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WikiLeaks Is Back! With Millions of Global Intelligence E-mails. Share NOTE: see 8:30 pm Sunday entry below for main story. Greg Mitchell is the author of The Age of WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning. --GO HERE FOR TUESDAY's WIKILEAKS NEWS & VIEWS AND UPDATE ON THE "GLOBAL INTEL" FILES 5:25 Good Mother Jones backgrounder on Stratfor and what the emails reveal about it (and its ambitions) so far. And David Corn now with piece raising question of whether Statfor got access to some materials seized in raid that killed bin Laden. Quotes from emails. 5:15 Cole Stryker at Salon: WikiLeaks enters its "new phase" by partnering with Anonymous ushering in new era for "hacktivism.

" 4:10 Federal Judge: Halliburton may have set me up in double sex case. 3:15 InfoWorld headline: "Extremely Hacked and Incredibly Dense. " 3:10 The Telegraph: Email finds Stratfor guy claiming Osama bin Laden was very much in steady contact wtih Pakistan spy agency. 3:00 Talking Points Memo piece not impressed by news coming out of the emails so far. 11:35 The YesMen weigh in with their take. Anonymous And WikiLeaks Team Up To Release Intelligence Files. WikiLeaks has a new source of information the “hacktivists” Anonymous. This time they teamed up to release information from a company called Stratfor, a subscription based provider of geopolitical analysis. Stratfor recognized in December that their data servers were breached by Anonymous.

Also Stratfor said that the e-mail released by WikiLeaks might have been altered and condemned the “deplorable, unfortunate – and illegal – breach of privacy.” WikiLeaks will be posting the GIF (Global Intelligence Files) files, they consists on more than five million emails. The emails date from July 2004 until late December 2011. More than 4000 emails mention WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, the still editor-in-chief. The website mentions that “Government and diplomatic sources from around the world give Stratfor advance knowledge of global politics and events in exchange for money.”

This is the first time that Anonymous and WikiLeaks work openly together. Source: WikiLeaks Image via: xkcd.

WikileakZ On_The SimpletonZ

'Rolling Stone' to drop big Julian Assange interview next week by Michael Hastings, the guy who blew the lid off Gen. McChrystal. RAP NEWS X - #Occupy2012 (feat. Noam Chomsky & Anonymous)    :  Information Clearing House News. 109th Congress (2005-2006. NSWC National Security Whistleblowers Coalition. Draft:The Most Wanted Leaks of 2009. From WikiLeaks 2009's Most Wanted Leaks—the concealed documents or recordings most sought after by a country's journalists, activists, historians, lawyers, police, or human rights investigators. Help us clarify and background the nominations so we can discover which are significant and which are not. You may securely and anonymously add information to this page for each entry (click "edit" next to each country). WikiLeaks will prioritize the list based on the available information and seek to obtain the leading candidates directly, through the legal system, or indirectly through ours network of journalists, intelligence sources, volunteers and readers.

If you email us ( we will alert you when the record has been obtained. The current order reflects the order of submission and is unlikely to be related to the final order. Winners for each country will receive a cash prize upto 1000 EUR, depending on how many countries submit. Be attentive to the content of your nomination. Broadcast Yourself. Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq. Welcome to FoWL: Friends of WikiLeaks!

U.K. Debate On Extradition

Spi_FileZ #HQ. US targets WikiLeaks like no other organisation. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange talks during a news conference in central London. Photo: AP WIKILEAKS is the target of an ''unprecedented'' US government criminal investigation, Australian diplomatic cables obtained by the Herald reveal. The cables also show the Australian government wants to be forewarned about moves to extradite Julian Assange to the United States, but that Australian diplomats raised no concerns about him being pursued by prosecutors on charges of espionage and conspiracy.

The cables, released under freedom of information to the Herald this week, show Australian diplomats have been talking to the US Justice Department for more than a year about US criminal investigations of WikiLeaks and Mr Assange. Advertisement Last week the Foreign Affairs Minister, Kevin Rudd, told Parliament the government was ''not aware of any current extradition request [for Mr Assange] by US authorities'' and has ''no formal advice'' on a US grand jury investigation directed at WikiLeaks. Bradley Manning lawyer: White House review found 'leak' did no real damage | Media. Bradley ­Manning is facing multiple charges relating to his alleged releasing of state secrets. Photograph: AP The US army intelligence analyst suspected of giving classified material to WikiLeaks says a White House review has concluded that the alleged leaks did no real damage to national security. Bradley Manning's defence attorney made the claim in a court filing he released publicly on Monday.

The filing also claims a defence department review found that all the information allegedly leaked was either dated, represented low-level opinions, or was already known because of previous public disclosures. Manning is seeking the reports to aid in his defence. His lawyer also contends it was common for soldiers to add unauthorised software to their work computers. Manning's first hearing is set for 16 December at Fort Meade. Assange's latest leak: his own story of how he fell out with 'backstabbing' press - Press - Media. The comments reveal the depth of distrust between Mr Assange and senior journalists at The Guardian newspaper, with whom he fell out over an agreement to publish thousands of secret US diplomatic cables alongside two other international newspapers last year.

The film, to be aired on More4 tomorrow, charts how a pact to publish the contents of more than 75,000 leaked US cables in a deal between The Guardian, The New York Times and Germany's Der Spiegel went interminably sour leading to bitter fallouts with all three newspapers. It comes as Mr Assange is still embroiled in a fight to avoid extradition to Sweden where he faces allegations of sex crimes. Senior judges will meet in London next Monday to decide whether an appeal will be heard by the Supreme Court. Unless leave is granted, it is likely that Mr Assange could be back on a plane to Stockholm by Christmas. Obama Signs Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act.

<br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Copy President Obama signed the Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act today, less than a year after an ABC News investigation into the murder of the 24-year-old volunteer in Africa. The act, which passed earlier this month in Congress, is designed to protect Peace Corps whistleblowers and improve the treatment of victims of violence and sexual assault. The law is named for 24-year-old Kate Puzey of Georgia, who was murdered in Benin in 2009 after telling superiors she believed a fellow Peace Corps employee was molesting female students.

In an investigation that aired on "20/20," ABC News told the story of Kate's murder and examined what critics say has been a "blame-the-victim" culture within the Peace Corps when volunteers are assaulted or attempt to report problems. "It's such a wonderful thing. WATCH Part 1 of the "20/20" report "We're fighters. Sen. Julian Assange na Trip #199. Wikileaks Founder, Julian Assange Hires Pirate Bay Lawyer ~ The Hacker News | Hacking News | Learn Ethical Hacking Training. Wikileaks Founder, Julian Assange Hires Pirate Bay Lawyer Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has fired his lawyer in favour of one with experience in batting for The Pirate Bay, according to a Swedish news report. Julian Assange has ditched his Swedish legal counsel and lined up a new defence team in readiness for a likely return to the country to face allegations of sexual molestation and rape against two women. Assange has filed a petition with the Stockholm District Court, says the newspaper, and communicated his desire to change his representation to attorneys Per Samuelson and Thomas Olsson.

Olsson is reviewing the case already, but has little to say on the motives behind Assange's decision. "He'll have to explain his motivation behind changing defenders," he told The Local. Bradley Manning: WikiLeaks suspect to get hearing at Fort Meade. A military hearing for Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, the former intelligence analyst accused of giving classified materials about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to WikiLeaks, has been scheduled for next month at Fort Meade. The primary purpose of the Article 32 hearing is "to evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of the government's case as well as to provide the defense with an opportunity to obtain pretrial discovery," Manning's attorney wrote Monday on his website.

The hearing is scheduled to begin Dec. 16 and is expected to last five days, according to attorney David E. Coombs. The defense may call witnesses and cross-examine the government's witnesses. Witnesses are placed under oath, and their testimony may be used during a trial. It will be Manning's first appearance in a military courtroom since his arrest in May 2010. If convicted, Manning could be sentenced to life in prison.

Manning was moved in April to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. Political Interference - Sweden vs. Assange. What Does it Cost to Change the World? Contents US and Sweden: Informal Talks about Assange Extradition to US since December 2010 Media reports that Wikileaks is planning what they describe as a "smear campaign" against Sweden. Good to know.… — Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) February 22, 2012 The UK newspaper The Independent (08 December 2010) reported that Sweden and the United States were holding informal negotiations about Assange’s onward extradition. Sweden: Political Interference by the Swedish Prime Minister Swedish Prime Minister interferes in Assange case with fresh attacks on Assange - 25 January 2012 This is typical of someone accused [’anklagad’] of a crime in a different country - to try to cast suspicion on that country or its legal system.

Swedish Prime Minister attacks Assange on National Radio, one week before Supreme Court hearing AH: And now we have Carina Rydberg from Stockholm. CR: Hello hello! AH: This is the author Carina Rydberg as I believe? Leaker of Pentagon Papers Joins WikiLeaks in Rebuking U.S. 11-07 Wikileaks' Assange must be protected. Authored by William Shaub Julian Assange has become more than an agent of transparency; he’s our resourceful David in a 21st century fight against thousands of steroid-enhanced Goliaths. Australia’s The Age is reporting what many of us familiar with the WikiLeaks saga have foreseen: Kevin Rudd and his foreign affairs department have been accused of all but ignoring pleas from Julian Assange’s legal team to protect the WikiLeaks founder from a possible death penalty in the US. The foreign affairs department may have also been caught out in an embarrassing lie, after telling The Age they had replied to a letter from Assange’s British lawyer, Gareth Peirce, when they had not.

Tony Kevin, an Australian diplomat of three decades who served as ambassador to Poland and Cambodia, was critical of Mr Rudd’s handling of the Assange case, saying Australia appeared unprepared to grapple with its highly political nature. The result is the persecution of perhaps the most innovative web activist in history.

WikiLeaks' Assange files appeal to take case to U.K. Supreme Court. News By Jeremy Kirk November 15, 2011 12:51 PM ET IDG News Service - WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange filed an appeal Tuesday to take his case to the U.K.'s Supreme Court in a bid to block his extradition to Sweden on possible charges of sexual assault and rape. The High Court will decide whether Assange is allowed to take his case to the Supreme Court, according to a spokesman for the judiciary of England and Wales. If the High Court refuses his appeal, Assange could take his case directly to the Supreme Court.

The latest appeals filing is the next step Assange could take after he lost a second appeal in the High Court on Nov. 2. In his first extradition hearing in February, Assange's legal team connected Sweden's pursuit with WikiLeaks' continuing release of some 250,000 secret U.S. diplomatic cables. Send news tips and comments to Reprinted with permission from The US Justice Department Hacked My Twitter Account. Intro: "Few realise that foreign governments gain the right to our personal data when we sign up to social media. This must end. " By Birgitta Jonsdottir, Guardian UK 13 November 11 Few realise that foreign governments gain the right to our personal data when we sign up to social media.

This must end. Birgitta Jónsdóttir's Twitter account: A US court has ruled that Twitter must comply with a Department of Justice demandto release private data held by the social media company, which it seeks as part of its investigation into WikiLeaks. efore my Twitter case, in which the US Department of Justice has demanded that the social media site hands over personal information about my account which it deems necessary to its investigation of WikiLeaks, I didn't think much about what rights I would be signing off when accepting user agreement in my computer.

This notion needs to change. Our legal systems are slow compared to the speed of online development. Birgitta Jónsdóttir. Twitter Ordered to Give Up Wikileaks Data. A federal judge on Thursday ordered Twitter to give up information about three account holders under investigation for possible connections to WikiLeaks. The decision rejected an appeal by the three account holders that argued their IP addresses should be considered private. Those account holders — Jacob Appelbaum, Rop Gonggrijp and Birgitta Jonsdottir — have addressed the situation on Twitter. "The consequences of this decision for me are extremely limited: there’s not a whole lot you can learn from records that Twitter has on me that you can’t learn from reading my blog," he wrote. "There are bigger principles at stake though, and this is not a good ruling for online privacy. " Jonsdottir's feed led readers to an Electronic Frontier Foundation article on the subject with her quote: "With this decision, the court is telling all users of online tools hosted in the U.S. that the U.S. government will have secret access to their data.

" Sweden vs. Assange. Government to disclose evidence against WikiLeaks suspect in pretrial hearing. The Army is preparing to hold a pre-trial hearing that for the first time will disclose the government’s case in detail against the soldier accused of disseminating thousands of classified documents that were aired on the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. A spokeswoman for the Military District of Washington at Fort McNair, which has jurisdiction over the proceedings, said the investigative hearing, known as an Article 32, will be held “in the Washington area.” Now at the Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, prison, Pfc.

Bradley Manning will not be held in the brig at the Marine base in Quantico, Va. His treatment there stirred a wave of protest from his civilian lawyer and supporters who view him as a hero. Army officials did not disclose where the soldier will be held. The defense, prosecutors and intelligence agencies have been sparring over what can be disclosed in open proceedings in a case involving the largest leak of classified information in U.S. history. “You know the intelligence community.

Free Bradley Manning

Free Mercedes. JUSTICE FOR JULIAN. “Assange (Wikileaks) Condemns Australian Threat To Free Speech: Falsehood Must Be Repudiated Not Punished” Donate. The Guantanamo Files. Herald staff dominate Walkley Awards nominations. Wikileaks. When you talk too much for Twitter. WITCHES SUPPORTING WIKILEAKS. France mox nuclear" OpSubverse. Hbgary. Message to H.B. Gary and H.B. Gary Customers From Anonymous. WikiLeaks' obvious truth. WikiLeaks. Wikileaks. WIKILEAKS from Dec. 2010 till Feb. 2011. Wikileaks. Wikileaks. Wikileaks. WikiLeaks. FREE TOPIARY. WikiLeaks. Wondering why the. Rendition Warsaw WikiLeakZ. The Greatest Speech Ever Made. Statement on the 9 Month Anniversary of Cablegate: Release of 133,887 Cables. Egypt's military ruler Tantawi and the American siege of Gaza: revelations from Wikileaks. Freedom of Information. US espionage investigation against WikiLeaks: PATRIOT Act order unsealed.

US Kuwait. Burkino Faso. CHILD TRAFFICKING. Hong Kong US. Cablegate's cables: Full-text search. PARAMARIBO34 Suriname. CATHOLIC CLERGY. 30 new revelations from #wlfind. Wikileaks-iraqi-children-in-us. WikiLeaks bids to end credit card ban so it can start sending out confidential documents again.