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PyS60 Tutorial Menu. Translate (Private Browsing) PyS60 info: appuifw.note, appuifw.query. Python Training Course. Package Index : pyswisseph 1.76.00-1. Package Index > pyswisseph > 2.00.00-2 Not Logged In pyswisseph 2.00.00-2 Download pyswisseph-2.00.00-2.tar.bz2 Python extension to the Swiss Ephemeris Package Documentation Python extension to AstroDienst Swiss Ephemeris library. Swiss Ephemeris homepage: Compatible with Python 2.x and 3.x. Usage example: >>> import swisseph as swe >>> swe.set_ephe_path('/usr/share/ephe') # set path to ephemeris files >>> now = swe.julday(2007,3,3) # get Julian day number >>> res = swe.lun_eclipse_when(now) # find next lunar eclipse (from now on) >>> ecltime = swe.revjul(res[1][0]) # get date UTC >>> ecltime (2007, 3, 3, 23.347975596785545) >>> jd = swe.julday(2008,3,21) >>> swe.calc_ut(jd, swe.AST_OFFSET+13681)[0] # asteroid Monty Python 0.098474291148756998 >>> help(swe) Standard installation (unixes): # python install Downloads (All Versions): 40 downloads in the last day 110 downloads in the last week 531 downloads in the last month. Tamil Calendar for GNOME and KDE Desktop - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software. Shafqat Ahmed's .NET Blog: Coding Python S60 Application on Nokia E72: Accelerometer to sense motion and move objects. Update : I am no longer using e72. I do not see symbian as preferred platform for developing smartphone applications. I have moved on to android which I personally find almost magical. A little Background A few days ago I got a Nokia E72 phone as a gift and I really loved the phone because of its 600 Mhz processor. I needed a phone with a full keyboard so that I can check and send emails easily from anywhere. I like windows mobile platform but did want to try raw processing power. As usual I tried writing .NET in Symbian ( usual Nokia phone OS ) and had fun. Can’t resist the urge to share the spec of E72 hardware.

Downloading and installing python on your S60 phone Download the python for S60 from Extract the contents then install the python runtime for your device. Video Demo This is what the application does A python primer for a c# (or any) developer Without correct indentation python code will not run Code Download. Installing Python onto a Symbian-powered mobile phone. One of my aims for this year is to learn the Python programming language. Why? Well it seems to be cropping up all over the place. If you own a Linux machine or an Apple Mac, chances are it is already installed.

Google recently made it the primary language for their AppEngine platform. The design ethos behind it is very appealing, a down to business approach to programming that dispenses with needing lots and lots of code and allows the developer to ulitlise powerful libraries to get the job done. Python code can be run on many different devices, and it is possible to use it to develop desktop, server and web applications. Now it can also be used to develop applications for mobile phones.

If you have a Symbian powered mobile phone you should be able to get a Python interpreter up and running on it and then you can start developing scripts that make use of your mobile phone's capabilities, something you would have needed C++ or Java skills for in the past.