软件。 LaunchPad 支持所有采用 14 或 20 引脚 DIP 封装(TI 封装代码:N)的 MSP430G2xx 闪存器件。 LaunchPad 还采用用于定制项目和应用的板载可编程 LED 和按钮! 特性 1. 14/20 引脚 DIP (N) 插座用于调试和编程的内置闪存仿真2 个 可编程 LED1 个高功率 LED1 个可编程按钮1 个复位按钮 2. 3. 4. 5. MSP430G2211IN14 - 2kB 闪存、128B RAM、10 GPIO、1 个 16 位定时器、WDT、BOR、Comparator A+MSP430G2231IN14 - 2kB 闪存、128B RAM、10 GPIO、1 个 16 位定时器、WDT、BOR、1 个 USI (I2C/SPI) 8 通道 10 位 ADC附带的 MSP430G2xx 器件采用预加载的样本程序。

6. 7. Launchpad套件包括: MSP430G2553IN20 芯片(预装程序)MSP430G2452IN20 芯片(预装程序)10脚 PCB 连接器 (2 插针/2 插座)32kHz 晶体振荡器LaunchPad 开发板 (MSP-EXP430G2)LaunchPad 贴纸Mini USB连接线快速入门手册 评测文章. 爱板网论坛_launchpad_纵横搜索. Msp430的相关微博 - 新浪微博. MSP-EXP430FR5739 实验板 - MSP-EXP430FR5739 - 德州仪器 TI 工具文件夹. 2013 TI MSP430 系列技术研讨会(第一波)火热报名中. LM4F Launchpad - 电子工程师学习交流园地. MSP430 launchpad - 电子工程师学习交流园地. µVision IDE - Overview. Create and change !! Hey guys have been fooling around with the msp4305438 board so couldn’t post for a long time… so I’ll be posting the tutorial on watchdog timer today.This is something which bugged me a lot when i first started with msp, which i feel is really stupid considering the fact that it was really simple.So what is a watchdog timer.We can imagine it as a small hardware which will kick the controller if at all the controller hangs up.It basically resets the controller when it is activated.

create and change !!

Principle The watchdog timer has a 16 bit timer which counts from 0×00 to 0xffff.When it hits the max value of oxffff the watchdog resets the controller.Our job is to prevent this from happening and we’ve to keep resetting the timer.If the code hangs then the timer is not reset and the watchdog timer overflows and resets the timer. Timer Mode Registers The Bit definitions are as follows: WDTHOLD => disables the watchdog timer when the bit is 1. WDTNMI =>enables the nmi function on the RST/NMI pin. Teaching ROMs - Educators - Wiki - Educators. MSP430. University Program - Educators - Microcontrollers (MCU) - Teaching ROMs. C2000™ Teaching ROM.

University Program - Educators - Microcontrollers (MCU) - Teaching ROMs

The 3rd edition focuses on the TMS320F28335 ("DelfinoTM") and TMS320F28027 ("PiccoloTM") devices. The older revisions of the CDROM for TMS320F2812, TMS320LF2407 and TMS320F243 are also included in the archive on the ROM. The "Zwickau Adaptor board" used in many of the 2812 experiments can be obtained from Systec. More details here. This CD-ROM is designed to support teachers and professors teaching embedded control using the TI TMS320C2000 MCU platform. The contents include presentation slides, a textbook with 750 pages, along with procedures and solutions for laboratory exercises, all presented in source-code form to allow flexibility of use. All exercises are provided in two versions to run under Code Composer Studio CCS3.3 or CCS4.1. Msp430_arduino. Gustavo Litovsky. Several tutorials written by me are available and being updated 25 thoughts on “Tutorials” please add more to the tutorial!

Gustavo Litovsky

You’re awesome! Reply Excellent tutorial! I wish you went further into detail on working with the CC2500, though. Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Eight + = 12 You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""><abbr title=""><acronym title=""><b><blockquote cite=""><cite><code><del datetime=""><em><i><q cite=""><strike><strong> Proudly powered by WordPress. MSP430.

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