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From PSD to HTML: Building a Set of Website Designs Step by Step. Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers’ favorite posts from throughout the history of Nettuts+. Today I'm going to take you through my entire process of getting from Photoshop to completed HTML. We're going to build out a set of 4 PSD mockups of a website that eventually will become a WordPress theme. It's a massive tutorial, so if you're going to follow through to the end, make sure you have a few hours to spare! Demos If you're like me, you like to see the end before beginning. Download the Files Additionally you can download the full HTML/CSS/Image source files here. What We're Building As you may or may not know, I've (very slowly) writing a book on WordPress theming. You can get the full layered PSD files *and* a tutorial on designing them up from our PSDTUTS Plus membership - but it will cost you $19 a month to access.

Part 1 - Building the Framework and First Page Unlike previous Site Builds this tutorial is covering a decent sized template. Step 1 - Getting Ready So: Easy! The S.M.A.R.T. User Experience Strategy. Advertisement I was a competitive road cyclist for four years. My bikes were good, but my race results were much less impressive. Instead of medals and trophies, all I had to show for it were shaved legs and a farmer’s tan.

Regardless, on the road to becoming a competitive athlete, I followed a rigorous training plan with concrete goals. These goals were specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. With this training plan, I was able to quantitatively and qualitatively assess my progress and adjust my routine to match. (Image: Stig Nygaard) In the years since, I’ve hung up my racing jersey and replaced it with a designer’s hat. It’s not specific, directly measurable, actionable, relevant or trackable.

Bad Vs. Before we get started, let’s look at how a poor methodology can derail an entire project. There was once a project to redesign a significant section of a company’s website. Here is a summary of the project from the stakeholders’ perspective: Create a good user experience. (al) Warmarc/flat-ui-design/ About UXEmpathy | UXEmpathy. In Russell Unger’s book A Project Guide to UX Design he says that sometimes it is completely impossible to do user research because of time or budget to create personas. In Whitney Hess’s article, “What’s Your Problem?

Putting Purpose Back into Your Projects” in the User Research Without Users section, you say “Sometimes no matter what you do, you just can’t talk to any users.” Empathy Maps allow for a team of people such as, sales, stakeholders, customer service reps, etc. who interact with the users to “…write a statement that they believe to be true about the user…” Knowing all this I have a need to know who my users are.

I have no budget and stubborn stakeholders. If I have a need, want, and limitations there are more UX people like me. I believe that Dave Gray answered the limitations to create personas problem by coming up with the Empathy Map concept . The purpose of a Digital Empathy Map, (DEM, I like it. I asked, “Does it fill a need and want in our industry?” Empathy in creating persona's. Design de services Lyon | Conseil en design de services | Consultants en design de service Lyon | Design stratégique Lyon - VEEB.

Originaire des pays anglo-saxons et émergeant peu à peu en France, le design de services apporte des solutions créatives et stratégiques aux organisations pour gagner une compréhension profonde et empathique des besoins de leurs clients, améliorer la qualité des services offerts, et créer des services innovants permettant de générer de nouvelles sources de revenus. Les études montrent que les modèles économiques axés sur les besoins réels des utilisateurs génèrent une augmentation de la fidélisation et des marges bénéficiaires plus importantes. La croissance de la part des services dans l'économie mondiale - 60 à 75% dans les pays industrialisés - a provoqué un besoin pour une approche plus structurée et globale du design qui, historiquement était davantage circonscrit aux produits, aux espaces et à la communication, sans nécessairement créer de liens entre ces domaines.

Attoma - agence experte en design de services et expérience utilisateurs.