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Angel Investors and Startup Funding. The 100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur. If you Google “entrepreneur” you get a lot of mindless cliches like “Think Big!”

The 100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur

For me, being an “entrepreneur” doesn’t mean starting the next “Facebook”. Or even starting any business at all. It means finding the challenges you have in your life, and determining creative ways to overcome those challenges… I believe that creating multiple income streams is important for everyone. 6 Essential Startup Decks. Among the great many startup 101s' that are out there, it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

6 Essential Startup Decks

Here is an overview of some of the most useful startup decks that I have taken notes of. Pre-Launch Pitch Deck makes a great example of a startup pitch. YC Application Checklist. Photo by Ciro Cattuto Now that YC applications are open and people are scrambling to put together their apps, I’ve had a bunch of founders ask me for advice on getting in.

YC Application Checklist

Some Math Behind YC Applications At current growth rates, there’s a good shot YC will fund over 80 startups in W12 (the last batches were 36, 44, and 63). How to hack the beliefs that are holding you back. The Naive Optimist. It Takes Guts To Start A Company. It takes guts to act, accept a risk, and to try something new.

It Takes Guts To Start A Company

If the world were full of passionate and purposeful people with brilliant minds, but no guts to act, there would be no progress. The guts trait can be subdivided in several different ways. One is the divide between risk takers and risk tolerators. Risk takers derive excitement and engagement from being in a situation laden with meaningful uncertainty.

Many of the entrepreneurs we have spoken to refer to the dramatic emotional shifts of their "high-amplitude" lives (they love it that way, too). Risk tolerators do not necessarily seek risk, yet willingly pursue their goals by understanding and accepting and managing the risks inherent in a given decision. What makes for a gutsy person? The willingness to take risks is born of a combination of elements. External factors aside, some individuals are quite simply more risk-hungry than others. Risk tolerance is not an immutable quality. How to Recognize Disruptive Opportunities. InShare112 On this edition of Revolution, I’m joined by venture capitalist Mark Suster (@msuster).

How to Recognize Disruptive Opportunities

Together, we explore the state of innovation and the differences between emerging and disruptive technology and its impact on business and culture. Whether you’re a business strategist, an entrepreneur, or an investor, innovation is part of your livelihood. As a result, recognizing opportunities to invest, change or innovate is now a fundamental part of business.

This is why businesses must dedicate resources to evaluating technology as it begins to influence desirable markets. Moving at the pace of real-time isn’t fast enough any more. Suster is a 2x entrepreneur who has “gone to the Dark Side” of venture capital. 20 Lessons from Walt Disney on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Chasing Your Dreams. This Is Your Brain On Boarding: How To Turn Visitors Into Users. Editor’s Note: Nir Eyal is a Lecturer in Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

This Is Your Brain On Boarding: How To Turn Visitors Into Users

He is the founder of two startups and blogs about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business at Follow him on Twitter @nireyal. F.ounders's Archives on the New Livestream. The Shakespearean Guide to Entrepreneurship. Photo by JustABoy Everyone knows Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the English language.

The Shakespearean Guide to Entrepreneurship

But did you know he was also a highly successful entrepreneur? Like Dick Whittington, the young Shakespeare left his rural home town to seek his fortune in London. In common with many entrepreneurs, he didn’t have the benefit of a family fortune or a university education – just his talent, ambition and an enormous capacity for hard work. In the course of his career in the great city, Shakespeare became a shareholder in an acting troupe called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, who beat off fierce competition to become the most famous and successful theatre company in the land.

This story doesn’t quite fit the Romantic image of the starving artist or the poet wandering lonely as a cloud – but Shakespeare lived 200 years before Romanticism, so perhaps we can forgive him. 37signals: Web-based collaboration apps for small business. Kiss Your Boss Goodbye. It's Time to Be an Entrepreneur. What history teaches us about startup incubators. Startup Tips From Serial Entrepreneur Loic Le Meur.

For those who follow emerging technology, serial entrepreneur Loic Le Meur is a household name.

Startup Tips From Serial Entrepreneur Loic Le Meur

Advice and Insights for Entrepreneurs. Startup Tips From Serial Entrepreneur Loic Le Meur. Podcasts. Stowe Boyd. I am downplaying ‘futures’ in favor of design thinking these days, but the old-school futurists still have a great deal to offer, like Bob Johansen: Four Practical Ways for Leaders to Make the Future by Deepa Mehta via Institute For The FutureBob Johansen recently published the second edition of Leaders Make the Future.

Stowe Boyd

In the book, Bob presents an expansive ten-year forecast about the key future forces that will impact our world in the decade ahead, pointing to the shift towards the global well-being economy, the growing impact of digital natives, and the emergence of cloud-served supercomputing.