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Praxidia is a consultancy business that takes a common sense, practical approach to helping businesses deliver industry leading customer experiences. We understand pain-points and assess opportunities available to address them.

Automation Solutions. For low value and high volume transactional use-cases it may often be preferable to provide an entirely automated solution ‘upstream’ of the contact center. Praxidia’s Cognitive Assistant provides a powerful and versatile ‘machine powered’ alternative to human-to-human web chat.

Through a combination of cutting-edge natural language processing, machine learning and knowledge management practice, the Praxidia Cognitive Assistant is able to process high volume customer service requests without the need for human intervention. When combined with traditional web chat, the Cognitive Assistant can significantly reduce call volumes, handing over to live agents when required for complaints, value-based interactions or edge case support issues.

Detailed analysis of call drivers can determine those issues where both the business and the customer would prefer an automated solution, high volume issues of this nature are often best handled via the IVR. Transformation Training Solutions. As knowledge management, automation and analytics continue to simplify the end-to-end support process, the training requirements within the contact center are shifting. In-depth training on products, processes and policies becomes less of a focus as workflow automation and knowledge management reduce the emphasis on agent product and service knowledge. Advanced Quality Assurance (AQA) The Praxidia AQA platform unlocks the full hidden potential of your QA resources, enabling Quality Analysts to capture rich insight driving intelligence from every monitored interaction.

Advanced Quality Assurance (AQA)

Designed with existing business requirements in mind, the AQA Advanced Quality Assurance platform provides an augmented solution that incorporates all existing QA activities. Through the highly interactive and streamlined UI, QAs are able to capture existing attributes in quick succession, freeing valuable time to harvest deeper value-added insights with every interaction. How Digital Transformation is Changing the Customer Experience. Digitization is changing the way companies are looking at their business capabilities, forcing them to adapt according to the new trend and market reality.

How Digital Transformation is Changing the Customer Experience

On most important thing to take a note of is these changes are not companies driven but customer based, this very well points out toward value of customer experiences. According to IDC, two-thirds of the company CEO of global first two thousand companies will shift to more digital options of improving client relationship and one of them is a Customer Experience Transformation Program. These improved strategies allow better outcome and few loos of finances as well as business.So in this article we will try to elaborate few details of digital transformation, its tools and methods also how companies are using it to enhance their chances in the growing market competition. What is a digital transformation? How digital technology is affecting consumer experience 1. 2. 3. Like this: Like Loading... Customer Retention Program. Today, most brands will regard their loyal customers as precious investments, investments that have taken great expense and effort to acquire, grow, and maintain.

It is little wonder that the preservation of these investments and the avoidance of churn still ranks as a primary strategic focus for many brands. In most cases churn ‘saves’ are handled on a reactive basis, with desperate efforts to retain customers being made at the point where a customer calls to terminate a contract. While some of these ‘saves’ will be effective, all too often the churn driving damage has been done and the likelihood is the customer will leave, often never to return. Churn Prediction and Management The Praxidia Customer Retention Program tackles the problem ‘upstream’ of the save scenario, identifying potential churn candidates ahead of the final ‘trigger’ that may result in their departure. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Program. As customers continue to demand higher levels of customer service in order to secure their loyalty many brands are turning to automation as a means to stem the flow of eroding profits. However, overly ambitious cost saving initiatives to preserve the bottom line can often adversely impact top line revenue generating potential.

At Praxidia we understand the science of CLV optimization, with a dual focus on top line revenue generating activities, and bottom line cost saving; delivering an optimal model that will ensure every customer relationship delivers the desired profit. Essential to this approach is the understanding and anticipation of customer behaviour, ensuring that your can act upon customer requirements or issues in a pro-active and value-added fashion. Customer Experience Strategy and Management. Teleperformance is No.1 global leader in Customer Experience Strategy and Management.

Customer Experience Strategy and Management

We enhance omnichannel customer engagement through a customer-focused strategy and transformational initiatives. Our Customer Experience solutions put the customer at the center of the transaction, creating positive moments and reducing customer effort. Employee Management Program. As customer service providers scramble to strategize over the potential for digitalization, AI and automation it can be all to easy to lose focus of the evolving nature of human-to-human interactions.

The traditional role and persona of customer service agents is set to shift, as contact centers re-define agent activities to complement and augment digital solutions. New hires will be selected upon their ability to nurture customer loyalty and generate new value with every interaction. Agents will become your ‘brand ambassadors’, with increasing hiring emphasis placed upon their soft-skills and persona.

In this augmented world, man and machine are set to work together in harmony, as machines provide essential customer behaviour foresight upon which agents can act. Voice of the Customer Program. Today customers have an abundance of mechanisms through which they can regularly vocalize their advocacy, feedback or dissent for brands, products and services. Access and interpretation of this intelligence is critical if brands are to continuously optimize their offerings and experience in accordance with market demands.

However, access to this intelligence can prove challenging, often combining structured and unstructured data residing both within and outside of the ‘official’ customer service ecosystem. The Praxidia Voice of the Customer (VoC) program provides a mechanism through which customer opinion, preference, sentiment and feedback can be aggregated into a ‘single source of truth’ insights dashboard. The VoC program can be commissioned in isolation or as an ongoing managed service, with VoC insights providing an excellent springboard to other end-to-end digital transformation programs from Praxidia. The diagram below outlines the key components of the VoC program: Customer Experience Transformation Program.

The age of automation is upon us, and once again digital transformation is the buzz of the customer service industry as providers scramble to define new ‘AI’ empowered operating models.

Customer Experience Transformation Program

However, as we marvel at the cost reduction potential presented through automation it is critical that a firm grip is maintained on the ‘rudder’ of customer experience. At Praxidia we understand the diverse nature of customer preference and behaviour, with each customer persona demanding a different omnichannel service experience. Failure to listen and embrace these nuances can often result in low brand advocacy and churn. The Praxidia CX Transformation program enables clients to adopt a customer centric and data driven approach to change, ensuring that every step of the transformation journey is right for both the business and its customers. The diagram below outlines the key modular components of the Praxidia CX Transformation program: Operational Best Practice Program by Praxidia. Operational Best Practice Program. The Praxidia Operational Best Practice Program provides an objective analysis and overhaul of the customer service environment; optimizing processes, policies, technology and people to bring them into alignment with global industry best practices.

The diagram below outlines the key modular components of the Operational Best Practice Program: All change initiatives come together to form a new ‘Target Operating Model’ for the operation, with a detailed roadmap of activities, each carefully prioritized based upon effort, feasibility and value impact. Customer Experience Management. Operational Best Practice Program. Any organization, big or small, relies on operational excellence to become profitable.

Operational Best Practice Program

Operational Best Practice Program is what helps organizations put people, processes and policies together to achieve sustainable growth. Defining next generation operating models and blending best-in-class process, policy, people and technology, Teleperformance offers you world-class services and operational best practices for effective operations and excellence. We craft Operational Best Practice Program for operational efficiencies by administration of business practices; converting materials and man hours into goods and services to maximize profit and growth of your organization. From strategizing to implementing the right methodologies, we define and deliver operational best practice program. Our services include Operational Best Practice Strategy, Operations / Sales Enablement, Assessments, Incubation / Test Lab, Lean & Six Sigma, creating Target Operating Models.

Consultancy Business - Praxidia. Teleperformance, leaders in global Customer Experience outsourcing, have created a niche space in Consultancy Business as well.

Consultancy Business - Praxidia

Business Needs. How Digital Transformation is Changing the Customer Experience. Digitization is changing the way companies are looking at their business capabilities, forcing them to adapt according to the new trend and market reality.

How Digital Transformation is Changing the Customer Experience

On most important thing to take a note of is these changes are not companies driven but customer based, this very well points out toward value of customer experiences. According to IDC, two-thirds of the company CEO of global first two thousand companies will shift to more digital options of improving client relationship and one of them is a Customer Experience Transformation Program. These improved strategies allow better outcome and few loos of finances as well as business.So in this article we will try to elaborate few details of digital transformation, its tools and methods also how companies are using it to enhance their chances in the growing market competition. Operational Best Practice Program - Praxidia Marketing - Medium. Transformation Consulting Praxidia.

The Praxidia Transformation Consulting service has been designed to steer businesses through the pitfalls of the end-to-end digital transformation process, from discovery through to deployment.

Transformation Consulting Praxidia

The Praxidia transformation consulting team apply decades of market experience spanning a wide variety of disciplines including: Transformation governance Omni-channel assessments Customer Journey Mapping Target Operating Models Technology deployment AB Trials Business Case development Knowledge management Process engineering Change management Omni-channel Automation Value Tracking. Customer Experience Strategy and Management. Operational Best Practice Training. Knowledge Management. Predictive Recruitment. Intouch Enterprise Dialogue Management. CX Journey Design. At Praxidia we recognize the critical role played by CX Journey Design in the formulation of a customer centric Digital Transformation strategy.

CX Journey Design

Security Assessment Praxidia. Today, as an increasing number of high profile brands fall under the media spotlight for fraud and security breaches, the drive to achieve regulatory compliance has never been greater.

Security Assessment Praxidia

Operational Assessment. Customer Experience Lab. The presence of disruptive companies, changing regulation, the advent of new communication channels and the rise of digital generations are challenging the way business is done. What can help your business in this competitive environment? Speech & Text Analytics. The richest source of customer service intelligence is typically the contact centre. Customer Experience Strategy and Management. Sales Prediction. Drawing upon a combination of customer profile data and historical transactional data, the Praxidia Sales Prediction solution can provide a segmented list of customers, each ranked with their propensity to respond well to an offer; either through inbound or outbound interaction mechanisms.

Outbound sales teams can focus on high propensity targets, thus improving productivity and driving higher conversion rates. Inbound care teams can identify key targets for cross-sell or up-sell potential, avoiding potential customer experience damage by engaging with low- propensity customers. Sales Prediction solutions are custom built for each Praxidia client based upon the specific nature of the client’s business and market.

All Sales Prediction deployments are accompanied with the appropriate training and change-management recommendations to ensure that the maximum value is derived from the service. Customer Experience Strategy and Management: How Digital Transformation is Changing the Customer Experience. Digitization is changing the way companies are looking at their business capabilities, forcing them to adapt according to the new trend and market reality. Complaints Prediction. Churn Prediction. The Praxidia Churn Prediction Service tackles the problem ‘upstream’ of the save scenario, identifying and targeting potential churn candidates ahead of the final ‘trigger’ that may result in their departure.

Market Research. Omnichannel Interactions Assessment. Customer Retention Program. Transformation Training Solutions Praxidia by Praxidia. Social Media Analysis. Digital Footprint Assessment. On The Road to Distinguish Content Moderators from Community Managers. Advanced Quality Assurance. Automation Solutions. Automation Solutions. Transformation Training Solutions. Should Businesses Rely on AI for Content Moderation.