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Blog - this title probably isn't very original. Instagram For Video—Massive Market Opportunity, Yes! Done Right, No! Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post by Peter Csathy, President & CEO of online video technology company Sorenson Media. Csathy previously served as CEO of video chat company SightSpeed (acquired by Logitech) and as President & COO of online music pioneer Musicmatch (acquired by Yahoo!). Oh, to become the Instagram for video! THAT is the dream of scores of new tech start-ups. And, that is the Holy Grail for all the VCs who continue to plow money into those companies. After all, Facebook just dropped a cool $1 billion on Instagram (well, actually closer to $700 million) – and each of us can now easily capture pristine HD video on our smart phones that we carry at all times.

That means personal HD video capture anytime, anywhere, and without any pre-planning. The sheer volume of personal UGC video has exploded. But, of course, it isn’t. Video Is Fundamentally a Different Medium – That Matters Does this mean that Video Instagram is DOA? And, that’s the business model. Numeronym. i18n is a popular abbreviation for 'Internationalization'. It is abbreviated by taking the first and last letters and replacing all the characters in the middle with the number of characters replaced. l10n is the abbreviation for localization. I am not sure if a lot of developers who are familiar with the terms understand the origins, but apparently this style of abbreviation is referred to as a Numeronym. There is some history about them on Wikipedia. Numeronym's also include words such as 'K9', where the number is pronounced as part of the word.

They have become more popular recently in the startup community and in blogs because the venture capital firm Andressen Horowitz has their internet home at the domain Numeronym's are easy to parse in Python, and there are a dozen ways to do it. I am now 'nik c8c'. Comments Recent Posts. Readability Blog | The web's reading platform. Svbtle. PandaWhale. SiliconANGLE | Computer Science meets Social Science. Dalton Caldwell. Lying on your resume. It’s not the crime that gets you, it’s the coverup. Richard Nixon and Watergate Getting asked by reporter about where I went to school made me remember the day I had to choose whether to lie on my resume. I Badly Want the JobWhen I got my first job in Silicon Valley it was through serendipity (my part) and desperation (on the part of my first employer.)

I really didn’t have much of a resume – four years in the Air Force, building a scram system for a nuclear reactor, a startup in Ann Arbor Michigan but not much else. It was at my second startup in Silicon Valley that my life and career took an interesting turn. “I never finished college,” I said. I still remember the exact instant of the conversation. My Updated ResumeI told him I’d think about it. Ben held up my resume and said, “You know you’re here interviewing because I’ve never seen a resume like this. Ben just stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time. Finally I got to sit down.

That evening I got a call from the recruiter. Nir and Far | A blog about behavior engineering. PandoDaily | the site of record for silicon valley. TechCrunch.