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A group of enthusiasts who want to change the way the Assessment happens. First time a platform is developed , which will bring Students, Teachers, Parent and Institutes , to conduct tests and assessment with the help of our AI / ML Platform.
IIT-JEE Preparation Tips for Teachers to Help Introvert Students. The title of this blog might seem a bit weird to you.
Every student is a student. So why should we separate students into introverts and extroverts? Let us tell you why. Being an introvert or an extrovert is the nature of an individual. JEE Preparation-6 Signs that Show Your preparation is on the Right Track. No one can deny the fact that the preparation for one of the most sought-after engineering entrance exams in the country is a crucial one.
You have to stay focused on the goals and make sure that the preparation is going on the right track. Now, the question is, how can you do that? How shall you know whether your preparation is on the right track? In the following section of the blog, we are going to share 6 signs that will help you know whether your JEE preparation is on the right track or not. Free mock test for NEET. JEE Preparation -How to Handle Anxiety/Stress During it. When it comes to entrance exams, there is no denying that IITJEE is one of the most troublesome ones.
The main reason is, it needs years of preparation and dedication. Lakhs of students wait for this exam every year so that they can get admitted to renowned IIT colleges. With the competitive exams, come the stress, anxiety, and fear that can cause too much trouble for even a bright student. We know that this is one of the most crucial exams for any student. JEE Preparations- Avoid Distractions During Your IIT/JEE Preparations. Is cracking the IIT/JEE your main goal in life right now?
Are you putting your heart and soul into the preparation and still getting distracted? Don’t worry. It happens with almost every student. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students are at home. They have to juggle through online coaching, school, and 10th class online tests for competitive exam preparation. JEE preparation-7 Common Mistakes JEE Aspirants Make While Preparing. There is no denying the fact that JEE is one of the hardest and most important exams in India.
Also, it is the gateway for every student for engineering colleges. Therefore, this competitive exam is worth the grind, especially for those who genuinely want to get into engineering. 10th Class Online Test - Prep Study. For most students, taking the 10th class online exam is a new and somewhat bewildering experience.
They don't know what to expect and aren't sure what skills and strategies they have to perform. Many of the steps you would take to appear for an 10th Class online exam are similar to those you would take if you were preparing for an exam in class. However, the 10th Class online test environment has some differences that require a little more awareness and preparation. Mock Test Online - Prep Study. A mock test is one kind of practice test before an exam for students.
Nowadays these mock tests are available online, which are called mock online tests. Before the exam, students need to practice their syllabus and should learn how to manage time in the exam hall. For this, they should attend mock tests. In this pandemic situation, students attend their classes and exam online. Neet Sample Paper - Prep Study. As of 2020, NEET is the only medical entrance exam in India.
This change has overcome the need for speed in all its aspects, from preparing to fill out the NEET application form to posting it in NEET 2020. You need to be very careful as your little mistake can cause the loss of a crucial year for you. And the only way to avoid these mistakes is to know and get used to every NEET micro factor and the questions asked in NEET. So, if you want to get a good score on NEET you need to understand the importance of completing NEET sample questionnaires or NEET test suite from one of the best medical trainers in India. Why Mock Online Test is beneficial for competitive exams? If you are preparing for any exam, it is incomplete without practicing the topics that you are preparing for.
To score the best results, you need to test what you have prepared. Therefore, practicing mock online tests provides a better perspective of what types of questions will come in the exam and it also helps in Improving your score in competitive exams. Mock online tests is the form of replicated tests that is based on the competitive exam’s pattern. The Key to a Student's Success in Competitive Exams. For a student, no one can be the biggest well-wisher than his/her parents.
In their own way, every parent wishes their children to be successful, especially when it comes to academics. Parents try to make sure that their kids get everything they want and they try hard to provide them with the “Best”. Parents - Prep Study. Teacher - Prep Study. Student - Prep Study. Tips for Taking Online Exams - How to Have the Best Experience, Especially for a Beginner - Prep Study.
With evolving technology, the education system has also evolved a lot nowadays. Instead of paper-based examinations, educational institutions are opting for online exams. Most of the competitive exams these days are online. How Parents' Guidance Can Improve A Student's Academic Performance - Prep Study. In every child’s academic performance, the role of a parent is of utmost importance.
Being a parent, you are the first teacher of your child. Therefore, however they are in the schools/college, is how they are taught at home. Students whose parents are also a part of their academics, do much better in their examinations. The good news is, it is not difficult to be a part of your kid’s academics. How Online Mock Tests Can Benefit Students? 7 Crucial Aspects of Taking Online Mock Tests - Prep Study. At present, technology has become the key to a new world of education.
Online learning or e-learning is the most popular way to gain access to education. With increasing online studies, the online mock tests also help students prepare for competitive exams. There is no denying the fact that the competitive examinations are becoming tough every year. 5 Practical Tips to Help Your Child Practice Early Math Concepts - September 2, 2021. Mathematics is everywhere and that’s great news for parents because you get to talk to your kids about maths in fun & natural ways.
And that kind of math concepts is important for children. Learning maths is similar to building a pyramid. It is not only about the online mock tests or practice sets with complicated algorithms. A Checklist of Do's & Don't for Teachers in the Post-Pandemic Era. Students are in a crisis. In the last year, the schools have suddenly closed down. A lot of the student’s family members are affected by COVID. They don’t have the option to meet up daily with their teachers in the post-pandemic era as well. .
The students had to take up the option of online coaching. 5 Problems with Timed Online Exams and How Prep.Study Helps in Mitigating Them. Keeping Students Motivated for Competitive Exams in Post-Pandemic Era. How Mock Tests Can Help in Improving Memory for exams. IIT/JEE Preparations Consistency is Crucial - Here is How to Maintain It. Contact Us - Prep Study. Blog - Prep Study. About Us - Prep Study. Competitive Exam Preparation In - prepstudy123. The First Way to Know About Competitive Exam Preparation : Prepstudy123. The Step-by-Step Clarification of Online Test Exam. Prep Study — An Unlimited Guide To Know About Mock Online Test. Entrance exam -Don’t Let Procrastination Hamper Your Preparation.
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