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EDC: Top 50 Every Day Carry Essentials You Should Own. If you were to empty your pockets and bag right now, what would your every day carry gear be?

EDC: Top 50 Every Day Carry Essentials You Should Own

Ready for the quickdraw, we all have the items we rely on the most whether it’s that pen your dad gave you, a wallet your wife bought you and the multi tool that you always rely upon. What’s different about these? These are quality tactical items. The sought of stuff James Bourne would wear on a Sunday morning. If you have never heard of every day carry (or EDC) before, it works in levels of how prepared you are to deal with anything that comes your way. Your every carry should be able to see you cruising through normal life, right through to when the sh-t hits the fan.

Zombie Survival Gear: What Do The World's Best Zombie Killers Use? What zombie survival gear would you use to fight off a horde of the undead as they approach the front porch of your house?

Zombie Survival Gear: What Do The World's Best Zombie Killers Use?

The preferences change whether you are Jon Snow from Game of Thrones fighting off an undead army, or you are Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead just trying to make a life for yourself and your survivor group while the rest of the world tries to eat you. I have long been a fan of undead fiction ever since I sank my teeth into The Walking Dead. Prepping On A Budget: Complete $5 Item List For An Emergency Supply. Getty Images Prepping on a budget is easy.

Prepping On A Budget: Complete $5 Item List For An Emergency Supply

When I first started prepping I was looking into the total costs of some kit lists, bug-out bags, and food stockpiles and was calculating figures upwards of more than $2000. If you are someone who is on a budget, or perhaps you have a partner that thinks prepping is a waste of money, then you might be looking for an affordable emergency supply of goods.

The following list has just that, every item or multiples of items are under five dollars. It doesn’t matter where you live, you should be able to identify the goods on this list as anything available in your local store whether it be a Walmart for the US readers (I have linked the products to Walmart’s online catalog), Woolworths for the Australians or Aldi for the Germans. 5 Top OC Spray Cans and Guns You Need For Your Self-Defense. OC spray is one of the world’s most trusted forms of self-defense and for a good reason, it works.

5 Top OC Spray Cans and Guns You Need For Your Self-Defense

It is relied upon by law enforcement, military and outdoors enthusiasts and why not? It is cheap, brutally effective (I have used it before) and compact to carry with you every day in your car, handbag or backpack. There are a lot of different types of OC spray out there with quite a few different names such as capsicum spray, pepper spray, capsaicin spray, CS spray and pepper gel. But what do you actually know about OC spray apart from the fact it hurts? Maybe not much, so let’s take a look at some of the questions you might have about OC spray and look at some of the trusted brands people are using around the world. Where it is used That’s right, there’s OC spray against bear attacks too. The Four Best Affordable Compound Crossbows Put To The Test. Whether you are a regular archery enthusiast, hunter or are looking for stock up on a way to defend your home when the sh-t hits the fan you might want to consider looking into compound crossbows.

The Four Best Affordable Compound Crossbows Put To The Test

There’s three simple reasons why they are great alternatives to guns, they have a reusable (which means cheaper) ammo, they’re silent and they are very deadly. I have always enjoyed the quality precision compound crossbows have on their targets and the smoothness on which they load and shoot with. Wilderness Survival: 11 Nights Lost And Alone In The Woods. Wilderness survival happens very easily every week.

Wilderness Survival: 11 Nights Lost And Alone In The Woods

You are out hiking with your friend or partner and you stop to look at something interesting, you get separated from your partner and suddenly find yourself lost, alone, stressed, and without a single clue where to go in the thick of an enormous, green, national park. This is what happened to American teen Austin Bohanan as he went on to survive 11 days and nights in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. This isn’t the first time someone has been lost in this national park and other areas in America and Canada. Others who went through similar ordeals have survived and some were not so lucky. How did he make it through the ordeals that nature threw in front of him? Austin’s logical approach to wilderness survival kept him alive, his knowledge of the way the land works and knowing how small creeks work is what got him to safety.

Wilderness Survival Against The Elements Austin Bohanan Survived 11 days lost and alone. Finding Help. Top 10 Most Used Outdoors Items People Carry In Their Packs. Kit lists are great, but even better is a list of the most used and favourite outdoors items that other campers, hikers, survivalists and preppers like to keep in their outdoors bags.

Top 10 Most Used Outdoors Items People Carry In Their Packs

How To Survive A Terror Attack - The Steps You Can Take. There have been too many terror-related attacks this year.

How To Survive A Terror Attack - The Steps You Can Take

These come in the form of blatant strikes by those looking to cause death, injury, fear and panic on innocent civilians. And each one is different without any strategy or procedure. Inflatable Boats In Floods: What You Need To Know Before You Buy. Inflatable boats are the best transport that you can keep stored away for when a flood occurs.

Inflatable Boats In Floods: What You Need To Know Before You Buy

One quick look at Houston and you can already see the widespread devastation and impact a flood can have and how useful a quick, ready-to-go boat that has been sitting in the garage can be in these types of disasters. In this environment an inflatable boat is going to save you without a doubt. First, it is a necessary way of water transport.

Prepping For A Financial Collapse: How You Can Ensure Your Survival. Wikimedia Commons Silicon Valley millionaires and Wall Street investors are buying big houses overlooking lakes in New Zealand?

Prepping For A Financial Collapse: How You Can Ensure Your Survival

What? Why? I know, it shocked me when I found out this same fact earlier this year. I dig a little bit deeper to look at the Who, the What and the Where of the pre-financial collapse concerns and how you and your family can prepare for it. New Zealand, a haven for rich preppers There’s enough news sources that write end-of-world articles every year and a lot of others that predict a financial collapse every month.

Business heads of the United States’ economic powers are buying safe houses in different areas. First, let’s put some names to the faces of these millionaire preppers who are taking precautions to ensure the prosperity for them and their families. The Who. The Essential Multi-Budget Bug-out Bag Set Up - The Prepping Guide. “We’ve got to go, grab what you need now!” You have seen this in movies or you have experienced it yourself. So what do you do? You don’t have time to pack things or run around the house or room and grab essentials. No, you grab your bug-out bag for your transition to survival and getting out of a mess.

It’s the holy grail of prepper essentials. For the prepping and survival world the term bug-out bag comes from the military defensive tactic of bugging out, or to grab the essentials and get out of an area as quickly as possible. In my own military experience, I found that these bags should consist of enough essentials to allow you to survive for 72 hours in the wild (three days). Gas Mask and Gear You Need To Survive A Nuclear Attack.