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Occupy Wall Street: NYPD Orders Officers Not To Interfere With Press. Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis. OWS protester sees police brutality firsthand.

The Bridge

Woah! Police Pepper Spray Old Ladies And Pregnant Girls At Occupy Seattle! It seems as though the Occupy movements around the country are becoming more and more violent.

Woah! Police Pepper Spray Old Ladies And Pregnant Girls At Occupy Seattle!

Case in point: pregnant and elderly women are being sprayed in the face with pepper spray by cops! In Seattle, Washington yesterday, the protestors of #OccupySeattle marched from their camp at Seattle Central Community College to Westlake Park. STORY: BATTLE NEW YORK! Vidéos de Tony Hua. Freedom of assembly or the end of our freedom. Hungary, Police brutality October 23, 2006. Australian riot police brutally attacked the NONVIOLENT Occupy Melbourne protesters.