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Rights of the Child

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Can you hear me? The right of young children to participate in decisions affecting them. Right-to-Participation. Convention on the Rights of the Child - CRC-C-GC-12. IUC Journal of Social Work Theory and Practice. The Tension Between Protection and Participation – General Theory and Consequences as Related to Rights of Children, Including Working Children Jim Lurie Barnevernets Utviklingssenter i Midt-Norge Dubrovnik, 9.6.03 I. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the General Assembly in November 1989, and has been ratified by most countries, including Norway in 1991. The Convention consists of 54 articles, including 40 substantive articles giving children specific rights.

The rights defined in the Convention have been categorized in various ways in order to facilitate understanding of the document and/or to highlight the importance of certain types of rights at the expense of others. Following its adoption in 1989, UNICEF chose to promote the Convention using four categoriessurvival, development, protection and participation. Cantwell prefers the categorization, commonly referred to as the “3 Ps” which are: The right to provision of basic needs. II. III. IV. V. UNCRCEnglish_0. Childfriendlycrc.