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Doodle jump: microbit python game tutorial. This tutorial will talk you through how to write, test, debug and improve the python code for a doodle jump style game on a BBC micro:bit. Warning: this isn’t easy This microbit python game tutorial is possibly a little too advanced for beginners so have a look at some of the other tutorials if you’re just getting started or jump straight in here if you’re feeling confident. Doodle jump is a brilliantly simple but infuriatingly addictive game where you have to control a green alien by moving it left and right to jump up to the next platform, as the world falls away beneath it. The original game won an Apple design award and it quickly took the gaming world by storm. You can play it here (it’s likely to be blocked if you’re viewing this tutorial page in school). The challenge of this tutorial is to attempt to scale down the game so it still works on a 5×5 LED screen on the BBC micro:bit whilst still being fun to play.

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