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The easy way to make a video and edit a video | Videolicious. Compressify: video compression. SEO Video: Raise Your Visibility Through Organic Search | WordPress Hosting by @WPEngine. How To Add Background Videos To Your WordPress Posts. Fullscreen background videos, used judiciously, bring a certain something to WordPress posts. They catch the eye, grab the attention of your visitor and start telling the story before the text can even get a word in. But getting background videos to work on WordPress is much harder than it should be. Enough theme, browser and format gotchas to give even the most determined a headache.

Luckily, we’ve got the aspirin you need. And as a bonus, we’ve also got a bit of lateral thinking that might let you avoid the headache altogether. Fullscreen background video. Seems easy enough doesn’t it? We can’t simply open up our CSS and slap the URL for our MP4 video into the background clause and set the size to cover for fullscreen video magic. In the real world, to make a background video requires: So you might be wondering, is it all worth it? The answer is yes. Nothing overly fancy but just that little movement is enough to really grab the attention and start the storytelling process.

Going Fullscreen. Create and edit annotations - YouTube Help. Grâce aux annotations, vous pouvez ajouter du texte, des liens et des zones éclairées sur votre vidéo. Elles vous aident à enrichir le visionnage de votre vidéo en ajoutant des informations qui permettent de susciter l'intérêt des internautes et de créer des interactions. Création d'une annotation Pour accéder aux annotations et en ajouter à vos vidéos, procédez comme suit : À côté de la vidéo à modifier, cliquez sur la liste déroulante à droite du bouton "Modifier", puis sélectionnez Annotations. Personnalisation et modification des annotations Vous pouvez sélectionner cinq types d'annotations différents : Bulle de texte : pour créer des bulles de texte pop-up.

Une fois le type d'annotation à insérer sélectionné, utilisez les paramètres qui s'affichent sous le bouton "Ajouter une annotation" pour modifier la taille de la police, sa couleur ou la couleur de l'arrière-plan. Pour positionner l'annotation sur la vidéo, cliquez dessus et déplacez-la dans le lecteur vidéo. Vidéos d'aide YouTube. How to Add CTA Overlays to Your YouTube Videos - 12 Stars Media. If questions like, “how can I inspire my audience to take that next step to learn more?”

Or “how can I get them off of YouTube and to my website?” Sound familiar to you, then maybe you should try out the CTA overlays with your YouTube videos. What is a CTA overlay? CTA overlays are little banner-like ads that are displayed at the bottom part of your video. With YouTube CTA overlays you can link to your website from your videos. CTA overlays aren’t really new, but they are new to a lot of people. Setting up CTA overlays The CTA Overlays are actually part of Google Adwords. You’ll also need a video campaign before you can add any CTA overlays. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. And you’re done. Keep in mind: You have to create a video campaign first before you can add a CTA overlay.Choose an image that goes along with your CTA overlay and is 74×74.

How can companies benefit from using CTA overlays? People want to know the information. Should you link to other videos? Top 5 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Windows. Screen Recorders are handy tools used to record the computer’s screen, i.e., record the ongoing activities on the screen. Using these, you can record the screen as easily as you would take screenshots on your computer or record life’s best moments with a camera. These tools do provide live-capture enhancements, post-capture video editing options and more.

Top 10 Video Apps for Windows Phone Top 10 Video Apps for Windows Phone Nowadays, we shoot videos with our mobile phones during various occasions. With the help of mobile apps, we…Read more Such tools prove helpful when you wish to record your screen to create a how-to video to demonstrate working of a program, compile a product’s demo video for some client, record gameplay to post on social networks or record any other activity on the screen to share with friends or stakeholders, or to upload on video streaming services like YouTube. 1. Icecream Screen Recorder can record your entire computer screen or specific parts of the screen. Pros: CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software.

L’intérêt de la vidéo pour un référencement optimal. C’est un fait maintenant établi : la vidéo se place au cœur d’une stratégie de référencement SEO de qualité. Le référencement vidéo donne, en effet, l’opportunité d’optimiser la visibilité de votre site et son placement dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche, tout en améliorant l’image (donc la réputation web) de votre entreprise. Mais quelles sont les règles à connaître pour un référencement vidéo pertinent ?

De la vie d’une vidéo sur Internet Depuis le lancement de son algorithme Colibri (« Hummingbird ») en 2014, Google a fait de l’exigence de qualité une notion phare du référencement naturel. Pour être visible sur les moteurs de recherche, il faut se donner les moyens d’occuper la première place. Pourquoi la vidéo s’impose dans les résultats Quand un internaute effectue une recherche sur Google, c’est tout un panel de résultats qui s’affiche devant ses yeux : des sites textuels bien sûr, mais aussi des actualités, des images, et des vidéos. Une vidéo, oui, mais bien référencée ! The Ultimate Mega Guide to Using Video With WordPress. According to Simply Measured, videos have the highest shares and engagement right up there beside photos. In the first quarter of 2015 alone, video engagement increased by 43% on Facebook. On top of that, 64% are more likely to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video, and 70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium.

But if you have a fantastic idea for a video, or you’ve got one already, how do you go about adding it to your site? In this definitive guide, we go through everything you need to know about video, from technical details on aspect ratios and codecs, though to self-hosted versus hosted videos, encoding videos for multiple devices, and getting started uploading videos to your WordPress site. This is part one of a two-part series. Let’s get started. Common Video Terms Defined And if you think you already know video terms inside out, the definitions below may be a helpful reminder.

Let’s get started. Format: MP4 Video 1. 25 Free Stock Video Sources For Your Homepage Background. Looping video background on the front page is quickly becoming popular. With top sites like Airbnb, PayPal following the trend; demand for looped and time-lapse video are high in demand. One question we get asked quite often by our users is, Where can I find free, good quality videos to use on my website? The answer to this question is not easy as it seems since you can’t just download any video and use it on your website.

You have to respect the copyright rules and regulation and make sure you are not violating any rules. You can create your own video or hire an agency to create a video for your website, but it would be expensive. There are different types of Creative Common license. We’ll explore some of the best free stock footage or video sources in this post. 1. Pexels has a huge collection of quality CC0 license videos, which you can download free and use it as your landing page video or in any commercial projects. 2. 3. 4. Videezy is another place for quality video stock footage. Video Opening Animation. How to Create a Fullscreen Video Opening Animation. A tutorial on how to create a video opening animation inspired by the effect seen on

View demo Download source In this in-depth tutorial we want to show you how to create a similar video opening effect to the one seen on If you click the “Watch the video” button on the Moments App page, you will see a new image appearing on the photo stack which contains a video. The animation is a slight rotation of the frame and a subtle scaling of the video, which already starts to play. The whole wrapper expands to full screen without any play controls; just the closing cross will be shown.

Once the video ends, or, if the user clicks on the closing cross, the video will simply disappear. We’ll be using many interesting CSS properties, like CSS animations, viewport-percentage lengths, media queries and the Flexbox layout mode, beside others. Note that most of these properties are supported in modern browsers only. Planning, Markup and JavaScript Let’s write the markup: Où trouver des vidéos gratuites pour vos créations ? | Webdesigner Trends - Webdesign et inspiration. Emboîtant le pas aux banques d’images gratuites, les sites indépendants de vidéos gratuites se démocratisent sur le web depuis quelques mois.

Faisons le point sur les sites à connaître pour trouver la vidéo idéale pour votre projet. En vous passant l’historique des tendances du webdesign de ces dernières années, l’augmentation de la vitesse de connexion ainsi que le support HTML 5 / CSS3 ont permis une démocratisation de l’utilisation de la vidéo sur les sites web. Utilisée en fond de page, en introduction ou encore en tant que fil conducteur au long de la navigation, la vidéo apporte une expérience différente à l’utilisateur. Une bonne introduction bien gérée vous permettra par exemple de capter immédiatement l’attention de vos visiteurs.

Bien évidement, les vidéos de stock n’ont pas la prétention de remplacer une création exclusive, professionnelle et représentative de votre client ou projet. Pexels Mazwai Souvenez-vous, Mazwai est né d’une initiative française. Life Of Vids BRoll Distill. Coverr - Beautiful, free videos for your homepage. How to Add a Video Background to Your WordPress Site in 4 Easy Steps. Imagine going to a website with a large “hero” image in the header. Looks great, huh? Large images can make your site look amazing, but they don’t really do anything to grab your visitor’s attention other than sitting there and looking cool. You want to really grab their attention and hang on to it?

A video background ought to do it. One of the most popular trends in web design is videos that play in the background. Adding a video background to your WordPress website doesn’t have to be daunting. Step 1: Choose Your Source for Videos You can either use your own videos and format and host them yourself, pull them from sources such as YouTube and Vimeo or use stock videos. Here are a few good places to get stock videos: Step 2: Convert Your Videos to the Proper Size and Format When considering file size keep in mind that there are still lots of people with slower connections – especially those in rural areas. Step 3: Choose Your Video Player There are several options for playing the videos. HTML5 Video Player Comparison.