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AMAZON. LINKEDIN. Democracy Now! Mobile. The Mind and other Dangerous Things. TV ChanZ. Chaîne de doctordrewl. Glenn Beck Rape & Murder Hoax. This entry is about the controversial Internet joke and Glenn Beck v. Eiland-Hall (2009), a court case filed before the World Intellectual Property Organization regarding a political-satirical domain name. About Did Glenn Beck Rape And Murder A Young Girl In 1990 is an Internet hoax and grassroots smear campaign which began as the satirical website in September of 2009.

The hoax began as a parody of public perception of Glenn Beck’s over-the-top interview antics on his self-titled television show Glenn Beck, wherein he frequently asks his guests to disprove highly speculative and often outrageous assertions. Origin The inspiration for the hoax originally came from a joke performed by comedian Gilbert Gottfried at the Comedy Central roast of a fellow actor/comedian Bob Saget in August of 2008. Why haven’t we had an official response to the rumor that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990? Spread Legal Dispute Notable Examples Glenn Beck. Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On., Occupy Wish List, and the Continuing Demise of the Audience. UPDATE: MoveOn has posted a public FAQ that clarifies that they are not adding Occupy Wish List email addresses to their own list, but are merely using them to coordinate donations: There was a time, not so long ago, when an organization or a group of activists could sit around a table and – considering their goals, assets, allies, and opponents – develop a workable strategy for change.

That time of strategic development in isolation is ending and the reason is the Internet. Message from the Former Audience: “Why Wasn’t I Consulted?” Early this year Paul Ford, a commentator for NPR, wrote a blog post called The Web Is a Customer Service Medium. In it he proposed that the fundamental question of the Internet is: “Why wasn’t I consulted?”. “Why wasn’t I consulted,” which I abbreviate as WWIC, is the fundamental question of the web…. Occupy Wish List and its Discontents The site seems straightforward enough (see left). How will MoveOn respond? C drum'n'bass walk. EARTH 2.0 INITIALIZATION - director's cut. Earth 2 Hub™


BLACKBERRY RIM. PEARTREES. KAPUTER. Lauren Lyster Nyummy BunZ #Teh. BloomBerg!!! AYLIONA. ZEROHEDGE. MAXKIESER. FSS PIPEZ. AD The MAN. HOLLYWOOD & SUPERBABES. RNNHQ. RedListRadio Thursday 6Pm Pacific. FREEDOM RADIO FREESLIPZ. REVOLUTIONTRUTH. @PeaceChronicles. Just for lulz. PORN #LulZ Via Tourture1221. The Snercackles R Us Daily. Home. Brent's Network | Building Bridges Worldwide: The Rainbow Bridge — Humanity's Bridge — The People's Bridge. Aigeanta.Net | Hope of Survival. What dubstep sounds like to your parents. Iris - Siri for Android proves Apple doesn't have an edge. Iris, a Siri lookalike, was put together in just eight hours and is now available in the Android App store. It raises a lot of questions, only some of which as easy to answer.

Siri, the natural languages understanding app that answers your questions, is supposed to be the advantage that the iPhone 4S has, not only over other models of the iPhone, but every other mobile device on the planet. To show you just how important consider the fact that Apple has produced a TV commercial featuring Siri: It is clear that Siri's brand of humour (and even the mistakes and gaffs that it makes have so far been humorous) appeals to its audience. Users are finding that they simply can't get through to the servers and a "cannot connect" error message is annoying quite a few. So Siri does seem to be popular even if it could be just novelty value - but does it really give Apple an edge?

Now we come to the question answering. "open the pod bay doors" and you get the answer: "I'm sorry, Dave. More Information. Counterstrike- Draco VIP. Home | Fix America Now. Facebook. Britney Spears Bombastic Love. Decentralized global rebellion against neoliberal economic policies-Max Keiser-03-11-2011-(Part1) | Listen to Free Music Online | FSS34. iLuvMyPlanet! The Corporation. All Critics (117) | Top Critics (35) | Fresh (98) | Rotten (11) | DVD (20) A history lesson, a warning shot and damning personality profile, all backed up with expert interviews. Carries a powerful, albeit not new, message. It is frightening. The rare movie that sets out to alter the audience's consciousness -- and succeeds. This documentary's extra-long running time and a narrator who sounds like a sedated Star Trek computer won't win many converts.

This is a movie that will make you think. Sharp-witted, infuriating and at times depressing. The 150-year old legal construct of the corporation, as a "person," is dissected for all to see how its lack of accountability has enabled the faulty model to become a ruling institution, acting beyond the reach of any government. As a clever joke, the filmmakers run down a list of the traits of a psychopath and find a corporate action to match each one. One of those necessary films that we have to see for our own health. November 26, 2004 October 28, 2004. Chaîne de AdamVsTheManRT. Author S.E. SEVER's Website. Newswallah: Bharat Edition. The Stream. The Greatest Hoax " Virus Alert " » Taliban attacks U.S. embassy in Kabul Alex Jones.

NY Time Publishes Fabricated Evidence Of Russian Troops In Eastern Ukraine Hate Crime Act Targets Free Speech Former U.S. State Department Director Says "Bomb Syria" Veteran Exposes VA Horror Treatment Federal Secret Police Unit Restricts Free Speech US Army Major Confirms To Son, USA Is Riddled With FEMA Camps Black American Patriot Refutes Absurd Bundy Racist Allegations. REVEALED: Archetypal Messages In The Amazing Film Under The Skin U.N. Harry Reid's Hypocritically Racist Statements Exposed Through Biting Satire Manufacturing Armageddon NYT Caught Creating Fake War Propaganda in Ukraine Just Like Iraq Freedom Under Assault New York Times Caught Photoshopping Image Cliven Bundy Responds To New York Times Racism Report State Trooper Mocks Owner After Deputy Shoots Family Dog #MyNYPD Exposes Police Brutality Georgia "Guns Everywhere Bill" Now Law Texas AG Abbott to BLM 'Come and Take It' Is The Constitution Outdated?

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