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Burningmarsh. DIY Photography Hacks. Photography Genres & Styles. Photographers. Image Search Tools. Photographic Print Techniques. Photography Tips & Tutorials. Photography Tips & Tutorials. 2011 October 21 - Clouds of Perseus. Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2011 October 21 Clouds of Perseus Credit & Copyright: Image Data - Bob Caton, Al Howard, Eric Zbinden, Rogelio Bernal Andreo; Processing - Rogelio Bernal Andreo Explanation: Cosmic clouds of gas and dust drift across this magnificent panorama, spanning some 17 degrees near the southern boundary of the heroic constellation Perseus.

Tomorrow's picture: largest planet, largest moon Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech. Lightwriting Photography. Online Image Platforms. Photography Communities. Photography Legal Rights. Stock Photography. Photography. For the image obtained, see Photograph. Lens and mounting of a large-format camera Photography is the science, art and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film.[1] Photography is employed in many fields of science, manufacturing (e.g. photolithography) and business, as well as its more direct uses for art, recreational purposes, and mass communication. Etymology[edit] The word "photography" was created from the Greek roots φωτός (phōtos), genitive of φῶς (phōs), "light"[2] and γραφή (graphé) "representation by means of lines" or "drawing",[3] together meaning "drawing with light".

Several people may have coined the same new term from these roots independently. History[edit] Precursor technologies[edit] A camera obscura used for drawing images Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries. Photography Blogs & Curation. Photography Hardware. Photography Calculators. Digital Photography Tech. Photography News Aggregators. Macro Photography. Image Conscious - Free Online Graphic and Web Design Tools. A comprehensive collection of free online tools and resources that virtually anyone can use to enhance their creative design projects either at work or home.

Find, explore and share useful web services for building better blogs, portfolios, social media profiles, and professional websites. Discover free online image applications and inspirational visual media you can use in your own creative projects. Image Conscious focuses on web-based design tools to help you create and manage your online presence and profile. It includes information to help you build brand awareness and develop your digital identity. Use the interactive widgets to share resources both here and on other websites. Visit the - Image Conscious channel for cool photography and design resources. Squidoogle - Search the entire Squidoo network for interesting lenses.

Slit-Scan Photography. IR Photography. UV Photography. The Most Important Developments in Photography. In my last article I listed the three most important developments in photography. Then someone pointed out that I’d made an error. I mean, I may have misspoken. Wait, I mean I was less correct than I might have been. I listed the invention of the camera first (that part is pretty hard to argue with) but realized later that optical glass (which I said was second) probably should have been third. So, since I had to make a correction . . . I mean amendment. It seemed like it would be a good idea to expand the list of the most important developments in still photography that I started in my last article.

So, ladies and gentleman: without further ado, here for your argumentative pleasure, in order, are the most important technical developments in still photography as we practice the craft today. 1. Without the camera, nothing else really matters, so this has to go first. 2. Without good negatives and prints, photography only mattered to a few people. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. Photography Forums. Timelapse Photography. Vintage Photography Adverts. Wobble Photography. Wobble Photography. S Digital Imaging Page - digital camera information, digital imaging, and digital photo manipulation directory. Lightwriting | TOFA | Chris Noelle. Lightwriting Photography. Night Photography Blog by Tom Paiva | Twilight and Night Photography. Night Photography. Night photography blog | Joe Reifer. Medicine from the 30′s and 40′s at Ruddy’s General Store in Palm Springs Watching Coming to Light: Edward S.

Curtis and the North American Indians [ Amazon | Netflix ]. Amazing photographs, and a story of dedication to a photography project like no other. Highly recommended. Reading Driving Visions is an academic book about road movies that’s organized by decade. Beta Testing the Apocalypse is what would happen if J.G. Trance profiles Patty Hearst’s time with the SLA using a blend of history and fiction that often gets compared to DeLillo’s Libra .

Three to See the King is a simple fable by the author of the ultimate deadpan novel about work, The Restraint of Beasts . I realized after reading Kaczynski’s Beta Testing the Apocalypse that I’d never read Ballard’s High-Rise . Listening Sleeping People’s Growing was a Pandora discovery on the Don Caballero station. Doing There’s an extensive interview with me about shooting abandoned places at night over on Digital Trends . 1. 2. Night Photography blog by Andy Frazer. The Nocturnes Night Photography Web site. Vintage Photography Adverts. Light Painting, Performances and Media Art | LICHTFAKTOR. Lightwriting With Lichtfaktor. Light writing. Light writing is an emerging form of stop motion animation wherein still images captured using the technique known as light painting or light drawing are put in sequence thereby creating the optical illusion of movement for the viewer.[1] Technique[edit] Light writing is most akin to another form of stop motion animation known as direct manipulation animation.

The technique is also reminiscent of the slitscan process already used in the 1960s. Recent history[edit] Though the technique was employed almost one hundred years ago by Pablo Picasso it has only recently been used for main stream advertisements.[2] Awareness of light writing was raised when Sprint Nextel unveiled an ad campaign featuring the effect in the summer of 2007.[3] See also[edit] Persistence of vision, a phenomenon which produces an effect in the brain that makes light writing "work". Notes[edit] External links[edit] Lightwrite 2009. Master Photographers. An Informal Catalogue of Slit-Scan Video Artworks and Research - Golan Levin and Collaborators. Compiled by Golan Levin. Last edit: 26 February 2015. Image by Andrew Davidhazy Slitscan imaging techniques are used to create static images of time-based phenomena. In traditional film photography, slit scan images are created by exposing film as it slides past a slit-shaped aperture.

In the digital realm, thin slices are extracted from a sequence of video frames, and concatenated into a new image. Recently I've seen many new-media projects based on slit-scan techniques. Eddie Elliott, one of the earliest researchers of digital slit-scan imaging, keeps a related list which is more oriented towards photography, early cinema and flipbooks. Artists, researchers and authors listed in this document: Susanne JaschkoDr. Space-Time Correlations Focused in Film Objects and Interactive Video. Andrew Davidhazy Basics of Strip Photography Slit-Scan Photography Camera for Conical Peripheral and Panoramic Photography Improvised Scanning Digital Camera Image by Andrew Davidhazy. Ms. Image Stacks (2003) Home. Languages Starting in 2005, "Le Reve Edition" has been at work publishing books and files dedicated to the history of photography.

These books and Collector files are absolutely essential to the "iconomechanophiles" among us who want to understand the history of the people who invented and perfected the "image boxes" we collect with such passion, and of the enterprises that produced them. Thanks to these reference books, generously illustrated and uniquely full of precise, detailed descriptions, your collection will at least be able to tell you its history. Chantal Muller, éditeur. Bill Kerr Mayfair PS. Siegfried Weizmann (the boss of Mayfair PS), who was a very well known London wedding photographer, sold the business soon after (between January & April 1964) to Oxley Industries whose registered offices were 35 Bruton Street, London, W1.

The accounts for the sale made interesting reading. In 1963/64 the Turnover of Mayfair PS was £620,000 and the profit ..wait for it .. was £320,000. I wonder how many businesses today could manage to achieve that ! It was a good deal when Mayfair PS was sold, but the fortunes of Mayfair PS deteriorated under Oxley Industries. When Mayfair PS joined Oxley Industries it moved its activities from West End Lane to Eastcote and Bill left shortly after to rejoin a major photographic dealer in Scotland. Bill concludes: They were interesting times; the photographic trade was full of characters. One character in Mayfair PS, after Oxley took over, was Jack Duffell who had been the boss of Rank Photographic (a MAJOR player in the trade) and another was Dick Luff.