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Oasys Software - MassMotion Flow: Crowd Simulation and Pedestrian Modelling Software for all users. Crowd simulation with MassMotion Flow We are delighted to introduce MassMotion Flow 9.0, which enables designers everywhere to take advantage of crowd and evacuation simulation on all kinds of projects.

Oasys Software - MassMotion Flow: Crowd Simulation and Pedestrian Modelling Software for all users

Version 9.0 has a host of new features, which includes direct support for SketchUp and modelling tools to build 3D from 2D with ease. Read more about Version 9.0 'Flow' brings the power and speed of MassMotion to a wider market. It features unlimited crowd sizes and the advanced analysis tools that crowd specialists around the world have come to rely on.

BIM+ - Don’t get trapped in the BIM chasm. In the first of three articles on the industry’s BIM journey, John Adams, head of BIM services at BIM Strategy, highlights the dangers of getting stuck in the BIM chasm.

BIM+ - Don’t get trapped in the BIM chasm

The journey to the Level 2 mandate has been a great success. Not everybody is doing it yet, or even seeing the requirements coming through, but there is wide agreement that the technology, standards, and knowledge base are all robust enough to ensure adoption is now inevitable. The tipping point is breached and there is no going back, now it’s over to those in the industry to adapt or be replaced by new entrants or existing competitors who have beaten them to the punch. Geoffrey Moore’s excellent book Crossing the Chasm, the concepts of which are usually applied to the technology sector, offers great insight into our BIM journey so far and that still to come.

Moore describes how any new and disruptive technology has to make a leap from cutting edge to accepted paradigm before conquering the mass market. DMA David Miller Architects - Practice. David Miller’s background lies in the design and delivery of three dimensionally complex buildings having worked with Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava and Future Systems.

DMA David Miller Architects - Practice

At Future Systems, he was the associate director and project architect on the Stirling prize-winning Media Centre at Lord’s Cricket Ground and in 2015 DMA were commissioned to comprehensively upgrade it. David’s expertise in combining 3D skills with new technology to enhance building design is what drives our practice today. This has influenced our search for better outcomes and to break down traditional barriers to collaboration we’ve reimagined how an architectural practice works using technology as an enabler.

As a result, we develop all of our designs together with other consultants and makers as 3D data rich models. This encourages everyone’s input so only the strongest options progress. Dossier Maquette numérique / BIM (Dossiers.Dossier Maquette numérique BIM) - XWiki. Step-by-step guide to using BIM on projects. This step-by-step guide explains how level 2 building information modelling (BIM) can be used for the development of a built asset such as a new building.

Step-by-step guide to using BIM on projects

Level 2 BIM is required as a minimum on centrally-procured public projects in the UK and is commonly used on private-sector projects. This guide is written for use by people who are not BIM experts and will be helpful for employers, consultants, contractors and suppliers. To help understand BIM, a glossary of BIM terminology is provided along with a wide selection of supporting articles. Projects that incorporate level 2 BIM identify the decisions that will need to be made throughout the life of a built asset and the information deliverables required at each stage of the project to support those decisions. This ensures that appropriate information is created and shared in a suitable format at the right time so that better decisions can be made throughout the delivery and operation of built assets.

Stage 0: Strategic definition. Darren Lester. Xinaps. Brett Young. Glossaire AUTODESK. Tout le vocabulaire lié au BIM n’aura bientôt plus de secrets pour vous.

Glossaire AUTODESK

BIM ou Building Information Modeling/Model/Management ou Bâtiment et Informations Modélisés. BIM Excellence. v0.73 | Last Updated Sep 9, 2015.

BIM Excellence

This Model Uses List represents the latest stable taxonomy with 125 Model Uses, organized under 3 Categories and 9 Series. To understand the Model Uses concept and how the Model Uses List was developed, please refer to BIM ThinkSpace Episode 24: Understanding Model Uses. CATEGORY I: Model Uses > General Model Uses General Model Uses are applicable across industries, information systems and knowledge domains. General MUs include the word ‘modelling’ in their name and are typically measured using granularity metrics (e.g. Cost Engineering – BIM / High Performance Buildings – LEAN Construction Project Delivery Methods – Job Order Contracting, IPD, 5D BIM. Source: International Journal of Facility Management, Vol 4, No 1 (2013), via – Premier cost estimating and efficient project delivery software for JOC, SABER, IDIQ, SATOC, MATOC, MACC POCA, BOA, BOA… including exclusively enhanced 400,000+ RSMeans line item cost database, contract/project/document management, and visual estimating/QTO.

Cost Engineering – BIM / High Performance Buildings – LEAN Construction Project Delivery Methods – Job Order Contracting, IPD, 5D BIM

BIM is the life-cycle management of the built environment supported by digital technology. Unfortunately, too much emphasis has been placed upon 3-D visualization and other technology components vs. the process of life-cycle management.Facility / Infrastructure Life Cycle Cost: Costs associated with designing, acquiring, constructing, adapting, maintaining, repairing, and operating a built structure.While Value Management is used as term in this paper, it is arguably interchangeable with Capital Planning and Management (CPMS).

Correspondence: This paper used literature review to achieve its aim. IV.1 The evaluation phase. Formations BIM: MS-BIM 2015-2016. BIM - home. Why BIM is Still Bankrupting Your Firm - Shoegnome. Back in 2012 I updated a classic BIM graphic to show how BIM can bankrupt your firm.

Why BIM is Still Bankrupting Your Firm - Shoegnome

You can argue about the specific curves, but the essence is true. Here’s the original image showing how BIM shifts when the bulk of an architect’s time is spent: My updated graphic describes firms that panic, reverting to a CAD mindset after starting with BIM methodologies. As is obvious from the image below, this is a bad idea: MSI and BETA versions. Onuma - About BIMStorm® About BIMStorm® Watch the introduction of BIMStorm in Vancouver You can be part of a BIMstorm™.

Onuma - About BIMStorm®

Learn how here. Join the Webinars BIMstorm™ Coming to a City Near You (or participate virtually) Join a BIMStorm BIMStorm Featured in the Following Books BIMStorm Featured in April 2008 CADAlyst Magazine BIMStorm Featured as Cover Article on JBIM Magazine The Spring 2008 Journal of Building Information Modeling from The Building Smart Alliance, National Institute of Building Science features BIMStorm LA.

Asite – Corporate Collaboration, eProcurement, BIM, eSourcing, Contract Management, Building Information Modelling. LOD, level of detail, définition niveau de détail. CodeBook Products. Room Data Manager – “Single Version of Truth” Room Data Manager allows all those involved in design, construction and operation of complex buildings to work with co-ordinated data, produce schedules, graphical views, room data sheets (RDS) and BIM ready outputs.

CodeBook Products

As a BIM data repository and gateway, Room Data Manager can be used simultaneously with all or any of the leading architectural and engineering software applications. A change in one system is then reflected across all systems relevant to a project, with information fully related, analyzed for consistency and synchronized. This 'single version of the truth' – the most up-to-date version of the emerging design – is then immediately available to all. The BIM data stored in the database becomes invaluable to building owners for strategic reviews of building use covering maintenance, renovation, refurbishment and eventual demolition. BIM Software. Open Standards 101. We are in effect creating a new digital language which will allow advanced information technology to openly and freely exchange structured information throughout the lifecycle to improve construction, operation and portfolio management of the built environment.

Process Standard – Information Delivery Manual (IDM) BuildingSMART processes (IDMs) capture (and progressively integrate) business process whilst at the same time providing detailed specifications of the information that a user fulfilling a particular role would need to provide at a particular point within a project. To further support the user information exchange requirements specification, IDMs also propose a set of modular model functions that can be reused in the development of support for further user requirements.

L’indice de management du changement Trexia - JDN - Conduite du changement Trexia. Maturité des processus. Introduction to the COINS-system - CoinsWiki. Coinsweb - Just Use it! What openBIM does for you: BuildingSMART in four minutes. Video Results. Building EQ - intelligize your energy management: homepage. Building Regulations: 8 Reasons to Use the Online Versions. You may have already read about how and why we decided to convert all of the Building Regulations Approved Documents for England and Wales into a more user-friendly web format. You may even have already used them. (If not you can check them out here). Either way, we thought it would be great to highlight some of the really useful aspects of them being available in this format that you may have missed.

So check out the infographic below, which highlights 8 reasons why the online Building Regulations are awesome (not including the fact they are free!). Online Building Regulations Infographic View a larger version of the Building Regulations infographic. Manchester Revit User Group - MRUG. Tips and Tricks Archive You can download the back catalog of video Revit tips and tricks from both the Manchester and Midlands (now wound up) Revit user groups from prior to meeting 8. After meeting 8, tips and tricks are uploaded on an individual meeting basis. Videos are not narrated. View Schedule with Detail Numbers Macro for Revit. A question was posted on about showing a view's detail number in a view list schedule.

Revit has a parameter for the Detail Number (see first image) but it isn't accessible to add in a view list schedule. mBIMviewer - Summit Technology (Hong Kong) Ltd. BuildingSMART Data Dictionary Browser. Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) Home > Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) by E. William East, PE, PhDEngineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Last updated: 03-03-2014 Introduction Today, most contracts require the handover of paper documents containing equipment lists, product data sheets, warranties, spare part lists, preventive maintenance schedules, and other information. "Normally it takes us 3 years to get as-builts after the financial closeout of a project. Gathering this information at the end of the job, today's standard practice, is expensive, since most of the information has to be recreated from information created earlier.

The COBie approach is to enter the data as it is created during design, construction, and commissioning, see Figure 1. Fig. 1. CobiT. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Home — buildingSMART. Overview — buildingSMART. Tout Sur Le BIM. Accueil > Pourquoi, pour qui > Les métiers > La maîtrise d'œuvre Avantages Associés à un économiste de la construction et à des ingénieurs, les architectes constituent la maîtrise d’œuvre, et sont chargés de concevoir et de coordonner les diverses entreprises intervenants sur les projets de construction ou de rénovation.

Travaillant en étroite collaboration avec les experts mentionnés ci-dessus, ils sont garants de la bonne réalisation technique des solutions, conformément aux exigences de la maîtrise d'ouvrage. Bimsync - your BIM in your browser. CODEBIM: Collaborative Design Education using BIM. AFNOR – commission PPBIM, Propriétés des Produits de Construction. Catégorisation et gestion des propriétés de produits de construction : AFNOR/PPBIM. Maquette numérique (BIM) et gestion du patrimoine. Les applications et enjeux du BIM dans la gestion du patrimoine, Janvier 2012 Le BIM est déjà utilisé dans la gestion de plusieurs dizaines de millions de m² en France, il est destiné à devenir un réflexe.

Il existe une rupture terminologique correspondant à la rupture de fonction entre le maître d’ouvrage, pendant la conception et la construction, et le gestionnaire technique de patrimoine, une fois que le bâtiment est construit. En effet, bien qu’étant parfois les mêmes acteurs, leur rôle est différent, et il arrive souvent que les équipes qui suivent la construction du bâtiment ne soient pas celles qui l’exploitent. Maquette numérique (BIM) et gestion du patrimoine. EDMmodelServer™ (ifc) BIM/VDC solutions for the built environment, based on open BIM standards – buildingSMART.EXPRESS Data Manager™ offers the market leading software development kit for the efficient implementation of the IFC BIM.

Using libraries and graphical applications give full access to the semantics of IFC/IFD Library and IDM. Use powerful query and debug tools to ensure that your IFC interface is robust with performance. Develop the best BIM functionality and use our toolkit to earn your buildingSMART certified logo and to easily be able to read/write IFC and ifcXML files.