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Price Spectre

Price Spectre is a dynamic pricing agent for eBay sellers.

Why You Need to Use an Ebay Repricing Tool? What you need to know about eBay Repricing Tool? How does Price Spectre make sure I don’t sell below my cost? Price Spectre - Complete eBay Repricing Tool (Try it for Free) Why The Beanie Baby Craze Shows Us The Importance Of Using An eBay Price History Tool. Do you remember the Beanie Baby craze of the late nineties?

Why The Beanie Baby Craze Shows Us The Importance Of Using An eBay Price History Tool

Everyone was buying them, collecting them and most critically- selling them online. And it wasn’t just because they were adorably cuddly and cute animals which came in a variety of funky colours and designs. While Beanies were always popular, the Beanie Baby craze itself was artificially created. It began when the boss of TY Inc, T.Y Warner, would retire specific animals at whim, creating scarcity in the market and inspiring collectors to pay vast sums of money for a toy that retailed at only five pounds. Where did most of these sales happen? Beanie Babies were a colossal phenomenon on the eBay platform. And because of this, tons of people invested insane amounts of money and time into accumulating big basket loads of beanies. But the Beanie baby investment bubble was as unstable as the internet stock bubble of the 1990s, and it eventually crashed.

The result? However, I found myself disappointed and shocked at my naivete. Tips to sell more stuff on eBay - Price Spectre. Published Friday, Sep. 18, 2020, 9:21 am Join AFP's 100,000+ followers on Facebook Purchase a subscription to AFP | Subscribe to AFP podcasts on iTunes News, press releases, letters to the editor: Advertising inquiries: Photo Credit: Kalawin /iStock Photo eBay is a great way to get rid of the old stuff you never use and make some money while you do it.

Tips to sell more stuff on eBay - Price Spectre

Yes, someone actually will pay $14.99 plus shipping for your mother in law’s creepy coo-coo clock she left in her attic. Now, there are two ways you can go about using eBay. 1. Or 2. If you’re thinking about the latter, then you’ve come to the right place! Top 3 Tips to Keeping Your Sales Funnel Full - Market Business News. If you run an online business you know that competition is tough.

Top 3 Tips to Keeping Your Sales Funnel Full - Market Business News

That’s why staying ahead with marketing strategies and helpful tools is a must. In this article, I will be sharing the top tips and tricks to keep your revenue coming and your sales funnel nice and full. Let’s dive in! eBay Repricer If you don’t already know eBay is a great place to sell items quickly and easily. The Ultimate Guide to Earning a Passive Income in 2020. If this global pandemic has inspired one thing more than anything else it’s ingenious ways to make money.

The Ultimate Guide to Earning a Passive Income in 2020

With staggering unemployment and various jobs hanging in the balance, earning passive income has become one of the most important considerations for 2020. In this article, I will be giving you the expert tips so you can forget the rat race and enjoy some real dividends. Let’s dive in! FAQ - Price Spectre - Dynamic Pricing for eBay. What is Price Spectre?

FAQ - Price Spectre - Dynamic Pricing for eBay

Price Spectre is an automated pricing agent for eBay sellers. Price Spectre automatically monitors your competitors' listings and reprices your own listings based on rules you've set. Dynamic pricing can give you an edge over the competition. How does Price Spectre find my competitor's listings? For each managed listing, Price Spectre requires search parameters to be defined. Isn't this process time consuming? To make the setup process quicker you can set default search parameters for everything except for keywords.

If you sell common items (media, books, etc) you could potentially have every listing automatically set up for you at listing time. What happens when I list a new item? When listing a new item it will automatically appear within Price Spectre. What about when I relist an item? When you list an item we automatically try to match it with your ended listings. What pricing strategy does Price Spectre use? The seller has several to choose from. Price Spectre - Dynamic Pricing for eBay.