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NCERT Solutions for Maths Class 10 CBSE. Easy-To-Use Content & Distribution Tools. Easy-To-Use Content & Distribution Tools. Financial Literacy - Basics of Banking that Every Student Should Know. Improve your Math's Marks with Swiflearn. Does E-Learning and Development of the Child Correlate? Does E-Learning and Development of the Child Correlate? Top 10 Facts About Plants that a Child Should Know. Get Scholarships with Online Tuitions - Here's How? Is Online Study Success Driven. Online study is incredibly convenient.

Is Online Study Success Driven

You do not have to turn up in the traditional classes in person. In a literal sense, you study whenever and wherever it is suitable. But to achieve success, you have to cross the hurdles also. Success in online study depends on structure creation with your study efforts. You should be mentally engaged and putting short hours of research. 1.

Establish a solid study material. The minimum of six hours of quality study time is what these online education courses require. 2. You will find your inspiration from these online study sites. Make use of the motivational tricks to get good results. 3. The material provided by the online education sites and their instructors are generally more than what you require for your academic preparation. It would be best if you took adequate time to explore the possible advantages while spending time exploring what these online learning resources are providing. 4. 5. Bottom line Online study has many advantages. Can Home Tuition and E-Learning Be in Harmony? Learn To Speak English Fluently with Swiflearn.

7 Secrets of Exceptionally Successful Students. Importance of Financial Literacy for Kids & Students. 10 Tips for Students to Fight Stress & Anxiety. Which Types of Tuition Classes Are Best for Your Kid? Why Online Education Is A Success Path For Your Child? Why Online Maths Tuition is Better? Swiflearn - Truth About Math Tuition. How students perceive subject matter in a classroom is through the eyes of the teacher.

Swiflearn - Truth About Math Tuition

It is very common for classroom teachers to rush through the subject matter. It becomes difficult for the child to process the concepts of mathematics. This is majorly the reason maximum parents want their children to have maths home tutors. But how apt are these tuitions for your child? Having a maths home tutor is pretty common since integers are introduced to the child. This an important question that needs to arise in every parent’s mind. What happens in traditional tuitions? 1. Even in batch tuitions, students are just as distracted as they in the school classroom. Live online tutoring allows the child to be inquisitive and interactive in the classroom. 2.

Young students are very vulnerable to the world. NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths Chapter 2 Polynomials. NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 Number Systems. Presentation: 5 Things to Look for Before Choosing Tuition for Your Kid. 5 Things to check before choosing tuition for your kid - Swiflearn Blog. In recent times, home tutor online has taken a prominent stance in children’s life.

5 Things to check before choosing tuition for your kid - Swiflearn Blog

Owing to the academic competition in schools and colleges, children have to cross many hurdles. They go under many hardships to score better than their contemporaries. Most of the subjects cater to home tutors online, and they happen to be the most useful ones. With the academic scenario full of tuitions, it becomes difficult for the parents and the guardians to decide on which one is better for improving their child’s grade in the class. Various things matter before choosing a home tutor online for kids. NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 Number Systems. Importance of Financial Literacy for Kids & Students. Importance of Financial Literacy for Students & Kids - Swiflearn Blog. For some children, financial literacy is first learned outside the study hall.

Importance of Financial Literacy for Students & Kids - Swiflearn Blog

The training they get originates from the money related propensities they see around them—TV and the web, and their loved ones. Some of what they realize is sure. Some of it isn’t. Regardless of whether children acknowledge it or not, their initial relationship with money can affect their funds as grown-ups. This is the reason it’s so significant for instructors and guardians to assist them with procuring the information and abilities they have to manufacture sound financial literacy down the road. Here are the fundamental points that children need to know about financial literacy, in addition to the top assets to make learning them fun.

Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths with Solution in PDF. NCERT Exemplar for Class 9 Maths with Solutions by Swiflearn are by far the best and most reliable NCERT Exemplar Solutions that you can find on the internet.

Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths with Solution in PDF

These NCERT Exemplar for Class 9 Maths with Solutions are designed as per the CBSE Class 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Syllabus. These NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 9 Maths will surely make your learning convenient & fun. Students can also Download FREE PDF of NCERT Exemplar for Class 9 Maths with Solutions. Does E-Learning and Development of the Child Correlate? Does e-learning and development of the child correlate? - Swiflearn Blog. With the advent of new technology, various modes of teaching and learning have entered the education world.

Does e-learning and development of the child correlate? - Swiflearn Blog

E-learning has a dramatic effect on all these. The teaching and Online Learning processes in the classrooms and in-house have taken a considerable transformation. E-learning has come into the spotlight in recent times. Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 9 with Solution (Maths & Science) NCERT Exemplar for Class 9 with Solutions by Swiflearn are by far the best and most reliable NCERT Exemplar Solutions that you can find on the internet.

Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 9 with Solution (Maths & Science)

These NCERT Exemplar for Class 9 with Solutions are designed as per the CBSE Class 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Syllabus. These NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 9 will surely make your learning convenient & fun. Students can also Download FREE PDF of NCERT Exemplar for Class 9 with Solutions. NCERT Exemplar with Solutions for Class 9 by Swiflearn is a fundamental tool for students of CBSE board if they wish to achieve greater success in their education life.

These NCERT Exemplars provide various questions with different difficulty levels usually from scratch to the advanced level. Exam Tips - 7 Things to do a Day Before Exam. Exam Tips - The Best 7 Study Tips for Exam. It is the examination time, and it is lurking around the corner!

Exam Tips - The Best 7 Study Tips for Exam

But you do not have to become over-anxious with the same. Examinations can be fun, provided if you take the same in that manner. Do not start freaking out with the thought of exams. You have to remain balanced, both physically and mentally. You cannot let the ‘stress factor’ rule over your body and mind. Exam tips # 1. Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Maths with Solution in PDF. Improve your Math's Marks with Swiflearn. Online Math Tutor - Score Better in Maths with Swiflearn Online Tuition. Are you trying hard to assist your child in performing better in math examinations and related assessments?

Online Math Tutor - Score Better in Maths with Swiflearn Online Tuition

The traditional method of bidding farewell to the conventional approaches of amassing the general purpose of various assessment books and test papers for practice drills. It does little to cultivate an interest or real understanding of the subjects. The first math syllabus places emphasis on the development of the student’s thinking skills, reasoning, application, communication, and metacognitive skills over the various problem-solving. The online education system goes beyond the learning ability of any child. The subject related online tuition classes are well accommodating and self-sufficiently planned. 1. The use of questions in teaching definitely relates to the fact of a student’s retention power and the achievement of the whole. 2. The online tuition teaches the concept of math manipulative. Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 6 with Solution (Maths & Science)

NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 with Solutions by Swiflearn are by far the best and most reliable NCERT Exemplar Solutions that you can find on the internet.

Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 6 with Solution (Maths & Science)

These NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 with Solutions are designed as per the CBSE Class 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Syllabus. These NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 will surely make your learning convenient & fun. Students can also Download FREE PDF of NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 with Solutions. Learn To Speak English Fluently with Swiflearn. Is Online Study Success Driven? Spoken English - How Swiflearn Improves Speaking English for Kids. Survival without English is like Surviving without a source of Food and Water in no man’s land. No matter which is your favourite profession or which subject you excel in but if you cannot explain what you know or what you want to convey will make you feel crippled in various stages of life. It’s not necessary to know all the details of every subject and to excel in every topic however what’s more important is to convey what you know the best. Have you ever experienced when a kid is talking fluently in English and who is barely 6 or 8 years old to his parents or friends, It could be a happy and a proud feeling for you at the same time however at the other end some underprivileged students are trying to be fluent but cannot maybe because they did not get the proper guidance or has lack of resources?

Let’s briefly explain to you how Swiflearn Spoken English Course is Unique and helpful for a student to be fluent and for Over-all Personality Improvement: NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water. Is Online Study Success Driven? Is Online Study Success Driven. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars and The Solar System. Get Scholarships with Online Tuitions - Here's How? Get up to Rs.1,00,000 Online Tuition Scholarship with SATS. In recent times with Lockdowns worldwide and change in concepts of study methods, Online Tuitions have gained enough popularity and have experienced enrollments of students from around the world and Online tuitions are also offering versatility for students to learn at the convenience of there timings and place.Nowadays students and their parents both prefer Online tuitions over regular tuition classes for many reasons like safety against the pandemic, Saves commuting time, and also they can watch their kids while learning, therefore, it’s very much convenient and safe at the same time.

With increasing enrollments, many online tuition sites have offered various programs and scholarships to encourage students to learn and perform extra-ordinary well and receive rewards like cash prizes, certificates, recognition, and Scholarships. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Here are the few ways from which your child can achieve Scholarships online : NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 16 Light. How E-Learning Websites Can Benefit Your Child. How E-Learning Websites Can Help Your Child? - Swiflearn Blog.

E-learning broadens an individual’s scope of learning in the academic perspectives. It is both compatible in classrooms and in-house. It is beneficial for both the teachers and the students in various ways and is an increased scope in communicating and collaborating. It applies to advanced multimedia tools and techniques. There are also online education resources making the intimate learning environment of every student a productive and resourceful one. Thus, the students of today bend more towards E-Learning websites’ techniques and activities. 1. Students get the positive side of communicating well while gathering knowledge through eLearning techniques. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena. Online Tuition for NRI Students. Have you moved abroad because of your work and worried about your child’s studies and the future or for the essential classes like the 3rd to 10th?

Well, you will not have to anymore as we got it covered by our Online Tuition for NRI Student program. Since the global pandemic outbreak, the education system has changed completely and students have learned the art of studying online. Therefore we have designed the online tuition classes wherein no matter in which country you have moved to if your kid is attending a CBSE/ICSE board he/she can virtually attend the class and never stay behind in academics with Swiflearn. Online Tuition for NRI Students. Online Tuition for NRI Students. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current. What Are the Benefits of Online Tuition? Swiflearn - Benefits of Online Tuition. What are your expectations for your child’s tuition? Overall development or merely homework help? It is better to invest your child’s time and effort where there are scientifically proven tangible results. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Sound.

Successful Student Habits - 7 Secrets of Successful Students. Before we go ahead and explain to you the habits of exceptionally successful students it is really important to understand what success Is. Success is not about achievements, medals, recognition, or rewards. Rather a successful person is a failure who tried one more time. A successful person is often a one who has not given up and recognized that through successful habits learning from the mistakes and proving haters wrong is the true success achieved.Ever heard of the phrase “To error is human and to repeat is stupidity”. If you want to be successful your instinct will not allow repeating the same mistakes again and rather learn from the mistakes.

Ever heard of a CEO or an entrepreneur who became successful in the first shot? 1. Improve Grades without Studying Extra Hours [5 Best Tips] NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Friction. 5 Great Tricks to Improve Your Grades without Studying Extra Hours. It would be every student’s dream to study as less as they could and score as good as they could. Well in ancient times there was a theory of working hard but now in this fast-moving world if you are not working “smart” then you will definitely going to have a tough time competing with your classmates or friends. Name any author, A scientist, or a renowned researcher and read about them and you will find the only reason they succeed as they have not accepted the conventional ways taught to them rather created and developed their methods and tricks to bring ideas onto papers or did a research in their own way. FREE NCERT Solutions for Class 10 CBSE Board.

NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Force and Pressure. 10 Best Techniques for Brainstorming. Swiflearn - Top 10 Techniques for Brainstorming. Brainstorming is a technique through which we can find potential to a given problem. In most cases, brainstorming involves a group headed by a facilitator. A session of the technique involves an informal and alleviated approach to creative thinking. Brainstorming also helps in building enthusiasm and further generates a large number of ideas in lesser time.

Evaluation of ideas at the end of a brainstorming session helps in exploring the best solutions for the problem. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence. Entrepreneurial Mindset - A Definite Key to Your Child’s Success. It’s a better-known phrase you might have come across in life that “Throw me to the pack of wolves and I will come back leading them” and that’s not some special power one has it’s the mindset. It is a human behaviour that when a child is growing he/she is learning, willing to take risks, and eager to be decisive and that is where you can guide the right path and develop there entrepreneurial mind-sets which will benefit them throughout their life.As once said by a famous Child’s Specialist Doctor from Wisconsin is that the real challenge is how we teach and explain parents to Inherit and grow the natural entrepreneur in their child and not squash it and the same responsibility is to the educational institutions as well.It is not necessary that developing entrepreneurial mindsets will give you future CEOs or running a business however it will help you in various aspects of life like tackling challenges, think creatively, and build self-confidence in a child.

NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals. Swiflearn - Benefits of Online Learning. An online learning class is mostly preferred by those who cannot make for the traditional courses. There are several hidden glitches in conventional education, as compared to online education. Opting for online tuition classes and preferring other online learning methods have turned into a revolution in the modern-day education system. A massive and recognisable transformation seen for most students. And the same has opened doors to great opportunities. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Cell – Structure and Functions. Online Tuition - Era of Online Learning in India. Are you planning to study online in India? The opportunities are more in the distance education sector than ever before.

Today, a student of any discipline can take up an online education at the convenience of his/her own home. The Indian Government also has introduced various online programs in the form of universities, colleges, and other institutions. All these institutions will offer you the right course and the right direction to complete the training in a short period. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals. Math Olympiad - 10 Tips to Prepare for Olympiad Exam. Every year at school, the student who has completed the most math homework has earned a grade point average (GPA) that is considered a good score for an upcoming Math Olympiad exam. As students prepare for this high-stakes test, some many tips and guidelines will help them succeed. To get a better know-how on the same, read below the ten ‘under-lined’ tips to prepare for the Math Olympiad Exam. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame.

An Online Math Tutor Can Help Your Kid Score Better. Mathematics is a complicated subject. However, it is fun-filled too. The only thing which a student has to aware of is the right trick of solving any math equation. An Online Math Tutor Can Help Your Kid Score Better. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum. Why Online Tuition is Getting Popular. Swiflearn - Online Study in India. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 4 Materials – Metals and Non-Metals. Swiflearn - Online Study in India. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics. SwifLearn. Swiflearn - How to Boost Performance with Online Education.

Swiflearn - Difference Between Hard Work and Smart Work. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Microorganisms – Friend and Foe. Swiflearn- Benefits of Online Education. NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management. Make Learning Exciting Featured (1) (2) Swiflearn - How to Make Learning Exciting. Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths with Solution in PDF. Swiflearn - Is Online Learning Really Effective.

Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science with Solution in PDF. Olympiad Exam - How to Prepare for Better Olympiad Results. Swiflearn - NCERT Exemplar Class 8 with Solutions (Maths & Science) NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes. NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Area Related to Circles. NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Maths Chapter 11 Constructions. NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Maths Chapter 10 Circles. NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Maths Chapter 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry. NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry.