Tips to Maintain Your Senior Loved One's Heart Health. As your loved one ages, the higher their risk of cardiovascular diseases becomes.
Fortunately, you can encourage them to adopt healthy habits. As your trusted provider of in-home nursing care in Maryland, we at Priority Health Care Systems, are more than happy to list down tips you can use to help your seniors be heart-healthy. Take a look below. Help them keep their weight within the healthy limits Extra weight means increased risk for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even mental health issues—studies show significantly poorer mental health outcomes in 38.5% of obese seniors. Understanding and Preventing Senior Depression. Depression can happen to anyone of any age, regardless of their achievements.
However, it is particularly dangerous to seniors since some people often assume depression is just a regular part of aging. Left untreated, it can also start manifesting as physical symptoms. As a home health agency in Maryland, we have supported several clients with senior depression. It is usually caused by the following: Benefits of Staying Physically Active for Seniors. A lot of seniors are afraid of engaging in physical activity because they are afraid it puts them at risk of accidents or straining a muscle.
However, studies have proven that physical activity can improve one’s health and is essential to healthy aging. This is why as a home health agency in Maryland, we try to have our senior patients as physically active as possible. Here are some health benefits to staying physically active according to the CDC: Make sure your in home nursing care in Maryland takes care of your health and personal care needs. We at Priority Health Care Systems make sure you get the best quality of care you deserve. We cover a wide range of services to provide for your needs.
We also offer in home nursing care serving all counties in Maryland. Caring for Senior’s Skin: Preventing Dryness and Itching. As we age, our skin tends to lose its suppleness and its capacity to retain moisture.
This makes seniors’ skin prone to dryness, which eventually results in itching and infected wounds. This is why it is important to give careful attention to senior skin. Why You Need to Take Advantage of Home Health Care. Frequent hospital visits are common to most patients, especially to those who are diagnosed with a chronic medical condition.
Mostly, they visit the hospital merely to get their needed professional healthcare services. Unfortunately, going to and from the hospital can be too stressful for patients, especially for patients who need to drive. This is not only an inconvenience for them, but it is too risky. How to Approach Your Senior Loved One About Their Mental Health. Changes are inevitable when your loved one reaches their golden years.
Why You Need to Take Advantage of Home Health Care. The Golden Years: A Guide to Aging Gracefully. Sleep: Why It Matters to Seniors. It is normal to experience changes in sleeping patterns as you grow older.
You may find yourself waking up earlier, becoming sleepy earlier, or having less deep sleeping. Mental Health: Simple and Fun Activities for Seniors. As a provider of mental health care in Montgomery county, Maryland, our home health agency in Maryland is aware that seniors, especially if they live alone, often suffer from boredom and loneliness.
Hence, they need to have various stimulating activities to keep their minds sharp and their bodies moving. cites that socially active and engaged seniors reap various benefits, such as better cognitive function, emotional and physical health, a boosted immune system, and increased longevity. suggests the following activities for seniors: Why Walking Is Important After a Surgery. Are you recovering from a surgery or hospitalization?
It is important to get back to walking as soon as possible, whether independently or with assistive devices, especially for seniors. As a home health agency in Maryland, we have had patients who benefited from early walking post-operation. Below are some benefits of early walking after a surgical procedure: Promotes blood flow and maintains normal breathing function.Prevents stroke-causing blood clots and promotes quicker wound healing.Improves digestion and urinary tract functions.Aids in coordination, posture, balance, and joint flexibility.Improves feeling of independence, mood, and self-esteem.
Comprehensive and Accessible Care Services. When your loved ones are aging or are suffering from certain illnesses or disabilities, their attending physicians may prescribe them to avail of both medical and non-medical care services.
Medical services assist with patients’ treatments and are administered by skilled nurses, therapists, and other licensed health professionals. Non-medical care, on the other hand, aim to assist patients with activities of daily living through the services of caregivers and other care professionals. Both these services may be available in hospitals, nursing facilities, or in patients’ homes, with the latter being the most preferred care setting. Depending on the state where you and your loved ones reside, several care providers offer such services. Selecting one should depend on a variety of factors from location to personal finances, but what truly sets the best provider apart is personalization and the availability of a wide range of services that will meet every patient’s set of needs. Some Tips on How to Find the Best Home Health Provider. Considering prospective health options as early as possible puts you out of any stress or hassle by the time you actually require help.
One of the very first factors that you will have to think about is the location. Healthcare options may be availed in a variety of settings that include hospitals, community facilities, and your own home. Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Hand Washing. Maintaining a clean hand through enhanced hand hygiene is one of the most effective steps to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Various diseases and conditions can spread if you’re not washing your hands properly with soap and clean, running water. Washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to minimize the number of germs that may enter the body in most situations. In home nursing care in Maryland knows very well how to properly wash the hands. So, without further ado, here’s the step-by-step guide to proper hand washing: FirstWet your hands with clean, running water, turn off the tap, and apply soap.ThenLather it by rubbing the hands together with a soap.
Exercise to Increase Bone Strength. Exercising is vital at every age for healthier bones. Moreover, it is essential to prevent osteoporosis. Not only will it improve your bone health, but exercising will also increase muscle strength, coordination, and balance, which will lead you to better overall health. One of the most effective ways to increase bone strength is to do weight-bearing exercise. It can be described as an activity during which you’re working against the force of gravity. Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Home Health Patients.
Occupational therapy is required mostly for individuals recovering from surgery. However, what most people do not know well is that occupational therapy is also highly recommended for home health a patient who wants to improve mobility and live with more productivity and independence, which can be done through therapeutic use of everyday activities. Let us figure out how home health patients can benefit from occupational therapy: Fall prevention Falling is the leading cause of injury among people 65 years and older. The role of occupational therapy for fall prevention is that it will evaluate and address both the individual and the environmental limitations and hazards that contribute to fall risk. Gateway to Healthy and Happy Aging. Aging involves both negative and positive changes which cause a decline in health. Geriatric Care Insights: Diet Tips for Elderly People. As people age, the senses weaken, the metabolism declines, and the risk of developing chronic conditions increase.
These are the reason doctors prescribe meds and supplements to elderly people. Physical Therapy: How Can It Help Elderly People. Miraculous Foods for Healthy Eyes. Eating a healthy diet that is low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables can benefit your eyes or vision. Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism in Seniors. As we age, we embrace various changes that we experience upon retirement. Along with the joys of aging comes the fact that the body changes, too, inside and out. Beltsville, Maryland. Loneliness in Seniors: A Growing Health Concern. Priority Health Care Systems believes that feelings of isolation and loneliness can creep into everyone’s system at any time, most especially in senior citizens who choose to stay indoors more often than they should. Sometimes, senior citizens feel lonely because family members have moved away to different locations and cannot visit as often as they would like to. Other times, no matter how many people are there in the room, some senior citizens merely do not know how to connect with others.
Home Health Care Agency. Seniors Need to Learn Anger Management. There are always good and bad days for our senior citizens. Let us face it. You can become a little bit grumpy when you grow older. You can even have nasty behaviors when people, things, or circumstances irritate you a lot. A Few Fun Physical Activities That Can Help Keep the Elderly Fit. Silver Spring, Maryland. Priority Health Care Systems. A Few Activities That Can Help Promote Your Mental Health. Priority Health Care Systems. Basic Steps to Start Communicating with Patients with Alzheimer’s. Exercises to Increase Your Lung’s Capacity. Home Health Agency in Maryland Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Beneficial. 4 Essential Vitamins for Healthy Aging.
Four Reasons Why You Should Make Jogging a Hobby. Surprising Health Benefits of Avocado. How to Distinguish a Quality Home Health Care Agency. Spending Time with Your Beloved Seniors. Improving Your Mental Health. What Is a Healthful Diet? Must-Have’s for a Healthy You. The Relationship of Dementia and Diabetes.