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NewSoftSerial  A New Software Serial Library for Arduino News: NewSoftSerial is in the core! Using Arduino, Firmata and processing together. Even with the power of a real Atmel328 microcontroller running at 16MHz, the 32Kb of space is not enough for larger projects.

Using Arduino, Firmata and processing together

It would be great if we can harness the power of our PC to do the complex processing while the Arduino can be the platform for the sensors and motor controls. In this configuration, you can do much more, the only draw back is you do need to keep your PC tethered, by USB or wifi. For some applications this is fine and preferred. In those cases, Firmata is one solution you can use to make this very simple. Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers from software on a host computer. In essence it turns your Arduino into a slave with a simple provided sketch. First we must slave the Arduino: SpiRAM. Rocketscream/Low-Power. Lightweight Low Power Arduino Library. We have just release the 1st revision of our low power library for Arduino.

Lightweight Low Power Arduino Library

This is a simple and easy to use library that has the following features: Supports all sleeping mode of ATmega328P: Idle.ADC reduction mode.Power save.Power down.Standby.Extended standby.Selectable sleep duration: 15 ms, 30 ms, 60 ms, 120 ms, 250 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, 2 s, 4 s, 8 s, and forever (wake up using other resources) through on chip 125 kHz Watchdog timer. Using sleeping forever duration, the Watchdog timer module is not in use and will further reduce the current consumption by approximately 4 µA.Option to shutdown Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) module to further reduce current consumption.Option to disable Brownout Detector (BOD) module to further reduce current consumption by approximately 17 µA. BOD module cannot be disabled through software in idle and ADC noise reduction mode. In idle mode, the IO clock is available for general IO modules usage.

Compiling with WebbotLib without using AVR Studio. Submitted by dunk on March 23, 2010 - 6:30am.

Compiling with WebbotLib without using AVR Studio.

Who should use this document? This document will be of use to anyone who cannot (or will not) use Atmel's excellent and free AVR Studio. This will be mostly relevant to people using Linux, BSD or Apple Mac operating systems.It will also be useful background reading for anyone using AVR Studio who want's to know what is going on in the background or anyone setting up a different IDE.

What does this do? The instructions in this document explain how to combine code written for AVRs using WebbotLib with the compiled processor specific static library without using AVR Studio. If you are new to this and running a windows PC, do your self a favor and use AVR Studio as documented in the PDF included with WebbotLib. - arduino-new-ping - NewPing Library v1.5 - Fast ultrasonic Arduino library for the HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007 & Parallax PING))) ultrasonic distance sensors.

My favorites ▼ | Sign in Project Home Downloads Wiki Issues Source Terms - Privacy - Project Hosting Help Powered by Google Project Hosting. - arduino-new-ping - NewPing Library v1.5 - Fast ultrasonic Arduino library for the HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007 & Parallax PING))) ultrasonic distance sensors

Louismdavis/AZIP. Arduino Libraries. Dallas One Wire Temperature Sensor Library I have written a library for use with the Arduino that supports a group of Dallas Semiconductor DS18S20 temperature sensors.

Arduino Libraries

This library allows the Arduino to search for all of the temperature sensors attached to the One-Wire bus, and then to obtain temperature readings (in Celsius or Fahrenheit) as floating-point numbers from each or any of the sensors. The library creates a subclass of the OneWire class, which requires the use of the OneWire library, which can be obtained here. The library contains the following functions: Fakufaku/TokyoTime. Playground - LibraryList. A collection of contributed libraries.

playground - LibraryList

You can add your own libraries here. The standard library page is located here. Navigation Audio SimpleSDAudio Play audio files with your Arduino in decent quality from SD card, only very few additional hardware required, easy to use library. Sirleech/Webduino. Tigoe. Arduino/BtSerial. Arduino-tvout - A composite video output library for AVR/Arduino.

The goal of this project is to create a simple interupt driven library for generating composite video on a single AVR chip.

arduino-tvout - A composite video output library for AVR/Arduino

Currently the output is NTSC or PAL at a resolution of 128x96 by default. The library currently works on ATmega168,328,1280,2560,644p,1284p,AT90USB1286 and more can be added by editing one file. Beta1 for version 1.0 is out!!! It has some it changes the hardware connections as well as some of the function calls see the wiki for full details. SYNC is on OCR1A and AUDIO is on OC2A There are some timing issues with the m1284p, may be related to sanguino core. Wayne and Layn LLC now makes a shield that uses this library, the video game shield. Felis (Oleg Mazurov) Sdfatlib - A FAT16/FAT32 Arduino library for SD/SDHC cards.

Microbridge - Android Debug Bridge (ADB) implementation for microcontrollers. Note: Microbridge is provided as-is.

microbridge - Android Debug Bridge (ADB) implementation for microcontrollers.

I do not have the time to provide personal support. Please do not contact me with questions unless you are absolutely certain that a) you know what you are doing and b) your problem is related to Microbridge directly. Thank you for your understanding. MicroBridge is an Android Debug Bridge (ADB) implementation for microcontrollers. MicroBridge allows stock, unrooted Android devices to talk directly to USB host enabled MCUs, thereby enabling phones to actuate servos, drive DC motors, talk to I2C and SPI devices, read ADCs, and so forth. The ADB protocol supports opening a shell on the phone or issuing shell commands directly, pushing files to the phone, reading debugging logs (logcat), and forwarding TCP ports and Unix sockets.

When the connection is lost because the application crashed or because the USB device was unplugged, MicroBridge periodically tries to reconnect. Since the initial release of MicroBridge several alternatives have emerged. WebbotLib. C Library for Atmel AVR Processors WebbotLib is a C library for robot builders supporting the following microcontrollers: ATMega168, ATMega32, ATMega328P, ATMega640, ATMega644, ATMega1280, ATMega2560 and ATMega2561.


The library supports a wide variety of different motor controllers, sensors and other devices. This allows you to concentrate on writing your own software without having to worry about the low level routines required to communicate with the attached devices. When ever possible we have standardised the devices. For example: all distance sensors will return a value in centimeters. As well as the supported microcontrollers listed above the library also provides support for some commercial boards based on these devices. The source code and documentation for the latest release of this library is available from: Note that there are two code streams:-