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Fourth lawsuit filed against Castlewood Treatment Center over implanted memory. ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. (KMOV) -- A fourth lawsuit has been filed against the Castlewood Treatment Center, a St. Louis County residential treatment program for women with eating disorders. The latest suit, filed last Friday, claims the center planted false memories of abuse in the former patient suing Castlewood. The allegations made by the former patients include having fake memories that convinced them that they were victims of satanic ritual abuse, that they witnessed murder, and even memories that they had eaten children.

In each case, the former patients say therapists at the center planted false memories that traumatized them and prompted them to stay longer in the facility, spending even more money for treatment. The first former patient to file a suit, Lisa Nasseff, alleged that Castlewood wanted to keep her at the facility because her insurance would pay for medical bills totaling $650,000. You can view them by clicking the links below Castlewood Lawsuits: 1.


Correction Corporation Of America. Public Prisons Made Private In Florida. Florida Prisons Bill Would Expand Private Management, Netting A Big Win For Political Contributors. Florida this week faces a choice that is increasingly confronting much of the nation -- whether to hand over a major slice of its prison system to private, for-profit businesses that answer to Wall Street. Lawmakers in Florida are taking a final vote on legislation that would result in the single largest expansion of for-profit prisons in the country, resulting in the privatizing of every state prison south of Orlando.

This would amount to just under 30 facilities representing 20 percent of the state's sprawling correctional system. The state Senate postponed a scheduled vote on the issue Wednesday afternoon and is expected to address the measure as early as next week. The House would still have to approve a companion bill for the measure to become law. Proponents have advanced the move as a cost-saving measure, a business-minded response to the state's budget shortfall. The stakes are high: Florida has the third-largest prison system in the nation.

Corrections Corp.' U.S.

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Prison Legal News - Legal articles, cases and court decisions. Sexual Abuse by Prison and Jail Staff Proves Persistent, Pandemic by Gary Hunter Sexual assault, rape, indecency, deviance. These terms represent reprehensible behavior in our society. They also represent recurring themes in our nation’s prisons – not only by prisoners, but also by guards and other staff members. PLN’s August 2006 cover story, Guards Rape of Prisoners Rampant, No Solution in Sight, profiled examples of sexual abuse by prison guards and other employees in 26 states. Since that time the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission has issued proposed standards to reduce sexual abuse behind bars, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics has released reports on sexual victimization in our nation’s prisons and jails. What has not changed in the past several years is the continued rape and sexual exploitation of prisoners by prison and jail employees who are supposed to ensure their safety.

Past issues of PLN have pushed this significant problem to the forefront. Arizona Arkansas Iowa.

CALI 3 Strikes 2 Costly 4 Prisons

United States of Prison. Building PrisonZ For Haliburton KBR. Kids Doing Life. Death of B.C. inmate triggers investigation. Kid_Napped Natives/Immigrants. Debtors' Prison Legal In More Than One-Third Of U.S. States. Stop For-Profit Prisons. Today, the ACLU releases Banking on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration, an in-depth examination of the private prison industry.The report finds that mass incarceration provides a gigantic windfall for one special interest group – the private prison industry – even as current incarceration levels harm the country as a whole.

While the nation’s unprecedented rate of imprisonment deprives individuals of freedom, wrests loved ones from their families, and drains the resources of governments, communities, and taxpayers, the private prison industry is expanding at an exponential rate, holding ever more people in its prisons and jails, and generating massive profits.

Private prisons for adults were virtually non-existent until the early 1980s, but the number of prisoners in private prisons increased by approximately 1,600 percent between 1990 and 2009.In 2010, the two largest private prison companies alone received nearly $3 billion in revenue. Want to help? Go here to take action!