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Gray wants Occupy protesters removed from McPherson Square - District of DeBonis. McPherson Square protesters have hunkered down for the cold weather. (Bill O'Leary - WASHINGTON POST) UPDATED 8:35 P.M. Mayor Vincent C. Gray called on the National Park Service today to remove protesters from McPherson Square to “allow for elimination of the rat infestation, clean up, and restoration” of the downtown park. In a letter to Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis, Gray suggests moving the McPherson protesters, who have camped in the park since October, to a separate encampment at Freedom Plaza. Because both sites are on Park Service land, Gray does not have the authority to directly order an eviction. But today’s demand is Gray’s most dramatic pronoucement yet on the ongoing protests. His letter was accompanied by a memorandum from the city’s health director reporting that both encampments are at risk for outbreaks of “communicable disease, hypothermia or food borne illness.”

Mohammed N. As for the rodents, Jewler said, “We do have rats; most public parks have rats. Rep. Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street trials may be consolidated. Back to Current Awareness Your source for up-to-the-minute insights and analysis that matter to you. From a single page on WestlawNext, access the practice area-specific information you need to stay focused, and stay in the know. A dedicated team of attorney-editors monitors each practice area to ensure you see the most important updates of the day Get practice area-focused insights and analysis from: Westlaw Daily Briefings, new expert analysis from Thomson Reuters attorney-editors on the latest developments affecting your practice area Reuters Legal Select Wolters Kluwer Daily Reports CQ Roll Call Washington Briefings The Hill and Practitioner Insights Commentaries The largest collection of litigation content And more Seamlessly access your Alerts on WestlawNext to inform you promptly of new developments relevant to your practice area or matching your customized search Select a Practitioner Insights page to be your WestlawNext Start Page so you can start each day "in the know"

Occupy Wall Street Protests and Arrests.


Free Zuccotti Park | Take back our parks. Whose parks? Our parks. #Occupy_Guns. Occupy Tampa supporters angry about protester’s prolonged detention. Occupy Tampa supporters are up in arms over the possible months-long detention of protester Timothy Sommers, arrested alongside 28 others at a Dec. 2 demonstration in Riverfront Park for trespassing and “obstructing or opposing an officer without violence.” While Sommers was originally released the morning after his arrest, a judge yesterday revoked his bond and today ruled that he remain behind bars till his March 2012 trial.

According to Mark Cox, a spokesman for the state attorney’s office handing the case, Sommers’ bond was revoked because he had been charged with — but not arrested for — trespassing on Nov. 6. “He reoffended,” Cox says, “and the judge revoked his bond from the December incident and is going to hold him without bond.” According to Cox, the decision is “not unusual.” “We all had a candlelight vigil for World AIDS Day and for the violence going on in Egypt,” she says.

Sommers has a disposition hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m. this Thursday. Photos - Google: #FEMEN #Occupy Disneyland.

Congressman On Hunger Strike

#OccupyFinance. #Occupy 2.0. Times Person Of The Year 2011. Police Spying On Wall Street. Charlotte's Democratic National Convention in the summer of 2012. found to be part of the corporate machine. Bloomberg's Girlfriend Was Paid $109,954 In 2009 By The Tax-Dodging Owners Of Zuccotti Park. By Zaid Jilani on December 5, 2011 at 6:00 pm "Bloomberg’s Girlfriend Was Paid $109,954 In 2009 By The Tax-Dodging Owners Of Zuccotti Park" Bloomberg with girlfriend Diana Taylor. It has now been almost three weeks since New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg suddenly sent in riot police to evict the Occupy Wall Street encampment of Zuccotti Park. Today, revelations emerged that the owners of Zuccotti Park, Brookfield Properties, owe the city over $139,000 — four times the starting salary of an officer in the New York Police Department — in back taxes. notes this in the context of a major conflict of interest. Michael Bloomberg’s girlfriend — Diana Taylor — currently serves on the Board of Directors of Brookfield Properties. The fact that Bloomberg’s girlfriend netted a six-figure salary from a company that dodged a six-figure amount of taxes while it requested the city to crack down on protesters is discomforting, to say the least. Live tweets: Occupy DC arrests. Clownish Gov Wants to Charge a Protest Fee So People Will Stop Protesting Him. What Walker has tried to enact has far exceeded his campaign promises. I work with several conservative Republicans who voted for Walker (here in liberal Madison, no less), and every single one of them has voter's remorse because he's simply "gone too far", to quote one of them.

His dismantling of collective bargaining for state workers was not an issue during the campaign, and I believe only the savviest of Wisconsinites were aware of the depth and breadth of his economic plans for the state. For most voters, the only real messages we heard coming out of his campaign was "Wisconsin - open for business", and a promise to create 250,000 jobs during his first term. Whether that's the fault of the citizenry for not paying attention, or the media for giving the average citizen little more than soundbytes, I cannot say. The whole collective bargaining fiasco is the crux of this biscuit, mainly because of this state's long and complex history of worker's rights and unions. US students join Occupy protests.

US students join Occupy protests San Francisco State University students protesting tuition increases on Friday, December 2, 2011. Hundreds of US university students have expressed solidarity with the anti-corporate 'Occupy' movement which is spreading rapidly across the country, Press TV reports. Students at e San Francisco State University have set up their first Occupy encampment at the Malcolm X Plaza, in protest against a planned tuition fee increase. Some 200 students gathered at the site to protest. Similar demonstrations are expected to be held in other universities across the country over the rising cost of tuition.

Last month US police attacked and used pepper spray against Occupy protesters at the California university campus -- a move which drew condemnation from rights activists. Despite police harassment and mass arrests, the Occupy protests have spread to other major US cities as well as to other countries like Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal. How Republicans are being taught to talk about Occupy Wall Street | The Ticket. Protesters form a wall of signs at the Occupy Portland camp in downtown Portland, Oregon. (AP) ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Republican Governors Association met this week in Florida to give GOP state executives a chance to rejuvenate, strategize and team-build. But during a plenary session on Wednesday, one question kept coming up: How can Republicans do a better job of talking about Occupy Wall Street? "I'm so scared of this anti-Wall Street effort.

I'm frightened to death," said Frank Luntz, a Republican strategist and one of the nation's foremost experts on crafting the perfect political message. Luntz offered tips on how Republicans could discuss the grievances of the Occupiers, and help the governors better handle all these new questions from constituents about "income inequality" and "paying your fair share. " Yahoo News sat in on the session, and counted 10 do's and don'ts from Luntz covering how Republicans should fight back by changing the way they discuss the movement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Occupy Wall Street protesters regroup after tent cities are cleared.


MissyMagoo: Lets Roll - A Occupy Music... Goldman Sachs Joins Occupy Wall Street. Lawyer Who Called Us RapistZ WAS A RAPIST!!! ARG!!! OWS survive (by surrenderyourflesh) The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy | Naomi Wolf. US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated crackdown against peaceful OWS protesters in cities across the nation this past week.

An elderly woman was pepper-sprayed in the face; the scene of unresisting, supine students at UC Davis being pepper-sprayed by phalanxes of riot police went viral online; images proliferated of young women – targeted seemingly for their gender – screaming, dragged by the hair by police in riot gear; and the pictures of a young man, stunned and bleeding profusely from the head, emerged in the record of the middle-of-the-night clearing of Zuccotti Park. But just when Americans thought we had the picture – was this crazy police and mayoral overkill, on a municipal level, in many different cities? – the picture darkened. To Europeans, the enormity of this breach may not be obvious at first. Why this massive mobilisation against these not-yet-fully-articulated, unarmed, inchoate people?

Xo99percent. WATCH LIVE: Occupy Wall Street protest at Egyptian consulate. By Muriel KaneFriday, November 25, 2011 16:11 EDT Copyright 2011 The Raw Story <a style="color: #336699; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;" href=" target="_blank" title="Main menu of all reuse options"><img height="25" width="27" border="0" align="bottom" alt="[Reuse options]" src=" here for reuse options! </a> Muriel Kane Muriel Kane is an associate editor at Raw Story. She joined Raw Story as a researcher in 2005, with a particular focus on the Jack Abramoff affair and other Bush administration scandals. Bloomberg Forever - short film - Occupy The Movie.

Mysterious Fake NES Van Outside Rumsfeld Dinner Was Undercover Nashville Police. OWS and Allies Prepare for Nov 17 National Day of Action. As the live-in protest at Liberty Park approaches its second month, numerous occupations in other cities — including Los Angeles, Portland and Boston — have announced plans for a Nov. 17 National Day of Action. Labor groups, including the Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO, have already come out in strong support of this burgeoning nationwide rally. Earlier this week, the New York City General Assembly (the self-governing system through which the Occupy Wall Street encampment makes decisions) announced on its website that one of its Labor Outreach Committee subgroups would be coordinating actions for Nov. 17 in tandem with labor allies.

In a press statement released by several of the occupations within the days that followed, organizers called for “a day of peaceful direct action to reject the economy that divides us.” Occupy Los Angeles vowed to block the 4th Street Bridge in downtown Los Angeles for two hours starting at 7 a.m. on Nov. 17. Washington lobbying firm with links to the financial industry has proposed an $850,000 plan to take on Occupy Wall Street : occupywallstreet. 11-17-11 1a - Occupy Brooklyn Bridge, with Adam Gabbatt - Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Happy 2-Month Anniversary! Watch N17 Occupy Wall Street Mass Actions. Happy 2-Month Anniversary! Watch N17 Occupy Wall Street Mass Actions.

#N17 Global Day Of Action! Sixty days into the struggle #OccupyWallStreet was violently evicted by the NYPD, who leveled our homes at Liberty Square to the ground. Our movement, however, is stronger than it has ever been. In these sixty days we have brought about a massive awakening, perhaps the largest one in the country since the Civil Rights Movement fifty years ago, and certainly the first global one in modern history. People around the world, from Spain to Australia, from Chile to the U.S. have opened their eyes together to the decadence and injustice of the common system that exploits us. This is what we mean when we say with the deepest significance: you cannot stop an idea whose time has come.

The occupation that began on the 17th of September in Zuccotti Park has proven that we still have a chance, as human beings, to unite and reform these corrupt structures, to cleanse our Government and restore our dignity. And on this same day the message will resonate around the world! Contributed by Take The Square. Occupy Wall Street and the cops: Do the police support the protests? Update, Nov. 15, 2:55 p.m.: The NYPD moved in this morning and cleared out Zuccotti Park. Mayor Bloomberg, as he should, took responsibility for the decision. From a tactical police perspective, the operation appears to have gone well in that the park was secured and nobody was seriously injured. Of course the situation is still rapidly evolving. Among other things, an important court decision is expected in half an hour.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the mayor’s decision, such is the way things are supposed to work in our representative democracy. (I, for instance, find the arrest of reporters particularly distasteful.) As to the protesters, I have sympathy. As to the police, I also have sympathy. But to those who may be intent on provoking and hurting police, I can offer no better warning than one told to my friend years ago by his father: “Don’t get into fights with police; they’re not in the habit of losing.” Police become the messenger stuck between two irreconcilable forces. Congratulations Occupy Wall Street. You're Officially Making Companies Scared. The CME Group, which runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, is out with its 10-Q filing and the Occupy Wall Street movement is included in the report. [Footnoted via Dealbook] It appears the Occupy Wall Street movement has garnered enough attention to be considered a new "risk factor" for the company, according to the regulatory filing.

Hacktivist group Anonymous was also mentioned in the company's filing. From the CME Group's 10-Q filing: Our role in the global marketplace may place us at greater risk for a cyber attack and other cyber security risks. In connection with the continued economic uncertainty, groups such as Occupy Wall Street and Anonymous, have targeted the financial services industry as part of their protest against the perceived lax regulation of the financial sector and economic inequality.

SEE ALSO: The Truth About Crime And Sexual Assault At Occupy Wall Street >> Democracy Now! Mobile. Through h4x0r3d's eyes. Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Maspiro.3GP. 6brkk. Wearethe99 on Vodpod. Or join with email Or Join with Email By joining, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Or Sign in with email Forgot your password? Forgot your password Enter your email address and we'll send you an email with a link to reset your password. Sign in wearethe99 (vodpod) Top Collection wearethe99 's videos. A French Manifesto to Unite Occupy Wall Street: William D. Cohan. You’ve got to love the French. The best-selling book on’s French site is “Indignez-vous! ,” an exceedingly slim, elegant rumination on the state of the world by Stephane Hessel, a 94-year-old former United Nations diplomat, concentration-camp survivor and hero of the French Resistance. The 32-page book, with about 4 million copies in print in 30 languages-- including a just-published English version titled “Time for Outrage” -- is clearly meant to serve as a timely blueprint for non-violent protest.

It could come in handy for the growing Occupy Wall Street movement as it continues to search for its voice and its raison d’etre (as the French would say.) Drawing on his profound experience in the Resistance, Hessel exhorts his readers to remember -- and continue to fight for -- the Four Freedoms outlined by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his 1941 State of the Union address: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. “It’s time to take over! Scary New Message from Anonymous! Press TV. JASC civil disobedience, 3 of 4. Angry War Veterans join OWS Revolution. Occupy PDX Protest. Woman dies at Occupy Vancouver. LIVE: Police ready for showdown with Occupy Atlanta protesters.

Occupy DC Hit By Car - This is the Guy (with License Plates) New York cops defy order to arrest hundreds of ‘Occupy Albany’ protesters. #OpESR - Occupy Iowa Caucuses. Occupy Wall Street reflects increasing frustration | Science Matters. Dueling versions between D.C. police, protesters at convention center.

#OccupyTheWorld NewZ & Media

Occupy Atlanta to protest Canadian oil pipeline. WE ARE CHANGE SAN ANTONIO END THE FED. OccupyGlobally | Just another WordPress site. Occupy. Time's Up! Energy Bike Powers Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street Surveillance Video. Occupy Wall Street Gets A Vote Of Approval, And A Warning, From Community Board 1. Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street's Battle Against American-Style Authoritarianism. If #OWS Has No Coherent Message, How Come Eric Cantor Is Suddenly Talking About 'Income Disparity'? How To Help | NYC General Assembly. A Message To Journalists of the world! NYPD arrests OWS organizer. Facebook.

Right-wingers accuse Occupy Wall Street of Anti-Semitism. A Billionaire Stumbles Upon Occupy Los Angeles. Occupy Wall Street Spreads Worldwide - Alan Taylor - In Focus. An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media. The NYPD appear to tell an Occupy Wall Street protester that he can walk through a police line and promise him they won’t arrest him if he does, then arresting him for doing it. : videos. Occupy Wall Street 10/15/11 NYPD arrest Times Sq. Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD. The following is a statement from Citibank in response to an incident at the La Guardia Place branch today: #OccupyWallStreet 10/15 #NYPD Arrest @ Times Sq. Video: Massive standoff at Occupy Times Square. #OCCUPYWALLSTREET - Oct 14 - Police allowing access to Corporate IDS only. WALL STREET CLEANERZ. Ows. 'Occupy Wall St' clean up called off - Mackenzie Weinger. Occupy Wall Street Protesters Strike A Deal And Gets To Stay In The Park!

Update: Occupy Wall Street Responds to Bloomberg’s Cleaning ‘Eviction Notice’ EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION: Prevent the Forcible Closure of #OccupyWallStreet’s Liberty Park! Michael Moore giddy over Occupy Wall Street: “Finally!” Occupy Wall Street to a global intifada?