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Plunker. Lang="en" ng-app="app" http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" Super Mario Bros Overworld href="//" rel="stylesheet" href="app.css" rel="stylesheet" src=" src="//" src="//" src="band.min.js" src="app.js" ng-controller="AppController" class="container" class="row" class="col-xs-12 text-center" Super Mario Bros Overworld Theme class="row" ng-cloak class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1" class="row timing" class="music-time"{{currentSeconds|musicTime}} ng-mousedown="movingTime()" ng-mouseup="updateTime()" type="range" max="{{totalSeconds}}" ng-model="currentSeconds" class="music-time"{{totalSeconds|musicTime}} class="row cover-art" src=" alt="Super Mario Bros" class="row controls" class="btn-group" ng-if="!

Ng-if="! Angelina, l’IA capable de créer des jeux vidéo. Posted by DonFerdie on Mercredi, mars 14, 2012 · Leave a Comment Si je vous dis, Angelina et jeux vidéo, vous aller probablement penser à ça : Et si vous vous dit Intelligence Artificielle capable de créer des mondes virtuels, il y a des chances pour que vous pensiez à ça : Pourtant, ce dont je vais vous parler ressemble plutôt à ça : Déçus ? ANGELINA, le doux accronyme de A Novel Game-Evolving Labrat I’ve Named ANGELINA, est une intelligence artificielle capable de créer (quasiment) seule des niveaux entiers de jeux vidéo de plate forme. Comment faire le tri entre les stages injouables ou trop durs et les stages sympas et funs ?

Bon, évidemment, ces jeux n’approchent pas encore le perfection de design et de timing de certains jeux indés tels que Super Meat Boy : la précision n’est pas au top, les attaques des ennemis ne font que vous ralentir… Mais c’est honnêtement déjà très impressionnant. A quoi cela peut-il servir ? Source : The New Scientist Référence : A knight’s random walk. The Echo Nest Blog. The Loudness War Is Real, and We Can Prove It With Science September 25, 2013 Welcome to the fourth installment of our investigation into audio trends. To figure this stuff out, The Echo Nest data alchemist Glenn McDonald ran the 5,000 hottest songs from each year through The Echo Nest’s system for listening to music to determine its audio attributes (we also do lots of other stuff, but that’s one thing we do).

Previously, we looked into how music’s “danceability,” energy level, and tempo have changed. This one concerns loudness. "Hey, kids, turn it down! " We might more accurately aim that request towards the producers and recording engineers who have packed more and more loudness into popular music, over the course of several decades. The thing is, they aren’t doing all that loud-making in a vacuum (physical or cultural). We have the data, and it tells a fairly clear picture about loudness over time. Average But wait — how is music getting louder, then, if there’s a volume limit? Dogs vs. Cats. Create an algorithm to distinguish dogs from cats In this competition, you'll write an algorithm to classify whether images contain either a dog or a cat.

This is easy for humans, dogs, and cats. Your computer will find it a bit more difficult. Deep Blue beat Kasparov at chess in 1997.Watson beat the brightest trivia minds at Jeopardy in 2011.Can you tell Fido from Mittens in 2013? The Asirra data set Web services are often protected with a challenge that's supposed to be easy for people to solve, but difficult for computers. Such a challenge is often called a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) or HIP (Human Interactive Proof). Asirra (Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access) is a HIP that works by asking users to identify photographs of cats and dogs.

Asirra is unique because of its partnership with, the world's largest site devoted to finding homes for homeless pets. Image recognition attacks State of the art. Box: mapping mouvant. Annyang – Imaginez un site web qui vous comprenne… Annyang – Imaginez un site web qui vous comprenne… Imaginez... Vous vous connectez sur, puis vous dites à haute voix : "Montre-moi les derniers news Linux". Puis "Page suivante", puis "Emmène-moi sur le forum", avant de crier "Écrire un message".

Ce serait sympa de pouvoir naviguer sur un site avec la parole ! Et bien magie des nouvelles technologies, c'est maintenant faisable. Annyang pèse moins d'1 Ko et s'utilise comme ceci : Simple non ? L'internaute devra bien sûr accepter l'utilisation du micro par le navigateur pour que cela fonctionne. Annyang est distribué sous licence MIT et son code est dispo sur Github. La menace des failles 0-Day "En avril 2014, les chercheurs en sécurité de Google sont tombé sur une vulnérabilité présente à l’intérieur de la bibliothèque cryptographique OpenSSL. Lire la suite Vous avez aimé cet article ? Rejoignez les 55238 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie.. LETS DANCE TO KINGS OF LEON - MOLLYS CHAMBERS. Créer une carte. My heart rate during the latest episode of Game Of Thrones | Virostatiq.

This Is the Most High Tech Music Video Ever. In the early days of MTV, at least when it came to hair metal, it seemed all a band needed to make a music video was a few cans of hairspray, a fog machine and some suggestive silhouettes dancing in a window. Not true in the video sphere of today’s bands, who have moved entirely online and employed a variety of high-tech, interactive gimmicks to capture that elusive comet of marketing gold: the viral video. PHOTOS: Optical Illusions: Your Brain Is Way Ahead of You Already ahead of the curve with their interactive, geo-tagging video for “The Wilderness Downtown,” indie mega-darlings Arcade Fire have once again raised the bar.

The video for “Reflektor,” the first single off the band’s new album, allows viewers to generate content and manipulate onscreen effects with their smartphone, as if it were a paintbrush. BLOG: Maggot-Like Robot Eats Brains Tumors “What we did was take a bunch of video that we put into an HTML5 video playback. Via Wired Credit: Just A Reflektor.