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PregnancyHealth offering complete information about pregnancy related issues.

Pregnancy Health — How to treat the sciatic nerve pain... What Can I Take For a Headache During Pregnancy. How Long Does Your Hair Falling Out After Pregnancy. Being pregnant and giving birth to a baby is the most wonderful moment in every woman’s life.

How Long Does Your Hair Falling Out After Pregnancy

But every woman also needs to undergo the challenges which occur during this phase like the change in their physical appearance, the increase in weight and especially the postpartum hair loss. The transformation to being a mother is not an easy journey. One of the most common problems which every woman face is the problem of postpartum hair loss or hair loss after pregnancy. Let us learn about it in detail. While hair loss during pregnancy is very rare among women many of the experience more than expected hair loss after pregnancy.

Must See: Anemia Problem During Pregnancy: What Causes, Symptoms & Treatment What Causes the Postpartum Hair Loss? Normally, our head loses about 100 hairs a day but they are all not lost at once. If you are experiencing hair fall during pregnancy you might be talking to your physician but what can be done for the hair fall after pregnancy. Anemia Problem During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. Generally, many ladies face few common problems during pregnancy and there are many reasons for each and every problem.

Anemia Problem During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anemia is one of the most common problems among ladies during pregnancy. Anemia, basically defined as loss of blood content in body is in several forms and factors to affect ladies during pregnancy. When pregnant women are affected with Anemia, the body does not contain enough blood counts like red blood cells. When there are low level of red blood cells in body, there exists a great barrier to carry oxygen that is required for both mother and fetus. High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. How Much Swelling During Pregnancy Is Normal. Edema is a natural physiological phenomena that happens in every human being in general.

How Much Swelling During Pregnancy Is Normal

It is normal phenomena of the human body where parts of the body undergo swelling with the accumulation of water at that particular portion, which is part of the body defense mechanism. This makes the body to defend or protect the vital organs from undergoing further damage. Edema is the most common thing at the times of pregnancy in women. Ankles, Hands, arms, writs, including face edema is observed. This is a common phenomenon as a part of body’s mechanisms. Due to change in the blood chemistry making water content in the blood to escape into the tissues. Along with the puffiness of the skin and face, there also occurs redness, pain in moving and extending arms and legs, rashes like red streaks over the legs, at times the swollen area seems to be in purple color as a sign of blood clot in that area. Focus on healthy food diets and simple treatments. Pregnancy will give happy and memorable times for every woman.

Focus on healthy food diets and simple treatments

But it also provides some common pains and aches. Excess pressure in the sciatic nerve will lead to the occurrence of pain in high range. Pinched nerve is also main cause of the pain. It will affect the pregnancy women without any warning signs. Weight and hormonal changes is the chief reasons for Sciatic Nerve Pain During Pregnancy and so you have to seek the help of professional doctor without any delay. Heal sciatic nerve pain naturally. Pregnancyhealth - Health conditions and common symptoms of pregnancy. A pregnancy is the time in which one or more offspring developing inside a woman.

pregnancyhealth - Health conditions and common symptoms of pregnancy

Typically, the pregnancy time is classified into three trimesters such as first, second and third trimester. The first trimester starts from the first week through twelve and includes conception. The second trimester starts from week 13 through 28 whereas the third trimester is from 29 weeks through 38 or 40 weeks. Usually, the women have a chance to get pregnant by do having sex regularly, having sex at least one time per day near the time of ovulation, consider preconception planning, take vitamin supplements and make healthy lifestyle choices.

The Very Early Signs of pregnancy start in the first few weeks after the conception. The common symptoms of pregnancy are breasts tender due to hormonal changes, sensitive, swollen breasts, morning sickness, nausea with or without vomiting, fatigue, and increased urination and food cravings. Diarrhea During Pregnancy: Remedies & Treatment - Pregnancy Health. There can be number of uncomfortable aliments during pregnancy and Diarrhea too can occur frequently.

Diarrhea During Pregnancy: Remedies & Treatment - Pregnancy Health

This can happen due to the shifting of the hormones and also due to the change in diet and above all due to the stress that gets added. As per a recent study Diarrhea can commonly occur in many women who are pregnant and they also need to be cautious or else it can cause complications. Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy. What is The Meaning of the Word Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

A hemorrhoid is a medical condition where the veins in the lower rectum and the anus area become reddened and swollen. Many people suffer from this disease after the age of fifty. Bleeding, discomfort and itching are some of its important attributes. Sciatic Nerve Pain During Pregnancy. What is Sciatica?

Sciatic Nerve Pain During Pregnancy

Sciatica nerve travels from lower part of back through back portion of legs and lastly to feet. Sciatica is not a single snag but includes various problems that occur when pressure or infection results in pain on nerves travelling from back to legs. Weight Gain During Pregnancy. While many women believe that weight gain during pregnancy is quite normal, a number of doctors have put forth some facts which define healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

During this phase of nine months woman needs to gain only the weight which is needed. As people think that it is perfect to gain some extra pounds, putting on more weight too can cause troubles. Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy: Ease Pain in Abdominal Area. What is Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy?

Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy: Ease Pain in Abdominal Area

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is a common complaint in most females as hormones are continuously changing at this time. Usually cramping are signs of digestive disorder or a notice to take ease from work. In some rare cases, they may also suggest a warning for conditions like- Miscarriage – According to a medical survey, chances of miscarriages are highest in first three months. Heavy Bleeding During Pregnancy Stages: Causes of Bleeding. Heavy bleeding during the time of pregnancy can be due to the cause of fear or anxiety. While this is one symptom which is normally seen during initial stages of pregnancy, if the bleeding is heavy, it is advised to go for medical help. As per a medical study, about 25% of women do have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy First Trimester. More than half of them do complete their term and give birth to healthy babies. While some experience spotting during pregnancy, others can also experience bleeding which is same like during their menstrual cycle.

If you have spotting or continuous bleeding for few days, it is then important to go see a doctor. Let us know learn about what causes bleeding in early pregnancy. Bleeding that occurs after sex: If you have a bleeding after sex, then it can be considered as a common occurrence. Pregnancy Symptoms And Early Signs of Pregnancy. If you missed your period and you wondering it might be the cause of pregnancy then check out the symptoms of Pregnancy before missed your period. Some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy even before a missed period are as follow:- Cramping is one of the first and early signs of pregnancy before missed period. It is a misconception that cramping is the beginning of a period whereas it can also occur because the fertilized egg has implanted itself on the walls of the uterus.Breast tenderness – In and around the time when a period is due, the female notices certain breast tenderness. As soon as the egg fertilizes the body starts producing progesterone and estrogen at a higher level.

The hormonal change increases the flow of blood to the breast area, therefore making the tissues at the breast swollen, tender and sensitive. How to Gain Weight During Pregnancy in the Healthy Way. Every woman should gain a proper weight in order to sustain the pregnancy in a healthy way. The weight gain is one of the most important things to be considered with the recommended limits during the pregnancy time. Once the woman gets pregnant, she needs an extra 300 calories per day for a baby. Eating a healthy and proper balanced diet is helpful for baby to get the nutrients and grow at a healthy rate.

Every woman needs to eat for two i.e. the woman needs about 300 healthy calories per day when she was pregnant. Many women are still doubts about how much weight should I gain. Common Pains Occur During Pregnancy by Pregnancyhealth. Useful Benefits of Back Pain and Abdominal Exercises PowerPoint presentation. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, is a great resource. And, best of all, most of its cool features are free and easy to use. You can use to find and download example online PowerPoint ppt presentations on just about any topic you can imagine so you can learn how to improve your own slides and presentations for free.

Or use it to find and download high-quality how-to PowerPoint ppt presentations with illustrated or animated slides that will teach you how to do something new, also for free. Or use it to upload your own PowerPoint slides so you can share them with your teachers, class, students, bosses, employees, customers, potential investors or the world. For a small fee you can get the industry's best online privacy or publicly promote your presentations and slide shows with top rankings. Useful Benefits of Back Pain and Abdominal Exercises. Complete Information About Pregnancy Related Problems and Suggestions.: Common Pains and Aches Occur During Pregnancy. Pregnancy Symptoms And Early Signs of Pregnancy. How to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy. 10 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound : What to Expect. 8 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms & What To Expect.

Pregnancy at 8th Week Women usually schedule their first appointment with a gynecologist at eighth week. At this time doctor suggests an ultrasound so that exact date of conception can be determined. Testing is possible only at a doctor’s clinic or at a hospital or a lab authorized by medical practitioner. An 8 weeks ultrasound includes forming a picture with help of sound waves. Under this method, a conductive gel is spread on pregnant belly by a qualified technician and then a scanner is glided over it.