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Cedynamix. Ascendances. Roozeec Linux Blog. La vie personnelle du chat. Permettez-moi de résumer le problème fondamental de notre système électoral (le scrutin uninominal majoritaire à 1 tour) avec un simple diagramme que j’ai créé à partir des résultats de l’élection québécoise de 2014: Continue reading Here is a fun example to illustrate why software development in general is a complex endeavour: You think you’re going to fix a tiny problem: “hey, maybe we could make ‘s welcome dialog look a bit nicer“.Eventually, someone proposes a design or idea that looks interesting, and you realize that to truly realize it, you should also implement an audacious new feature: a way to visually represent an entire timeline as a thumbnail (that one is an open question, by the way; if you have some clever ideas, feel free to share them)…and to display new feature B properly, you should also consider—ideally—being a good citizen and implementing feature C upstream, in the toolkit you use instead of doing your own thing in your corner.

La vie personnelle du chat

Continue reading. Installation de LibreOffice – Ubuntu 10.x « Maxime Maguire. Free mobile : pas de MMS. Linux et Compagnie. Aider, Partager, Grandir et Vivre par le Logiciel Libre! Le Libre par Emmanuel Gontcho. Le blog de Nicolargo. Le blog de Cyrille BORNE. Le bazar de Stemp. L'admin sous GNU / Linux - Blog Libre. La voix du libre. Liste des articles. Fabian Rodriguez. Clapico's Blog. Quand je ne parle pas, j'écris. Daria blogue.