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Worldwide eBook Sales Valued at $859 Million in 2012. Worldwide ebook sales are drastically climbing and the big five publishing companies are now seeing 22% of their revenue stem from digital sales. Today we have a bit of insight on the global business of ebooks by Scott Devitt, an analyst at Morgan Stanley. In 2012, the global ebook market saw $859 million in confirmed sales, up from the original estimate of $567 million made earlier last year. Amazon accounts for over 45% of global ebook sales and is said to have earned $383 million dollars in sales last year. Kindle sales are big business and the revenue they earn accounts for 11% of the entire profit.

People who end up buying a Kindle e-Reader are statistically 4.6% more likely to read more books, on average, in the 12 months following their gadget purchase, compared with the 12 months before getting the device, the analyst noted. One of the big reasons Amazon captures a large segment of the market is because the company sells its hardware at cost. Michael Kozlowski (3723 Posts) 20 Websites To Download Free Audio Books. Simply put, audiobooks are recordings of books which are read aloud.

But some may think: why would we need audio books if we can read books ourselves? Audio books are useful not only for the visually impaired, but also for busy people who love a good read, but just don’t have the time to sit down to bury their faces in their favorite classics. So the best alternative would be to listen to audiobooks via audio devices while travelling or commuting to work. Besides, audio books are great for learning a new language to ensure you don’t pronounce a foreign phrase wrongly because you can listen to exactly how it is spoken.

Here’s our list of 20 best websites to download free audio books. Recommended Reading: 20 Best Websites To Download Free EBooks Librophile Librophile provides completely legal free audiobooks for both mobile and PC. Lit2Go Lit2Go has a big and free online collection of poems and stories in MP3 format. Project Gutenberg LearnOutLoud Free Audio Books Should Be Free LibriVox ejunto. A List Apart: Articles. Présentation-PILE-11-05-2012.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Publishers: look to new markets, LBF told. 17.04.12 | Lisa Campbell Digital migration has taken off in the UK and US, but not in other countries to any significant degree, while small and medium-sized publishers are urged to look to foreign markets to increase bottom lines. Those were some of the revelations from a look into the global publishing market by analyst Ruediger Wischenbart, in a report for the International Publishers Association presented at yesterday’s “Global Publishing Statistics” seminar at London Book Fair.

Wischenbart said that in the US and UK, the number of titles produced was increasing, but the market value of the publishing industry and publishers’ revenues were not, “which shows us that the economic situation of these markets is quite strained”. In response to a question from the audience about the impact on digital books globally, Wischenbart said the only countries currently being significantly affected were the US and UK.

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