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eLearning Readings. Thebizcats. E Learning Sites. 35+ Educational Games and Games Re. Web Page Builders. Collaborative Learning. Teacher Resources. Education World® : Site Reviews Center : Archives : Students. Power League | Home. 5 Superb Social Media Tools for Musicians. Zach supervises social media strategy at Martin|Williams Advertising in Minneapolis, MN and runs 808 Management, a consultancy for independent artists.

Follow him on Twitter at @zackolantern. As we roll in to 2010, the selection of band-friendly social media tools is growing. Say goodbye to sporadic MySpace updates and incomplete tour information on Facebook. There are now more options for sharing your music with fans and empowering them to share it with others. Since MySpace Music has failed to show much staying power, tools on other networking sites have risen to fill the void. Here are some tools that encourage fan engagement and help you easily manage fan relationships in a new era of social networking. 1. The Fan Page has revolutionized the way that bands can interact on Facebook, but Pages have always lacked the familiar look and feel of sites that are native to showcasing music. 2. 3. Acquiring new fans is only half of the battle. 4. 5. More music resources from Mashable: 50 Free Online Educational Games That Are More Fun Than You’d Th.

Who knew that learning could be so much fun? Using the games below, individuals from the ages of pre-K to adulthood can learn social skills, school subjects, computer literacy and so much more while having fun. The trick, is to try a variety of games, rather than getting hooked on just one game. That way, you can build a variety of skills as well.

The following games are online and they are free to use. For Kids and Parents Most of the games below are suited for home play, often with parental help or guidance (K-12). Club Penquin: This virtual world, offered by Disney, is designed specifically for kids and parents and it’s free. For Kids, Parents and Teachers The following sites are suited for the classroom as well as for home play (K-12 and adult participation). ABC Ya! Multi-User Games The games below have age levels that range from young adult to adult. Virtual Worlds for College and Higher Education for Adults You enjoyed this article, didn't you? Comments are closed.

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Blogs and Wikis. Online Learning: Reaching Out to the Skeptics - Advice - The Chr. By Thomas H. Benton Another major study has arrived—this time from the Department of Education confirming that online courses can be at least as effective in achieving measurable learning outcomes as traditional, face-to-face courses. At the same time, a study from the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities shows that 70 percent of the 10,000 faculty members surveyed believe that online courses are either "inferior" or "somewhat inferior" to traditional ones. Professors who have taught online are more positive about the approach, but 48 percent of them are likewise convinced that online courses are not as good as face-to-face teaching.

That antagonism might alarm anyone who attempts online teaching in response to administrative encouragements; some of your colleagues will regard you with suspicion, and they may even tell students to avoid your courses. Just like online publication, teaching online entails some amount of risk to one's reputation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Thomas H.