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Editablefields. This module allows CCK fields to be edited on a node's display (e.g. at node/123), not just on the node edit pages (e.g. node/123/edit).


It also works within views etc. Anywhere a 'formatter' can be selected, you can select editable (or click to edit). This module has been totally re-written for Drupal 6, and it is very much simpler. Unless you want to help testing/developing the 3.x branch of this module, please use 6.2 version of this module. CCK & Views the ultimate combination - part 1 « The Venture. A simple Ajax image gallery system for drupal. Created on Tue, 2009-01-20 18:33 Few days ago, I was chatting with EclipseGC about his imagefield gallery module, and the future features that will be implemented for the release of the drupal 6 version. Of course, you can't have two drupal addict like us to talk for more than 2 minutes without having Views 2 mentioned at one point. But this time, Kris described a technique to create an ajax image gallery system using views in a quite simple and awesome way.